Choral Music

Santa...etc, etc, etc.Seasonal
All That Holiday Stuff
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsAll That Holiday Stuff
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsAt Christmas (A Christmas Sha-Na-Na)
Composer: Beck, Andy
Be A Santa Medley
Arranger: Beck/Bridwell
Series: HolidayBeboppin'santa Claus
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
The Big Guy In Red
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Series: Sing Out
Permanently Out of PrintBlizzard On The Way
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Series: Choral DesignsBoogie Woogie Santa Claus
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Can't Believe It's Christmas
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Can't Wait For Christmas
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Choral DesignsCandy-Covered Gingerbread House
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsCarol of The Elves
Arranger: Gardner, Janet
Chipmunk Song, The
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Christmas Bolero
Composer: Sandburg
Permanently Out of PrintChristmas Chopsticks
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Christmas Clock, The
Composer: Miller, Cristi Cary
Christmas Comes Again (In About 3 Minute
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Christmas In About Three Minutes
Composer: Weston, Mark
Series: Sing OutChristmas In About Three Minutes
Composer: Weston, Mark
Christmas In About Three Minutes
Composer: Weston, Mark
Series: Heritage ChoralChristmas On The Bayou
Composer: Lantz/Brownsey
Christmas Tree Feud, The
Composer: Jacobson/Miller
Countdown To Christmas
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Dance of The Sugar-Plum Fairy
Arranger: Funk, Jeff
Dear Santa
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Series: Choral DesignsDeck The Hall With Carols
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Dig That Crazy Santa Claus
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Ding-A Ding-A Ding
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Don't Be A Jerk (It's Christmas)
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Down Down The Chimney
Composer: Rothenberg, Irv
Permanently Out of PrintFeliz Navidad
Composer: Feliciano, Jose
Arranger: Snyder, AudreyFiggy Pudding with We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
Series: Choral DesignsFrosty and Friends (Medley)
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Frosty and The Hand Jive
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: DiscoveryFrosty The Snowman
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Frosty The Snowman
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Pop ChoralFruitcake
Composer: Hagemann, Philip
Gettin' In The Mood (For Christmas)
Composer: Setzer, Brian
Arranger: Huff, MacGettin' In The Mood (For Christmas)
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Gift Wrap Riot
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Going On A Sleigh Ride
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Series: DiscoveryGoldfish Christmas
Composer: Billingsley, Alan
Gonna Catch That Santa
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsGood King Kong Looked Out
Composer: Bach, P D Q
Happiest Time of Year, The
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Happy Holidays To You
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
Here Comes Santa Claus
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: DiscoveryHere Comes Santa Claus
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa
Arranger: Langford, Paul
Hey Mister Santa (Medley)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: DiscoveryHey Santa
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
Permanently Out of PrintHip-Hop Reindeer
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsHoliday Jazz
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Choral DesignsHoliday Jazz Trio, A
Arranger: Weir, Michele
Series: Pop HolidayHoliday Road of Carols, A
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Holiday Tango, The
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Holiday Tango, The
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Holly Jolly Christmas, A
Composer: Marks, Johnny
Arranger: Shaw, KirbyHolly Jolly Fa La La
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Holly Jolly Santa Claus
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
I Believe In Santa Claus
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
Arranger: Gallina, Jill
Jazz Jingle
Composer: Strommen, Carl
Jazzy Old St Nick
Arranger: Eastburn/Dailey
Jazzy Saint Nick
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Series: Choral DesignsJingle Bell Jammin'
Arranger: Anderson, Tom
Jingle Bell Rock
Composer: Beal/Boothe
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Permanently Out of PrintJingle Bells Rock
Arranger: Albrecht, Sally K
Series: HolidayJingle Jingle Jazz
Arranger: Anderson, Tom
Jingle Jingle Swing
Arranger: Gray, Ruth Morris
Jolly Jingling Carol Medley, A
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Arranger: Walniakows, Michael
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Arranger: Farnell, Laura
Series: Treble SpotlightJolly Old Saint Nick
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Choral DesignsJolly Old St Nicholas
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Jolly Toyland
Arranger: Nunez, Francisco J
Let's Go On A Sleigh Ride
Composer: Franklin, Glenda E
The Man With The Bag/Santa Baby
Arranger: Langford, Paul
Marshmallow World, A
Arranger: Lojeski, Ed
Marshmallow World, A
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Merry Merry Christmas To You
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Sing OutMister Santa
Arranger: Gallina, Jill
My True Love Gave To Me
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsNaughty Or Nice
Arranger: Brownsey/Lantz
Series: Choral DesignsThe North Pole Marching Band
Composer: Beck, Andy
North Pole Rock and Roll (Medley)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
The Nutcracker In About Three Minutes
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Series: Choral DesignsNutcracker Jingles
Arranger: Bridwell, Chuck
Series: Choarla DesignsNutcracker Jingles
Arranger: Bridwell, Chuck
Series: Choral DesignsOh Mister Santa
Composer: Weston, Mark
Oh Santa
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Oh Santa
Arranger: Taylor, Mike
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Parade of The Wooden Soldiers
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Parade of The Wooden Soldiers
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Reindeer On The Roof
Arranger: Albrecht/Althouse
Series: Choral DesignsThe Reindeer Prom
Composer: Lawrence, Stephen L
Series: Sing OutRing-A Ring-A Ring (With Jingle Bells)
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: DiscoveryRockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Pop ChoralRockin' Holidays (Medley)
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: PopRockin' With Santa (Medley)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: DiscoveryRollicking Frollicking Santa
Arranger: Rentz, Earlene
Rudolph On The Housetop
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
Composer: Marks, Johnny
Arranger: Tatgenhorst, JohnRudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryRun Rudolph Run
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Run Rudy Run
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
Permanently Out of PrintSanta Bring Me Snow
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Series: Choral DesignsSanta Bring My Baby Back To Me
Composer: Demetruis/Schroeder
Arranger: Huff, MacSanta Claus Is Comin'to Town
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Discovery
Permanently Out of PrintSanta Claus Is Comin'to Town
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Series: HolidaySanta Claus Is Comin' to Town
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: DiscoverySanta Claus Is Comin' to Town
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Santa Claus Is Comin'to Town
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Santa Claus Is Up On The Housetop
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Santa Fever
Composer: Brownsey/Lantz
Santa Got Lost In Texas
Composer: Darby, Greg
Arranger: Gilpin, GregSanta Is The Man
Composer: Brownsey/Lantz
Santa Makes The Rounds
Arranger: Gardner, Janet
Santa Mash-Up
Composer: Brownsey/Lantz
Series: Choral DesignsSanta You're My Hero
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Permanently Out of PrintSanta's Choir
Composer: Kupferschmid, Steve
Santa's Crazy Reindeer
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
Santa's Going On A Diet
Composer: Lawrence, Stephen L
Series: Sing OutSanta's In The House
Composer: Brownsey/Lantz
Santa's On His Way Medley
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Santa's Rockin' ' Round The Clock Tonight
Composer: Shaw, Kirby
Secret Santa
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsShake Me I Rattle
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Permanently Out of PrintShoulda Been A North Pole Elf
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsShowbiz Snowman
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsSolfege Santa
Composer: Miller, Cristi Cary
Some Folks Love The Holidays
Arranger: Ginsberg, Neil
Song of Santa, A (Holiday Mash-Up)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
The Spirit Of The Season
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Series: Choral DesignsSteppin' Out With Santa
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsSugar Cookie
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsSwingin' With Santa
Composer: Autry/Haldeman
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Secular Christmas ChoralSwingin' With Santa C
Composer: Ryan, Michael
Swingin' With Santa C
Composer: Ryan, Michael
Text Me Merry Christmas
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: PopThere Is A Santa Claus (From Elf)
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: PopThirty Second Fa La La
Composer: Moore, Donald
Thirty-Two Feet Eight Little Tails
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Three Jazzy Nutcrackers
Arranger: Langford, Paul
Tick Tock (Christmas Don't Be Late)
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Permanently Out of PrintTongue Twister Holiday, A
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Arranger: Albrecht/Beck
Series: PopToyland Express, The
Composer: Ryan, Michael
The Twelve Groovy Days Of Christmas
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Series: Choral DesignsUp and Away With Good Saint Nick
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Up On The Housetop
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Up On The Housetop
Arranger: Walz, C E
Up On The Housetop
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Up On The Housetop
Arranger: Pote, Allen
Up Up Up In The Sleigh
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsVarious Themes On Fa-La-La
Arranger: Bridwell, Chuck
Series: Choral DesignsVery Scary Sleigh Ride, A
Composer: Weston, Mark
Warm and Fuzzy
Arranger: Beck, Andy
We Love You Christmas
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Permanently Out of PrintWe Need A Little Christmas/Mister Santa
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
We're Goin' On A Sleigh Ride
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
We're Waiting For Christmas Day
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Welcome Christmas
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: HolidayWhat Will Santa Claus Say
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
What'cha Gonna Bring For Christmas
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsWhen Santa Claus Gets Your Letter
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Who Put The Christmas Presents Under The
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsWhO'S Up There (W/Up On The Housetop)
Composer: Donnelly, Mary
Arranger: Strid, George L O
Permanently Out of PrintWinter Wonderland
Composer: Smith/Bernard
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: HolidayWonderful Christmastime
Composer: McCartney, Paul
Arranger: Billingsley, AlanYes Virginia (There Is A Santa Claus)
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: HolidayYou're A Mean One Mr Grinch
Arranger: Funk, Jeff
You're A Mean One Mr Grinch
Arranger: Ray, Jamey
Series: PopYule Be Swingin'
Composer: Marks, Johnny
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Secular Christmas ChoralYuletide Sea Shanty, A
Composer: Parsons, Steve
Zat You Santa Claus
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Zoot Suit Santa
Composer: Huff, Mac
More Seasonal CategoriesBrowse Choral Music
Holiday Concert
Holiday Pops
Especially for Middle School
Christmas Anthems
Christmas Medleys & Revues
Christmas Around the World
Christmas for the Ladies
Christmas for the Gentlemen
A Cappella Holiday
Christmas Eve Services
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Holy Week
Easter Sunday
Mother's Day/Father's Day
Advent Cantatas
Christmas Cantatas
Lenten Cantatas
Easter Cantatas
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs