Marching Band

TelevisionShow Planning
A-Team, Theme From The
Composer: Post/Carpenter
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: ContemporaryBaby Elephant Walk/Peter Gunn
Composer: Mancini, Henry
Arranger: Murtha/Rapp
Series: EspritBatman Theme (Tv)
Composer: Hefti, Neal
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyBest of Both Worlds, The
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy ContemporaryThe Big Bang Theory (Main Title)
Arranger: Burke, Dallas C
Bonanza Theme
Arranger: Ford, Ralph
Series: Diamond
Permanently Out of PrintBreaking Free
Composer: Houston, Jamie
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy ContemporaryCan I Have This Dance
Composer: Anders/Hassman
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy ContemporaryCartoon Capers
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyCartoon Hits
Arranger: Conaway/Finger
Series: ContemporaryChariots of Fire
Arranger: Bocook, Jay
Permanently Out of PrintCleveland Rocks
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Theme From Coach
Composer: Morris, John
Arranger: Wilson, Eric
Series: Series One
Permanently Out of PrintDragnet
Composer: Schumann/Rozsa
Arranger: Lopez, Victor
Series: Mega Sounds
Permanently Out of PrintDragnet
Composer: Schumann/Rozsa
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And Easy
Permanently Out of PrintEye of The Tiger
Arranger: Adams, Doug
Series: Easy PopsFlash
Arranger: Wallace, Tom
Flintstones, (Meet) The
Arranger: Barret, Roland
Series: Mega SoundsFor Your Eyes Only/James Bond Theme
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And Easy
Permanently Out of PrintGame of Thrones
Arranger: Bocook, Jay
Series: ContemporaryGeorge of The Jungle
Arranger: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: Easy Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintGet Smart
Composer: Szathmary, Irving
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintGet Smart Theme
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyGoldfinger/James Bond Theme
Composer: Norman/Bricusse/Newley
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyHawaii Five-O
Arranger: Adams, Doug
Series: Easy PopsHawaii Five-O
Arranger: Wallace, Tom
Hawaii Five-O
Composer: Stevens, Mort
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: Easy ContemporaryHold On
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy ContemporaryHooray For Hollywood
Composer: Merder/Whiting
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy Pops
Permanently Out of PrintI Am The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Composer: Gold, Murray
Arranger: Conaway, Matt
Series: PerformanceI'll Be There For You
Arranger: Henning, Dave
I'm A Believer
Arranger: Wasson, John
Series: ContemporaryJames Bond Theme
Composer: Norman, Monty
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy PopsThe Jetsons (Main Theme)
Arranger: Sharp, Chris
Linus and Lucy
Composer: Guaraldi, Vince
Arranger: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: EspritThe Mandalorian
Composer: Goransson, Ludwig
Arranger: Murtha/Rapp
Series: ContemporaryMission: Impossible Theme
Composer: Schifrin, Lalo
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: EspritMission: Impossible Theme
Composer: Schifrin, Lalo
Arranger: Rapp, Will
Series: PercussionMusic of Nfl Films
Arranger: Murtha/Brown
Series: Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintNobody's Perfect
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintNow Or Never
Arranger: Brown/Rapp
Series: Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintOne Small Voice/Sesame Street Theme
Arranger: Saucedo, Richard
Series: Esprit
Permanently Out of PrintParty In The U S A
Arranger: Lopez, Victor
Series: Mega SoundsPeople In Your Neighborhood
Composer: Moss, Jeff
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: Esprit SeriesPeter Gunn
Composer: Mancini, Henry
Arranger: Adams, Doug
Series: Easy Pops
Permanently Out of PrintPink Panther, The
Composer: Mancini, Henry
Arranger: Murtha/Rapp
Series: EspritPokemon Theme
Arranger: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: Easy ContemporaryPowerhouse
Composer: Scott, Raymond
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: PerformanceRawhide
Composer: Washington/Tiomkin
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And Easy
Permanently Out of PrintRawhide
Composer: Tiomkin, Dimitri
Arranger: Scott, Brian
Series: Mega SoundsRawhide
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy PopsRubber Duckie/Put Down The Duckie
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: EspritS O S
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: Easy Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintScooby-Doo Where Are You
Arranger: Adams, Doug
Series: Easy Pops
Permanently Out of PrintSesame Street Theme
Composer: Hart/Stone/Raposo
Arranger: Saucedo, Richard
Series: EspritSimpsons, The
Composer: Elfman, Danny
Arranger: Lavender/Jenkins
Series: ContemporarySimpsons, The
Composer: Elfman, Danny
Arranger: Higgins, John
Series: Easy ContemporarySince U Been Gone
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: ContemporarySoul Finger
Composer: Cunningham/Alexander
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: EspritSpider-Man, Theme From
Arranger: Lavender, Paul
Series: Series OneTheme From Spiderman
Composer: Webster/Harris
Arranger: Murphy, JoeSpongebob Squarepants
Arranger: Lavender, Paul
Series: Series OneStar Trek Finale
Arranger: Bocook, Jay
Series: Easy Limited EditionStar Trek Generations, Theme From
Arranger: Bocook, Jay
Series: PerformanceTj Hooker (Main Theme)
Composer: Snow, Mark
Arranger: Ford, Ralph
Series: Mega SoundsWe Rock
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: Easy Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintWest Wing (Main Theme)
Arranger: Lopez, Victor
Series: Warner Bros Marching Band
Permanently Out of PrintWhat Time Is It
Arranger: Waters, Tim
Series: ContemporaryYou Are The Music In Me
Arranger: Waters, Tim
Series: Easy Contemporary
Permanently Out of PrintMore Show Planning CategoriesBrowse Marching Band
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs