Marching Band

PatrioticShow Planning
Always Faithful
Arranger: Wilson/Edgerton
America Let Freedom Ring
Arranger: Scott, Brian
Series: Diamond
Permanently Out of PrintAmerica The Beatuiful
Composer: Ward/Bates
Arranger: Baratta, Nick
Series: Warner Bros Marching Band
Permanently Out of PrintAmerica The Beautiful
Arranger: Brown, Michael
Series: EspritAmerica The Beautiful
Arranger: Dragon/Dawson
America The Beautiful Stars and Stripes
Arranger: Waters, Tim
America: Sweet Land of Liberty
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And Easy
Permanently Out of PrintAmerica's Patriotic Songs
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy Pops
Permanently Out of PrintAmerican Anthems
Arranger: Burke, Dallas
American Finale
Arranger: Burke, Dallas
An American Tribute
Arranger: Burke, Dallas
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy Pops
Permanently Out of PrintAnchors Aweigh/Eternal Father...
Arranger: Wilson/Edgerton
Armed Forces Marching On
Arranger: Boartfield, Will
Emblems of America
Arranger: Galyen, Tim
Fanfare On Battle Hymn of The Republic
Arranger: Waters, Tim
From Sea To Shining Sea
Arranger: Burns, Jerry
Series: Very Easy PopsGeorge M Cohan On Parade
Composer: Cohan, George M
Arranger: Stough, MikeGettysburg
Arranger: Baratta, Nick
Series: Mega Sounds
Permanently Out of PrintGlory, The
Arranger: Bocook/Rapp
God Bless America
Composer: Berlin, Irving
Arranger: Bocook, Jay
Series: PerformanceGrand Old Land of Liberty
Arranger: Boartfield, Will
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Arranger: Aguilar, John
Patriotic Finale (2019)
Arranger: Ford, Ralph
Patriotic Parade Sequence
Arranger: Lavender/Rapp
Series: Series OnePatriotic Salute
Arranger: Ford, Ralph
Series: Mega SoundsRocket's Red Glare
Composer: Scott, Brian
Series: DiamondSalute To America, A
Arranger: Stough, Mike
Seapower Fanfare
Composer: Brubaker, Jerry
Series: DiamondSousa Spectacular, A
Arranger: Burke, Dallas
A Star-Spangled March
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyStars and Stripes Forever
Composer: Sousa, John Philip
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And EasyStars and Stripes On Parade
Arranger: Henning, Dave
Stars and Stripes 1812 Overture
Arranger: Porter/Grant
Strike Up The Band
Arranger: Ford, Ralph
Series: Diamond
Permanently Out of PrintThis Is My Country
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: Series OneThis We'll Defend
Arranger: Wilson/Edgerton
Veterans' Salute
Arranger: Dawson, Jay
Yankee Doodle
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Yankee Doodle Drums
Arranger: Burke, Dallas
You're A Grand Old Flag
Composer: Cohan, George M.
Arranger: Jennings
Series: Series OneYou're A Grand Old Flag
Composer: Cohan, George M
Arranger: Waters, TimYou're A Grand Old Flag/Amer The Beautfl
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Big And Easy3 Easy Patriotic Parades
Arranger: Waters, Tim
3 Patriotic Parades
Arranger: Gray, Allen
More Show Planning CategoriesBrowse Marching Band
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
128,771 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs