
Originals3-5 Octaves
Acclamation In G Minor
Composer: Thompson, Karen
Allegro Grandioso
Composer: Keller, Michael R
Composer: Tervo, Brian
Composer: Sinclair, Jerry
Arranger: Lamb, Linda RAlleluia Give Thanks
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Always By My Side
Composer: Mcfadden, Jane
American Tapestry I: March
Composer: Sherman, Arnold
American Tapestry Ii: Jazz Rag
Composer: Sherman, Arnold
American Tapestry Iii: Spiritual
Composer: Sherman, Arnold
Answer The Call
Composer: Krug, Jason
Composer: Keller, Michael R
Composer: Helman, Michael
Barcarole (Peace In The Storm)
Composer: Cota, Patricia
Bell Hop Boogie and Blues
Composer: Tucker, Margaret
Bell Paean
Composer: Hakes, Derek K
Bell Prayer
Composer: Taranto, A Steven
Bells of Joy
Composer: Rodriguez, Penny
Beside Still Waters
Composer: Starks, Howard
Blessing and Honor
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Bread of Angels
Composer: Payn, William A
A Call To Celebration
Composer: Angerman, David
Campanae Celebrare
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Composer: Li, Emily
Canto De Esperanza
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Carillon Celebration
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Composer: Krug, Jason
Chanson Joyeuse (Song of Joy)
Composer: Stitt, Julie
Clarion Call
Composer: Joy, Michael
Come Away To The Skies
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Come Into God's Court With Praise
Composer: Helman, Michael
Creation's Dawn: A Prairie Hymn
Composer: Tucker, Sondra
Dance and Air In C
Composer: Sherman, Arnold
Dance At Dawn
Composer: Morris, Hart
Dance Before The Lord
Composer: Helman, Michael
Dance Capriccio
Composer: Hakes, Derek K
Dance of Celebration
Composer: Taranto, A Steven
Dancing Raindrops
Composer: Thomson, Patricia A
Deb's Song
Composer: Behnke, John A
A Declaration Of Praise
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Declare The Maker's Praise
Composer: Daniel, Joseph D
Arranger: Waldrop, TammyDreamscape
Composer: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Early One Morning
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Composer: Childers, Brian
An Expression Of Joy
Composer: Behnke, John A
Exuberant Praise (Splendid)
Composer: Johnston, Kerry
Exultant Variations (Afdahl Variations)
Composer: Helman, Michael
Composer: Bauder, Josh
Fanfare and Alleluia
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Fanfare and Exaltation
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Fanfare Festiva
Composer: Werner, Barbara
Fanfare of Praise
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Fantasy #2
Composer: Helman, Michael
Festal Dance
Composer: Waugh, Tim
Festive Bell Flourish
Composer: Barrow, Lee G
Festive Celebration
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
Festive Jubilation
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Festive Peal
Composer: Thompson, Karen
Festive Praise
Arranger: Mckechnie, D Linda
Festive Promenade
Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen
Permanently Out of PrintFestive Psalm of Gladness
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Fiesta Con Campanillas
Composer: Mizell, Carol Lynn
Five Easy Celebrations
Composer: Keller, Michael R
Four Processionals
Composer: Mcfadden, Jane
Froehlich Tanze
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen
Gaelic Greeting
Composer: Mcfadden, Jane
Gaudio Exsultans
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
The Gift Of Grace
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Gift of Peace
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Giocoso (Bell Jubilee)
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Giusto Con Vivo
Composer: Glasgow, Michael
Glad Adoration
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
A Glorious Everlasting Hallelujah Raise
Composer: Gramann, Fred
God of Joy God of Strength
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
God's Grace
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
Permanently Out of PrintA Grand Celebration
Composer: Hakes, Derek K
Grand March
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
Grand March Redux
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
Greet The Rising Sun
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Guiding Spirit
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Here He Comes
Composer: Waldrop, Tammy
Permanently Out of PrintHope For Reconciliation
Composer: Afdahl, Lee J
Hope Street Rag
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
In Peace and Joy
Composer: Allured, Donald E
In The Stillness
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Intrada Festiva
Composer: Kauffman, Ronald
Jazz Pizzicato
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Journey Ahead, The
Composer: Mallory, Ron
A Journey Home
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Joy and Celebration
Composer: Afdahl, Lee J
Joy and Elation
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Joy and Grace
Composer: Helman, Michael
Joy In The Morning
Composer: Sleeth, Natalie
Arranger: Thompson, Martha LJoyful Rhythm
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
A Joyful Ring
Composer: Kinyon, Barbara B
Joyous Proclamation
Composer: Mallory, Ron
Composer: Waldrop, Tammy
Composer: Page, Anna Laura
Jubilant Fafare
Composer: Lloyd, Sallie
A Jubilant Peal
Composer: Helman, Michael
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintJubilation
Composer: Parrish, Mary Kay
Composer: Sherman, Arnold
Kingsport Procession
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
La Paix (Peace)
Composer: Stitt, Julie
Lament and Dance
Composer: Lawrence, Eileen
Composer: Frizzell, J D
A Large Day
Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen
Permanently Out of PrintLaudamus
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Permanently Out of PrintLet Bells of Silver Ring Out
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
Light Eternal
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Permanently Out of PrintThe Light Of The World
Composer: Krug, Jason W
The Light Of The World
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Linstead Market
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Little One
Composer: Krug, Jason
Loss and Light
Composer: Laurence, Eileen
Love Will Find A Way
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Composer: Gramann, Fred
Majestic Alleluia
Composer: Raney, Joel
March of Praise
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
Melody of Hope
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K
A Merry Heart
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Composer: Helman, Michael
Morning Joy
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen
Mountain Springs
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K
The Music Of The Spheres
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
My Soul Crieth Out
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Permanently Out of PrintA New Day
Composer: Tucker, Benjamin
Composer: Mcklveen, Paul A
Permanently Out of PrintOffertory
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Arranger: Muschick, JohnOn The Winds of Morning
Composer: Schiffert, Mark J
Composer: Wilson, Malcolm C
Permanently Out of PrintOvation of Praise
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Passacaglia For Handbells
Composer: Helman, Michael
The Passion Prophecy
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Composer: Burroughs, Bob
Pick A Winner
Composer: Gillis, Lew
Pick A Winner
Composer: Gillis, Lew
Arranger: Freeman, ArdisPizzicato Bells
Composer: Lloyd, Sallie
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Series: Ardis Freeman Handbell LiPraise and Celebration
Composer: Tucker, Margaret R
Praise Unfolding
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Permanently Out of PrintPrayer For Humanity
Composer: Lamb, Linda
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Processional and Joyful Dance
Composer: Tucker, Margaret R
Psallite (Klezmer For Bells)
Composer: Edwards, Dan
Psalm Nine
Composer: Wiltse, Carl
Psalm 104
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Psalm 23
Composer: Lamb, Linda R
Psalm 75
Composer: Spicer, Robert
Permanently Out of PrintRagtime
Composer: Kearns, Jacques M
Reflection and Rejoicing
Composer: Helman, Michael
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara Balt
Rejoice Exceedingly
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
Remembrance (Donna's Theme)
Composer: Tucker, Margaret R
Renewed Spirit
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
Resounding Fury
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Resounding Joy
Composer: Geschke, Susan
Resounding Jubliation
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Composer: Wagner, Dean
Composer: Helman, Michael
Ribaltimento (Abundant Joy)
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Ring A Song of Joy
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
Ring of Praise
Composer: Wilson, Malcolm
Permanently Out of PrintRing Praises
Composer: Akers, Michael E
Permanently Out of PrintRing To The Lord A New Song
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Ring To The Lord A New Song
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Composer: Mouret, Jean Joseph
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas ERondo Giocoso
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
Permanently Out of PrintRondo Giocoso
Composer: Hakes, Derek K
Rondo Maestoso
Composer: Harmon, Neil
Permanently Out of PrintA Round Of Praise
Composer: Helman, Michael
Composer: Fedon, Jill
Search With All Your Heart
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Seasons of Life
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K
Seasons of The Heart
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Composer: Smith, Douglas Floyd
Sharon's Song
Composer: Allured, Donald E
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K
A Simple Song Of Praise
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Sing and Rejoice
Composer: Hakes, Derek K
Permanently Out of PrintSing Away Sadness
Composer: Harmon, Neil
Six Processionals
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
Soar Like An Eagle
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
A Solemn Procession
Composer: Bisbee, B Wayne
Sonatina #3 For Handbells
Composer: Helman, Michael
Song of Assurance
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Song of Assurance
Composer: Sherman, Arnold B
Staccato Giocoso
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Steadfast Assurance
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Te Deum Laudamus
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
This Day of Gladness
Composer: Geschke, Susan E
This Joyful Day
Composer: McChesney, Kevin
Three Sketches
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
A Time For Rejoicing
Composer: Kinyon, Barbara B
A Time To Dance
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
A Time To Dance
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Tin Tin A Rhumba
Composer: Duncan, Andrew
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Composer: Glasgow, Michael J
Composer: Chopin
Arranger: Burt, KeithTriumphant Spirit
Composer: Hanson, Nicholas
Tuya Es La Gloria
Composer: Sylvester, Susan T
Two Fanfares For A Celebration
Composer: Coe, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintUna Danza Alegre (A Joyous Dance)
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Valse Passacaglia
Composer: Stephenson, Valerie
Permanently Out of PrintVictorious Hope
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Arranger: Payn, William A
Composer: Mallory, Ron
Walk In The Light
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen L
Waters of Grace
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen La
Wherever I May Wander
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Developing RingersWinter's Waltz
Composer: Krug, Jason W
With A Bold Voice
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
With A Joyful Heart
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
With A Joyful Spirit
Composer: Mcklveen, Paul
With Gladness Ring
Composer: Moates, William
Yankee Doodle Medley
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Series: Developing RingersZip Zing Ring
Composer: Austin, Brenda E
More 3-5 Octaves CategoriesBrowse Handbell
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs