
Hymn Tunes3-5 Octaves
' Tis A Gift To Be Simple
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Developing RingersAbba Father
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Abide With Me
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
Abide With Me
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Abide With Me
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Abide With Me
Arranger: Krug, Jason
An Advent Celebration
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Advent Meditation
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintAdvent Voices
Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen
Again I Say Rejoice
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Hungerford, Susan Ul
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Moats, William E
Ain't A That Good News
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Alas and Did My Savior Bleed
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintAlas and Did My Savior Bleed
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
All Creatures of Our God and King
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
All Creatures of Our God and King
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
All Glory In The Highest
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Series: Intermediate RingersAll Glory Laud and Honor
Arranger: Benton, Robin
All Glory Laud and Honor
Composer: Teschner, Melchior
Arranger: Tucker, SondraAll Glory Laud and Honor
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
All Glory Laud and Honor
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
All Glory Laud and Honor
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
All Nature Sings
Arranger: Childers, Brian
All Night All Day
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
All Night All Day
Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen
All Night All Day
Arranger: Geschke, Susan
All The Bells On Earth Shall Ring
Arranger: Scholes, Linda
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
All Through The Silent Night
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Alleluia Amen
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Alleluia Rejoice and Sing
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Developing RingersAlleluia Sing To Jesus
Composer: Prichard, Rowland H
Arranger: Morris, HartAlleluia The Strife Is O'Er
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
Am I A Soldier of The Cross
Arranger: Bauder, Josh
Permanently Out of PrintAmazing Grace
Arranger: Maggs, Charles
Amazing Grace
Arranger: Wilson, Malcolm C
Amazing Grace
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Amazing Grace
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Amazing Grace
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Arranger: Stewart, Kevin
America Give Thanks
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Series: Intermediate RingersAmerica God Shed His Grace On Thee
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
America The Beautiful
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
An American Folk Hymn Sampler
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
Permanently Out of PrintAn American Medley
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
And Can It Be
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
And Can It Be That I Should Gain
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
And Can It Be That I Should Gain
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
And Can It Be/Love Divine
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Angel Songs
Composer: Ingram, Bill
Permanently Out of PrintAngels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Angels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Delancy, Lauran
Angels Sang At Bethlehem
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
Angels Sing Gloria
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Series: Intermediate RingersAngels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Kent, David R
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
An Appalachian Christmas
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Are Ye Able
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Are Ye Able
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Aria For Handbells
Composer: Wood, Dale
Arise (Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy)
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
As Lately We Watched
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Developing RingersAsh Grove
Arranger: Morris, Hart
The Ash Grove
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Ash Grove, The
Arranger: Childers, Brian
Series: Developing RingersAssurance
Composer: Helman, Michael
At The Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Away In A Manger
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Away In A Manger
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
The Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Be Still My Soul
Arranger: Line/Mcchesney
Be Still My Soul
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Series: Intermediate RingersBe Still My Soul W/It Is Well With My So
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Be Thou My Vision
Arranger: Stitt, Julie
Be Thou My Vision
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Be Thou My Vision
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Be Thou My Vision
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Beach Spring
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Beach Spring (God Whose Giving Knows No
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee
Beautiful Savior
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Permanently Out of PrintBecause He Lives
Composer: Gaither, William J
Arranger: Waldrop, TammyBecause He Lives
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
The Bells Of Christmas
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara B
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas EBest of Agape For 3-5 Octaves Vol 1, The
Arranger: Dobrinski/Thompson, Larson/Eithun/Bettch
Best of Agape For 3-5 Octaves Vol 4
Arranger: Dobrinski/Wagner/Thompson/Cota/Tucker/Ra
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Bless The Lord
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintBlessed Assurance
Composer: Knapp, Phoebe Palmer
Arranger: Page, Anna LauraBlessed Assurance
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Blessed Assurance
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Blessed Assurance
Arranger: Malloey, Ron
Blessing and Honor
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Born In Bethlehem
Arranger: Griffin, William H
Composer: Barnett, Marie
Arranger: Hakes, Derek KBreathe On Me Breath of God
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
Brethren We Have Met To Worship
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Brethren We Have Met To Worship
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Bright and Glorious Is The Sky
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Brightest and Best
Composer: Winter, Sandra
Brightest and Best of The Stars
Arranger: Tippette, Bruce W
Brightest and Best of The Stars of The M
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabelle
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Brother James' Air
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Built On A Rock
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Series: Intermediate RingersCalled Home To Heaven
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
Canticle of Praise
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Canticle On Kingsfold
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Canticle On When Morning Gilds The Skies
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
A Caribbean Christmas
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Caribbean Praise On Azmon
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Carillon and Bell Jubilee
Arranger: Tucker, Margaret R
Carol of The Birds
Arranger: Carr, Deborah
Carol On
Arranger: Wagner/Akers
Permanently Out of PrintCarols For The Newborn King
Arranger: Larson , Lloyd
Carols of The Manger
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Carols We Love To Ring
Arranger: Wagner/Thompson/Ivey
Catalonian Carol
Arranger: Kauffmann, Ronald
Celebrate The Newborn King (Christmas Me
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Celebration On Duke Street
Arranger: Karissa, Dennis
Celtic Dance On Pleading Savior
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Celtic Grace
Arranger: Geschke, Susan
Celtic Grace
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Intermediate RingersCeltic Noel
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
A Child Is Born
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
A Child Is Born
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Children Go Where I Send Thee
Arranger: Tucker, Ben
Series: Intermediate RingersChildren of The Heavenly Father
Composer: Page, Anna Laura
Chorgdal Invisible God Only Wise
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Christ Arose
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Christ Arose/Hallelujah
Arranger: Sanders, Patricia A
Christ Is Alive All Christians Sing
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Christ The Lord Is Risen Again
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Christmas Acclamations
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Christmas Angels
Arranger: Tervo, Brian
Christmas Bell Rejoicing
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
Christmas Bells Are Ringing
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Christmas Bells Are Ringing, The
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
A Christmas Carillon
Arranger: Tucker, Margaret R
Christmas Celebration
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Christmas In About Three Minutes
Composer: Weston, Mark
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintChristmas Joy and Adoration
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Christmas Meditation
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Christmas Meditations For Handbells
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Permanently Out of PrintChristmas Star
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Christmas Suite
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Christmas Tapestry
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Christmas Trilogy
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Christmas Trilogy
Arranger: Nelson, Susan T
Christmastime W/O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
The Church Of Christ In Every Age
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J
Church of God
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
The Church's One Foundation
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
The Church's One Foundation
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Classical Easter
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Climbing Jacob's Ladder
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Cold December Flies Away
Arranger: Boyer, Douglas R
Come All Ye Shepherds
Arranger: Hall, Jeffrey A
Come and Adore
Arranger: Ingram/Lamb/Moklebust/Rogers
Come Away To The Skies
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Come Behold The Newborn King
Arranger: Scholes, Linda
Come Christians Join To Sing
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Come Christians Join To Sing
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Come Christians Join To Sing
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Come Creator Spirit
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Come Down O Love Divine
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Come Down O Love Divine
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come O Thou Traveler Unknown
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Permanently Out of PrintCome Ringing Noel
Arranger: Helman/Wagner/Larson
Come Thou Almighty King
Arranger: Parrish, Mary Kay
Come Thou Almighty King
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Come Thou Almighty King
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Arranger: Littleton, R Lyndel
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Arranger: Watanabe, Kiyo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Arranger: Delancy, Lauran
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J
Come To The Table
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Come Worship The King
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Come Ye Thankful Gather Together
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Arranger: Scholes, Linda
Communion Meditation
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Communion Meditations Set 2
Arranger: Tucker, Margaret
Communion Reflections
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Companas De Belen (Bells of Bethlehem)
Arranger: Kellermeyer, David M
Contemplation On Beautiful Savior
Arranger: Compton, Matthew
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Burt, Keith
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Helman, Michael
The Cross The Grave The Skies
Arranger: Behnke, John
Cross, The
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Crown Him Lord of All
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Crown Him Lord of All
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Permanently Out of PrintCrown Him Lord of All
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Mitchell, Kirtsy
Permanently Out of PrintCrown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthis
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Tucker/Tucker
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Crown of Thorns Crown of Glory
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Day By Day
Arranger: Stitt, Julie
Day By Day The Shepherd Leads
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Series: Developing RingersDeck The Halls
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Deck The Halls
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin
Deck The Halls
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Declare The Maker's Praise
Composer: Daniel, Joseph D
Arranger: Waldrop, TammyDeep River
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Arranger: Sherman, ArnoldDing Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Series: Developing RingersDing Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Burroughs, Bob
Dixieland Swing On What A Friend We Have
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Do Lord
Arranger: Morris, Bradley
Do Lord
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Dona Nobis Pacem
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Dona Nobis Pacem
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Down By The Riverside
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Down By The Riverside
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Draw Near and Take The Body of The Lord
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Dreamscape On Still Still Still
Arranger: Childers, Brian
Series: Advanced RingersEaster and Beyond
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Easter Fanfares
Arranger: Coe, Michael
Easter Hymn
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Easter Joy
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Easter Morning Celebration
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Easter Proclamation
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Easy Favorites For The Handbell Soloist
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Easy To Ring Praise & Worship
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Easy To Ring Praise & Worship 2
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Easy To Ring Praise & Worship 4
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Easy To Ring Praise & Worship 5
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Easy To Ring Praise & Worship 6
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Echoing Their Joyous Strains
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
The Empty Tomb
Arranger: Behnke, John
An English Christmas
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Essential Classics For 3-5 Octaves Vol 2
Arranger: Dobrinski/Sherman/Mcchesney/Raney
Eternal Father Strong To Save
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Ev'ry Time I Feel The Spirit
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
An Evergreen Christmas
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Permanently Out of PrintEverything To God In Prayer
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Series: Developing RingersFairest Lord Jesus
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Faith of Our Fathers
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Faith Trilogy
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Faithful Promises
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Fanfare On Cwm Rhondda
Arranger: Burroughs, Bob
Fanfare Prelude On Come Christians Join
Arranger: Hakes, Derek
Fantasia For Easter Morning
Arranger: Courtney/Whitworth
Fantasia On Beloved Hymns
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Fantasia On Ebenezer
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Fantasia On Forest Green
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Fantasia On Greensleeves
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Fantasia On Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Fantasia On Old Hundreth
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Fantasia On Trentham
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Fantasy On An American Folk Tune
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Fantasy On Ebenezer
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Fantasy On Good King Wenceslas
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Fantasy On Greensleeves (What Child Is T
Arranger: Coe, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintFantasy On Immortal Invisible St Denio
Arranger: Smith, Douglas Floyd
Fantasy On King's Weston
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
Fantasy On Kingsfold
Arranger: Wagner, H Dean
Fantasy On Samanthra
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Fantasy On Trust and Obey
Arranger: McMichael, Catherine
Feel The Spirit
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Festival Concertato On St Anne
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
A Festival Of Carols
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Intermediate RingersFestive Hymn Accompaniments
Arranger: Burroughs, Bob
Festive Peal On Adeste Fideles
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintFestive Toccata On Old Hundreth
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Fill Your Year With Ringing
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Arranger: Wood/Sherman
The First Noel
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
The First Noel
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
The First Noel
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
The First Noel
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
The First Noel
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
The First Noel
Arranger: Austin, Brenda
Flee As A Bird
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Following Yonder Star
Arranger: Edwards, Dan
For All The Saints
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
For All The Saints
Arranger: Waugh, Timothy H
For All The Saints
Arranger: Tucker/Tucker
For All The Saints
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Frizzell, J D
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Keller, Michael R
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Foundation of Grace
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Arranger: Morris, Hart
The Four Sundays Of Advent
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Freely Freely
Composer: Owens, Carol
Arranger: Geschke, Susan
Permanently Out of PrintFrom Death To Life Eternal
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Permanently Out of PrintFrom The Cross To Resurrection
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Pysh, Gregory
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
A Garland Of Carols
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintGentle Mary Laid Her Child
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Gift In The Manger
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
The Gift Of Grace
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson/Broome
Give Me Jesus
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Give Me Jesus
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Permanently Out of PrintGive Me Jesus
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Give Me Jesus
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Series: Developing RingersGive Thanks
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Developing RingersGive To The Winds Thy Fears
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Developing RingersGlad Tidings of Joy
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Glad Tidings Ring
Arranger: Page/Dobrinski/Eithun/Tucker/Lamb/Mcches
Gloria (Angels We Have Heard On High)
Arranger: Callahan, Frances L
A Glorious Everlasting Hallelujah Raise
Composer: Gramann, Fred
Glory To The Newborn King
Arranger: Akers, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintGlory To The Newborn King
Arranger: Edwards, Dan
Go Down Moses
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Go My Children With My Blessing
Arranger: Honore, Jeffrey
Go Tell It
Arranger: Thompson, Karen
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Duncan, Andrew
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Series: Intermediate RingersGo To Dark Gethsemane
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
God Himself Is With Us
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
The God Of Abraham Praise
Composer: Lamb, Linda R
God of Grace and God of Glory
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
God of Grace and God of Glory
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
God of Our Fathers
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Series: Developing RingersGod Reigns Let The Earth Be Glad
Arranger: Page/Moklebust/Eithun/Ingram/Mcchesney
God Rest Ye Merry
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
God So Loved The World
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
God So Loved The World
Composer: Stainer, John
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas EGod We Thank You
Arranger: Dewitt, Stan
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Good Christians All Rejoice
Arranger: Geschke, Susan
Good King Wenceslas (Gentle Mary Laid He
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Gospel Hymn Ring, A
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Grace Alone
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Grace and Thanksgiving
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Composer: Runyan, William
Arranger: Thompson, MarthaGreat Is Thy Faithfulness
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Halle Halle Hallelujah
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Hallelujah What A Savior's Love
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
The Hand Of The Lord
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
He Has Made Me Glad
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
He Is Born
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
He Is Born
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
He Is Born The Divine Christ Child
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
He Leadeth Me
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Permanently Out of PrintHe Leadeth Me
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
He Never Said A Mumbalin' Word
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
He Never Said A Mumbalin' Word
Arranger: Morris, Hart
He Never Said A Mumblin' Word
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara B
He Touched Me
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
He's Got The Whole World
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
Arranger: Frizzell, J D
Hear The Bells Ringing, Christ Is Risen
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Here I Am Lord
Composer: Schutte, Dan
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold BHis Eye Is On The Sparrow
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas
The Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Permanently Out of PrintThe Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
The Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Holy Holy Holy
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Holy Holy Holy
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Holy Holy Holy
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersHoly Holy Holy
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Holy Holy Holy
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Holy Is Our God
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
The Holy Presence
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
The Holy Presence
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Holy Week Reflections
Arranger: Wood/Wagner
Permanently Out of PrintHosanna
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Hosanna In The Highest
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas
Permanently Out of PrintHow Can I Keep From Singing
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
How Can I Keep From Singing
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
How Deep The Father's Love For Us
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
How Far Is It To Bethlehem
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lynn
How Firm A Foundation
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
How Firm A Foundation
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
How Firm A Foundation
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
How Firm A Foundation
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
How Firm A Foundation
Arranger: Childers, Brian
How Great Is Our God/How Great Thou Art
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
How Great Our Joy
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
How Great Our Joy
Composer: Wagner/Larson
How Great Thou Art W/Majesty
Arranger: Raney, Joel
How Still We See Thee Lie
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
How Sweet The Sound
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Humbly Let Us Break Bread
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Hymn of Promise
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Hymn To Joy
Arranger: Johnston, Kerry
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Permanently Out of PrintHymns & Handbells: Easy Accompaniments
Arranger: Raney/Larson
Hymns & Handbells: Easy Accompaniments
Arranger: Larson/Raney
Hymns For Worship and Celebration
Arranger: Larson/Wagner/Akers
Hymns of Grateful Praise
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Permanently Out of PrintHymns of Love and Praise
Arranger: Eithun
Permanently Out of PrintI Am Bound For The Kingdom
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Am Thine O Lord
Composer: Doane, William H
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Series: Developing RingersI Am Thine O Lord
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
I Come With Joy
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
I Come With Joy
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersI Heard The Bells
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Heard The Bells of Christmas
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Love Thee
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
I Love To Tell The Story
Composer: Fischer, William G
Arranger: Dobrinski, CynthiaI Love To Tell The Story
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
I Love To Tell The Story
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
I Need Thee Every Hour
Arranger: Raney/Sherman
I Need Thee Every Hour
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
Series: Developing RingersI Saw The Cross of Jesus
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Gillespie, Don
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Raney, Joel
I Sing The Mighty Power of God
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Sing The Mighty Power of God
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Stand Amazed In The Presence
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
I Surrender All
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
I Vow To Thee My Country
Arranger: Frizzell, J D
I Vow To Thee My Country
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Childers, Brian
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
I Want To Walk As A Child of The Light
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
I Will Arise and Go To Jesus
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
I Will Arise and Go To Jesus
Arranger: Compton, Matthew
I Will Sing of My Redeemer
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Wonder As I Wander
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
I'm Gonna Sing When The Spirit Says Sing
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
I'm Just A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
I've Got Peace Like A River
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
I've Got Peace Like A River
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
I've Got Peace Like A River
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
If Thou But Trust In God To Guide Thee
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin
If You But Trust In God
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
If You But Trust In God To Guide You
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Il Est Ne
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Immortal Invisible
Arranger: Littleton, R Lyndel
Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie W
Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Arranger: Stitt, Julie
Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Improvisation On Pisgah
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Permanently Out of PrintIn Ages Past and Ages Yet To Come
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
In Christ Alone
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
In Christ There Is No East Or West
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
In Christ There Is No East Or West
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
In Christ There Is No East Or West
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In Quiet Joy
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
In The Fullness of Time
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
In The Garden
Composer: Miles, C Austin
Arranger: Dobrinski, CynthiaIn The Sweet By and By
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
In Thee Is Gladness
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintIn Thee Is Gladness
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen
In Thee Is Gladness
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
In This Very Room
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Intermediate RingersInfant Holy
Arranger: Maggs, Charles
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
It Is Well With My Soul
Composer: Bliss, Philip P
Arranger: Linker/McfaddenIt Is Well With My Soul
Composer: Bliss, Philip P
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Series: Intermediate RingersIt Is Well With My Soul
Composer: Bliss, Philip P
Arranger: Thompson, Martha LIt Is Well With My Soul
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
It Is Well With My Soul
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Jazz Ballad On Let Us Break Bread Togeth
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Jerusalem My Happy Home
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Jerusalem My Happy Home
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Maggs, CharlesJesus and His Love
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin
Series: Developing RingersJesus In The Morning
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Jesus Is Calling
Arranger: Eithun, Mitchell
Series: Developing RingersJesus Is Mine
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Series: Intermediate RingersJesus Lover of My Soul
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Jesus Loves Me
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Jesus Loves Me
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersJesus Loves Me
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Jesus Loves Me
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Jesus Loves Me Jesus Loves Me
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Jesus Loves Me With Children of The Heav
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Jesus Saves
Composer: Kirkpatrick, William
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Permanently Out of PrintJesus Shall Reign
Arranger: Sanders, Patricia
Jesus Shall Reign
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersJesus Shall Reign
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Jesus Shall Reign
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Jesus So Precious To Me
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
Join The Everlasting Song
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Joseph and Mary
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Joseph Dear Joseph Mine
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Joseph Dearest Joseph Mine
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
Joshua Fit Da Battle
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Journey To Bethlehem, The
Arranger: Page/Larson/Helman/Eithun
Joy Has Dawned
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Joy To The World
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Joy To The World
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Joy To The World
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Joy To The World
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Joy To The World The Lord Is Come
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Larson, LloydJoyful and Triumphant
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Joyful Eastertide, A
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Joyful Joyful
Composer: Beethoven
Arranger: Thompson, Martha LynJoyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Joyous Overture On Azmon & Duke Street
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Just A Closer Walk To Thee
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Arranger: Greer, Bruce
Just As I Am
Composer: Bradbury, William B
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold BJust As I Am
Arranger: Bode/Mcchesney
Just As I Am
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Just As I Am
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Keep Me Near The Cross
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
King of Glory God of Grace
Arranger: Stephenson, Valarie
Permanently Out of PrintKing of Glory, The
Arranger: Helman, Michael
The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
The King Shall Come
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Kum Ba Yah
Arranger: Wilson, John F
Kum Bah Yah
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin
Lamb of God
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Lead On O King Eternal
Arranger: Osman, Terry
Lead On O King Eternal
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara
Lenten Contemplation
Arranger: Moates, William E
Lenten Meditation
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Permanently Out of PrintLenten Nocturne
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Lenten Reflections
Arranger: Edwards, Dan
Lenten Spirituals
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintLenten Triptych
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Let All Things Now Living
Arranger: Geschke, Susan
Let All Things Now Living
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Let All Things Now Living
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Let All Things Their Creator Bless
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Let Heaven and Earth Sing Gloria
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Let Our Carols Fill The Sky
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintLet Our Gladness Know No End
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Let The Whole Creation Cry
Arranger: Austin, Brenda
Let There Be Peace
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Composer: Miller/Jackson
Arranger: Freeman, Ardis
Series: Ardis Freeman Handbell LiLet There Be Peace On Earth
Composer: Miller/Jackson
Arranger: Sherman, ArnoldLet Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintLet Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Austin, Brenda
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Arranger: Potter/Tucker
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin A
Series: Intermediate RingersLet Us Walk Close To Thee
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Lift High The Cross
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Lift High The Cross
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Lift Up The Gates Eternal
Arranger: Eithun, Mitchell
Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Lift Your Heads You Everlasting Doors
Arranger: Delancy, Lauran
Like The Murmur of A Dove's Song
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
The Lily Of The Valley
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Lo How A Rose
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Ringham, William
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Lonesome Valley
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Lord Be Glorified
Composer: Kilpatrick, Bob
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintLord Bless You and Keep You, The
Composer: Lutkin, Peter C
Arranger: Maggs, CharlesLord Dismiss Us With Your Blessing
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee
Permanently Out of PrintLord I Want To Be A Christian
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Lord of The Dance
Composer: Carter, Sydney
Arranger: McChesney, KevinLord of The Dance
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Lord Speak To Me That I May Speak
Arranger: Ringham, William
Permanently Out of PrintLord Take My Hand and Lead Me
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Lord Whose Love Through Humble Service
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Love Came Down At Christmas
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Composer: Ingram, Bill
Permanently Out of PrintLove Divine All Loves Excelling
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Lullabies For The Christ Child
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintMarching To Zion
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Intermediate RingersMary's Cradle Song
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Masters In This Hall
Arranger: Kent, David R
May Jesus Christ Be Praised
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Meditation On Away In A Manger
Arranger: Duncan, Andrew
Meditation On Beautiful Savior
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Meditation On Brother James' Air
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Meditation On Let Us Break Bread
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintMeditation On Lord I Want To Be A Christ
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Meditation On There Is A Fountain
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Medley For Thanksgiving
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Intermediate RingersMedley of Praise
Arranger: Mckechnie, D Linda
A Merry Christmas
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Michael Row The Boat Ashore
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Michael Row The Boat Ashore
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Arranger: Morris, Hart
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Arranger: Garee, Betty
A Mighty Fortress
Arranger: Moklebust/Moklebust
Moon of Wintertime, The W/O Come O Come
Arranger: Dennis, Karissa
Morning Has Broken
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Morning Has Broken
Arranger: Wilson, Malcom C
Morning Has Broken
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Morning Has Broken
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Developing RingersMorning Song of Praise
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
The Morning Stars
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
The Morning Trumpet
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
My Faith It Is An Oaken Staff
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
My Faith Looks Up To Thee
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
My Faith Looks Up To Thee
Arranger: Keller, Michael R
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less
Arranger: Dengler, Lee
My Jesus I Love Thee
Arranger: Sanders, Patricia
My Jesus I Love Thee
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
My Lord What A Mornin'
Arranger: Morris, Hart
My Lord What A Morning
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
My Lord What A Morning
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Permanently Out of PrintMy Savior's Love
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara B
My Song In The Night
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
My Tribute
Composer: Crouch, Andre
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas ENear The Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Near The Cross
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Nearer My God To Thee
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
Nearer My God To Thee W/I Need Thee Ever
Arranger: Dennis, Karissa
New Born Again
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Permanently Out of PrintA Noel Francais (French Chirstmas )
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Noels Ringing
Arranger: Wood/Wagner
Permanently Out of PrintNothing But The Blood of Jesus
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Now Is Born The Divine Christ Child
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Permanently Out of PrintNow Proclaim Messiah's Birth
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Now Thank We All Our God
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Now Thank We All Our God
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Linker/McfaddenNow Thank We All Our God
Arranger: Bisbee, B Wayne
Now Thank We All Our God
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Now The Green Blade Riseth
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Nun Danket
Arranger: Barrow, Lee
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
O Come All Ye Faithful
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Krug, Jason
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Keller, Michael
O Come All Ye Faithful
Composer: Wade, John F
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold BO Come Let Us Adore Him
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
O Come Let Us Adore Him
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O Come Little Children
Arranger: Mizell, Carol Lynn
O Come Little Children
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Bryant, Kevin
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Lohr, Alan
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
O God Beyond All Praising
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O God Our Help In Ages Past
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
O Jesus I Have Promised
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara B
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O Living Breath of God
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Composer: Peace, Albert L
Arranger: Parrish, Mary Kay
Series: Intermediate RingersO Morning Star How Fair and Bright
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Sherman
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Krug, Jason
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Norman, Nancy A
O Sing A Song of Bethlehem
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
O Sing A Song of Bethlehem
Arranger: Compton, Matthew
O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
O Worship The King
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
O Worship The King
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Of The Father's Love Begotten
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Of The Father's Love Begotten
Arranger: Burroughs/Page
Of The Father's Love Begotten
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Offering of Praise
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen
Oh Happy Day
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Intermediate RingersOh How Jesus Loves Me
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Oh How Joyfully
Arranger: Kellermeyer, David
Oh Worship The King
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
The Old Rugged Cross
Arranger: Ringham, William
The Old Rugged Cross
Composer: Bennard, George
Arranger: Dobrinski, CynthiaOld Rugged Cross, The
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Old Rugged Cross, The
Composer: Bennard, George
Arranger: Maggs, CharlesOn A Quiet Christmas Night
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
On Christmas Night
Arranger: Helman, Michael
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
On Eagle's Wings
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
On Jordan's Stormy Banks
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara B
On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
On This Day Earth Shall Ring
Arranger: Gramann, Fred
On This Day Earth Shall Ring
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
Series: Developing RingersOn This Day Earth Shall Ring
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Series: Intermediate RingersOnce In Royal David's City
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Open My Eyes
Arranger: Thompson, Karen
Open My Eyes That I May See
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Our Father's World
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Our Father's World
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Our God
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Our Song Shall Rise To Thee
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Our Welsh Heritage
Arranger: Page/Helman/Eithun/Tucker/Lamb/Edwards/K
Out Under The Sky
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintPalm Sunday Majesty
Arranger: Rogers, Sharon Elery
The Palms
Composer: Faure, Jean Baptiste
Arranger: Amos, Judith HPass It On With Glorify Thy Name
Composer: Kaiser/Adkins
Arranger: BettcherPat-A-Pan
Arranger: Nelson, Susan
Series: Developing RingersPeople Look East
Arranger: Helman, Michael
People Look East (Scatter The Darkness
Arranger: Morris, Hart
People Look East The Time Is Near
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Praise & Worship Classics: For 3-5 Octav
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Praise God
Composer: Bock, Fred
Arranger: Wagner, DouglasPraise Him Praise Him
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Praise My Soul The King of Heaven
Arranger: Childers, Brian
Praise My Soul The King of Heaven
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Praise To The Lord
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Praise To The Lord Almighty
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Prayers and Meditations
Arranger: Page/Helman/Eithun/Moklebust/Lamb/Mallor
Permanently Out of PrintPrecious Lord Take My Hand
Composer: Dorsey, Thomas A
Arranger: Page, Anna LauraPrelude On Adeste Fideles
Arranger: Eithun, Mitchell
Prelude On Hyfrydol
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Prelude On Kingsfold
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Prelude On Nun Danket
Arranger: Phillips, Judy
Prelude On Passion Chorale
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Prelude On Stille Nacht
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Prepare The Way O Zion
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Procession and Praise On All Glory Laud
Arranger: Morris, Hart
Processional Hymn For Palm Sunday
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Processional On All Things Bright and Be
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Processional On Lancashire
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Processional On Thine Is The Glory
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Quarters On Foundation
Arranger: Lamb, Robert James
Quiet Christmas Eve, A
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Rainfall At Bethlehem
Arranger: Madsen/Crofts
Raise The Song of Harvest Home
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Raise The Songs of Harvest
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintReflections On Be Thou My Vision
Composer: Emiliani, Roy
Permanently Out of PrintReflections On Candler
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
Arranger: Kent, David R
Permanently Out of PrintRejoice Give Thanks and Ring
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Rejoice Give Thanks and Sing
Arranger: Evanovich, Joshua
Rejoice Rejoice Belivers
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Rejoice The Lord Is King
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Developing RingersRejoice Ye Pure In Heart
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
Repeat The Sounding Joy
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Reproducible Rings For 2-3 Octaves
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Reproducible Rings V For 3-5 Octaves
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Resounding Alleluias
Arranger: Mckechnie, D Linda
Resurrection Day
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Revelation Song W/Holy Holy Holy
Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy
Ring Around The Year
Composer: Multiple
Arranger: MultipleRing Glory Laud and Honor
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Ring In Exaltation
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Ring Joy To The World
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Ring We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Ring We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Mcklveen, Paul
Ringing Praise
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Ringing The Church Year
Arranger: Page/Larson/Morris/Tucker/Eithun/Glasgow
Permanently Out of PrintRise Up Go Tell It
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Rise Up Shepherds and Follow
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Risen Lord
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Rivers of Redeeming Love
Arranger: Wood/Wagner
Permanently Out of PrintRock-A My Soul
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Rock-A My Soul
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
Saints of God
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Saints of God, The
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Intermediate RingersSanctuary (With God's Holy Temple)
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Composer: Bradbury, William
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen LSavior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Savior Shepherd King of Love
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Search Me O God
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Seek Ye First
Composer: Lafferty/Pachabel
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas EShadows of Gethsamane
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Permanently Out of PrintShadows of The Cross
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Shall We Gather At The River
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Shall We Gather At The River
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Shepherd's Love, A
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Shepherd's Promise, The
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Shepherds Why This Jubilee
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee
Silent Night
Arranger: Kent, David R
Permanently Out of PrintSilent Night
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Silent Night Holy Night
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Silent Night Holy Night
Composer: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintSilent Night Holy Night
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Silent Night Holy Night
Arranger: Zabel, Albert
Silent Night Holy Night
Arranger: Maggs, Charles
A Simple Dance
Arranger: Glasgow, Michael
Simple Gifts
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Simple Gifts Abound
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Sing Amen Sing
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
Series: Advanced RingersSing Praise To God Who Reigns Above
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Pysh, Gregory
Sketches On An American Folk Hymn
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Permanently Out of PrintSleep In Heavenly Peace
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Soflty and Tenderly, Raymond Brown's
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Softly and Tenderly
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Permanently Out of PrintSoftly and Tenderly
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Series: Intermediate RingersSometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Song of Thanksgiving
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B
Song of The Manger
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Songs For Praise and Worship
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Songs For Rejoicing
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Songs For The Feast
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen L
Songs of Praise Now Let Us Ring
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Songs of The Shepherds
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Soon and Very Soon
Composer: Crouch, Andrae
Arranger: Morris, HartSpirit of God Descend Upon My Heart
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Spirit of God Descend Upon Our Hearts
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Spirit of The Living God
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas
Permanently Out of PrintA Spiritual Christmas
Arranger: Stephenson, Valarie
Permanently Out of PrintStand By Me
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus
Arranger: Behnke, John A
Standin' In The Need of Prayer
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Star In The East
Arranger: Nelson, Susan T
Star of Wonder
Arranger: Nelson, Susan T
Steal Away
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Still Still Still
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Still Still Still
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Stille Stille Stille
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Series: Developing RingersStories of Jesus
Composer: Challinor, Frederic
Arranger: Maggs, CharlesThe Strife Is O'Er
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
The Strife Is O'Er
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas
Permanently Out of PrintSussex Carol
Arranger: Osman, Terry
Sussex Carol
Arranger: Young, Philip M
Sweet By and By
Composer: Webster, J P
Arranger: Young, Philip M
Permanently Out of PrintSweet By and By
Arranger: Choplin, Pepper
Permanently Out of PrintSweet Hour of Prayer
Composer: Bradbury, William B
Arranger: Helman, MichaelSweet Hour of Prayer
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Sweet Sweet Spirit
Composer: Akers, Doris
Arranger: Lamb, LindaSwing Low Sweet Chariot
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Take It To The Lord In Prayer
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Take My Life
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Intermediate RingersTake My Life and Let It Be
Arranger: Mcklveen, Paul A
Tapestry On Be Thou My Vision
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Thanks Be To Thee
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Linker/McfaddenThanksgiving
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Series: Intermediate RingersThanksgiving (Simple Gifts)
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Arranger: Sherman, ArnoldThanksgiving Medley
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Thanksgiving Praise
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
That Beautiful Name
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
That Christmas Night
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
That Glorious Day
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Permanently Out of PrintThee We Adore O Hidden Savior
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Then Sings My Soul
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
There Is A Balm In Gilead
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
There Is A Balm In Gilead
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
There Is A Fountain
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Permanently Out of PrintThere Is A Fountain
Arranger: Lamb, Linda R
There Is A Fountain
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
There's A Song In The Air
Arranger: Beck/Sherman
There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
They'll Know We Are Christians
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Lo
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintThine Be The Glory
Arranger: Moats, William E
Thine Is The Glory
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Thine Is The Glory
Arranger: Tucker, Margaret R
Thine Is The Glory
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Thine Is The Glory
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Permanently Out of PrintThis Is Christ The King
Arranger: Childers, Brian
This Is My Father's World
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
This Is My Father's World
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
This Is My Father's World
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
This Is My Father's World
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
This Is My Song
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
This Joyful Eastertide
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
This Joyful Eastertide
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
This Joyful Eastertide
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
This Little Light of Mine
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
This Little Light of Mine
Arranger: Honore, Jeffrey
This Little Light of Mine
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
This Little Light of Mine
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin A
Series: Intermediate RingersThis Train
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Three American Folk Hymns
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Three Christmas Carols
Arranger: Garee, Betty
Three French Carols
Arranger: Tervo, Brian
Three Hymns
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Three Hymns For Easter
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Three Tunes From Southern Harmony
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Through Darkness To Light
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Thy Holy Wings
Arranger: Thompson, Martha L
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintTidings of Great Joy
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintTis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Composer: Kirkpatrick, William
Arranger: Geschke, Susan ETo God All Praise and Glory
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
Permanently Out of PrintTo God Be The Glory
Arranger: Anderson/Varner
To The World Joy
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Toccata On St Denio
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lyn
Series: Developing RingersTrilogy On All Hail The Power of Jesus N
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Trust and Obey
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintTune My Heart To Ring Your Praise
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintTwo Carols With Percussion
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Series: Beginning RingersTwo For Two By Two For Christmas
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
Upon This Winter Night
Arranger: Edwards, Dan R
Variations On Adeste Fideles
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Variations On God Rest Ye Merry Gentleme
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Variations On Leoni
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
Permanently Out of PrintVariations On Madrid
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Variations On Middlebury
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintVariations On People Look East
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintVariations On The Church's One Foundatio
Arranger: Helman, Micahel
Variations On The Doxology
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Developing RingersVeni
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Permanently Out of PrintA Very Merry Christmas
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Very Soon I'll Fly Away
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin A
Victory (The Strife Is O'Er The Victory
Arranger: Honore, Jeffrey
The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy
Arranger: Hakes, Derek
Wade In The Water
Arranger: Tucker, Benjamin
Wake Awake
Arranger: Mcfadden, Jane
Wake Awake For Night Is Flying
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Walk Through The Valley
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
The Water Is Wide
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
Waters of Grace
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen La
We Adore Thee
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Series: Beginning RingersWe Are God's People
Arranger: Burkhardt, Michael
We Gather To Give Thanks
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Beginning RingersWe Gather Together
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
We Gather Together
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
Permanently Out of PrintWe Gather Together
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
We Gather Together
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
We Gather Together
Arranger: Lohr, Alan
We Gather Together
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
We Three Kings
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
We Three Kings
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
We Three Kings
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
We Three Kings
Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie
We Three Kings
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
We've A Story To Tell
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersWere You There
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Were You There
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Were You There
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Were You There On That Christmas Night
Composer: Sleeth, Natalie
Arranger: Larson, LloydThe Wexford Carol
Arranger: Wagner, H Dean
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Arranger: McChesney, Kevin
What Child Is This
Arranger: Behnke, John
What Child Is This
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
What Child Is This
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
What Child Is This
Arranger: Austin, Brenda
What Child Is This
Arranger: Maggs, Charles
What Gift Can We Bring
Arranger: Morris, Hart
What Is This Lovely Fragrance
Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael
What Shall I Render To The Lord
Arranger: Thompson, Karen
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Geschke, Susan E
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
When I Can Read My Title Clear
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintWhen I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Kauffman, Ronald
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
When In Our Music God Is Glorified
Composer: Stanford, Charles V
Arranger: Morris, HartWhen Jesus Wept
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
When Morning Gilds The Skies
Arranger: Linker/Mcfadden
When Morning Gilds The Skies
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Permanently Out of PrintWhen Morning Gilds The Skies
Arranger: Roth, Karen
When The Poor Ones
Arranger: Webber, Kyle
When The Saints Go Marching In
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
When We All Get To Heaven
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Intermediate RingersWhen You Do This Remember Me
Arranger: Edwards, David
While By My Sheep
Arranger: Morris, Hart
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Whiter Than Snow
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Who'll Be A Witness For My Lord
Arranger: Atteberry, John
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Intermediate RingersWill You Come and Follow Me
Arranger: Nelson, Susan T
With Endless Alleluias
Arranger: Hungerford, Susan
Wonderful Words of Life
Composer: Bliss, Philip P
Arranger: Kinyon, Barbara BWondrous Love
Arranger: Edwards, Dan
Worship Openers: Handbell Introits Vol 1
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
More 3-5 Octaves CategoriesBrowse Handbell
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
128,771 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs