Choral Music
' Tis Midnight
Composer: Cooper, Timothy P
' Tis Midnight and On Olive's Brow
Composer: Thomas, Ryan
Abide With Me
Composer: Rasbach, David
Abide With Me
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
After The Mist and Shadow
Arranger: Nix, Brad
Agnus Dei (From Requiem)
Composer: Hayes, Mark
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Shaw, Timothy
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Ferguson, John
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Ah Holy Jesus
Composer: Helvey, Howard
Alas and Did My Savior Bleed
Composer: Martin, Gilbert M
Permanently Out of PrintAlas and Did My Savior Bleed
Composer: Purifoy, John
All Hail Jesus Behold The King
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
All I Need
Arranger: Purifoy, John
All My Trials
Arranger: Fettke/Grassi
All We Like Sheep
Composer: Purifoy, John
Alone With None But Thee
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Amazing Love How Can It Be
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
And Can It Be
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
And Can It Be
Composer: Forrest, Dan
And Can It Be
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Arise and Come To Jesus
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Arise My Soul Arise
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
At Calvary
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Ave Verum Corpus
Composer: Mozart, W A
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: Church ChoralBe In Our Midst
Composer: Wagner/Norris
Be Still My Soul
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Beautiful The Teardrops
Composer: Buda, Brian
Beautiful The Wounds of Christ
Composer: Parks, Marty
Because of Love
Composer: Nix, Brad
Before The Throne of God Above
Arranger: Angerman, David
Behold It Is Finished
Arranger: Dengler/Dengler
Behold The Lamb
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Behold The Lamb
Composer: Rambo, Dottie
Arranger: Larson, LloydBehold The Lamb of God
Composer: Paris/Rambo
Arranger: Larson, LloydBehold The Lamb of God
Composer: Peterson/Story
Arranger: Christopher, KeithBeneath The Cross of Jesus
Composer: Koerts/Clephane
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Composer: Portman, Brenda
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Arranger: Berry, Cindy
Blessed Assurance
Composer: Crosby/Knapp
Arranger: Sterling, RobertBlessed Assurance
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Blessed Is He Who Comes
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name of T
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Bring Me To The Cross
Composer: Nix, Brad
A Call To Courage
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
A Call To Trust
Composer: Martin/Williams
Can It Be
Composer: Lopez, Faye
Can You Drink The Cup
Composer: Courtney, Craig
The Carpenter
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Casting Our Crowns Down
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Christ Is Our Brother
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Permanently Out of PrintChrist On Calvary
Composer: Toy/Williams
Christus Lux Mea
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Cleansing Fountain
Arranger: Adams, Jonathan
Permanently Out of PrintColors of Grace: Lessons For Lent (New)
Composer: Martin, Joseph
Come Celebrate The Passover Lamb
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Permanently Out of PrintCome Come Unto Me
Composer: Dosso, Ken
Come Every One Who Is Thirsty
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come Find Forgiveness and Love
Composer: Besig/Price
Come To Me Stay With Me
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Come To The Cross (From Colors of Grace)
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Come Unto Me Ye Weary
Composer: Roesch/Dix
Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
Composer: Bonner, Kathryn S
Confession (Forgive Us Lord)
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Count Your Blessings
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Permanently Out of PrintCreate In Me A Clean Heart
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Create In Me A Clean Heart
Composer: Leavitt, John
The Cross
Composer: Courtney, Craig
A Crown Of Thorns
Composer: Lantz/Williams
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Dark Gethsemane
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Dark Gethsemane
Composer: Rouse, Jay
Depth of Mercy
Composer: Rasbach, David
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
Arranger: Hart, Don
Dreamers and Doubters
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Dust I Am
Composer: Miller, Mark
Earth Did Tremble, The
Composer: Niedmann, Peter
The Emmaus Road
Composer: Nagy/Nagy
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 3
Arranger: Raney/McDonald/Larson/Hayes/Schrader/Wag
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 4
Arranger: McDonald/Larson/Sleeth/Althouse/Hopson/R
Even The Heavens Are Weeping
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Father Forgive Them
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
The Final Hours
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Find Our Way Home
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Flee As A Bird
Arranger: Martin, Joseph
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Forsaken and Alone
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Freely Given
Arranger: Lantz III, David
From Deepest Woe
Composer: Curry, Sheldon
From Every Stormy Wind That Blows
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Gather At The Mercy Tree
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Gather At The River
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Gentle Songs of Grace
Composer: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Gethsemane Hymn
Composer: Getty/Townend
Arranger: Angerman, DavidGethsemane Prayer
Composer: Boesiger, R Kevin
Gethsemane's Window
Arranger: Shafer, Lou Ann
Permanently Out of PrintGift of Grace
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Give Peace To Your People
Composer: Fettke, Tom
The Glory Of Spring
Composer: Courtney/Stratton/Fu
Permanently Out of PrintGo To Dark Gethsemane
Composer: Ritter, Franklin
Permanently Out of PrintGod So Loved The World
Composer: Horman, John
God So Loved The World
Composer: Helgen, John
God So Loved W/God So Loved The World
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Grace At The Cross
Composer: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Hallelujah What A Savior
Composer: Nussel, Sara
Have Mercy Lord On Me
Arranger: Burkhardt, Michael
He Looked Beyond My Fault
Arranger: Fettke, Tom
He Never Said A Mumbalin' Word
Arranger: Schoenfield, William
He Suffered For You
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Series: Church ChoralHe Was Wounded For Our Transgressions
Composer: Graun, Carl Heinrich
Arranger: Fettke, TomHealing At The Fountain
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean
Arranger: Bass, C L
His Mother Weeping
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
His Robes For Mine
Composer: Habegger/Anderson
Arranger: Forrest, DanHis Voice As The Sound
Arranger: Price, Milburn
Composer: Caccini, Giulio
Arranger: Fettke, TomThe Holy Heart
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Home On The Rock
Composer: Foley, David
Hope of The World
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
How Beautiful
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
How Great His Love
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
I Am Light I Am Life I Am Love
Composer: McDonald, Mary
I Am The Gate
Composer: Lantz/Frombach
I Am Your Servant O Lord
Composer: Besig/Price
I Am Yours O Lord
Composer: Besig/Price
I Believe In The Old Rugged Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Did Nothing But Believe
Composer: Moore, Sarah
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Permanently Out of PrintI Find My Peace In You
Composer: Besig/Price
I Gave My Life For Thee
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Composer: Brunk/Bonar
Arranger: Dengler, Lee
Permanently Out of PrintI Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Composer: Shackley, Larry
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
I Need Thee Every Hour
Arranger: Beck, John Ness
I Saw The Cross of Jesus
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Permanently Out of PrintI See His Blood Upon The Rose
Composer: Cooper, Timothy P
I Surrender All
Arranger: Johnson, Victor
I Thirst
Composer: Courtney, Craig
I Thought By Now
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Von Kampen, David
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Raney, Joel
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Arranger: Cherwien, David M
I Want To Be Like Jesus
Composer: Berry, Cindy
I Will Arise and Go To Jesus
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
I Will Trust In You
Composer: Williams/Barrett
Permanently Out of PrintI Will Wait For You
Arranger: Angerman, David
Series: Celebration ChoralI'd Rather Have Jesus W/Give Me Jesus
Composer: Shea/Miller
Arranger: Martin, Joseph MI'll Keep My Eyes On The Cross
Composer: Mann, Kenny
Permanently Out of PrintIn Calvary's Shadow
Composer: Johnson, Victor
In The Cross Alone I Glory
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
In The Cross of Christ I Glory
Composer: Bach/Bowring
Arranger: Hopson, Hal HIn The Garden
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
In The Garden
Composer: Miles, Austin
Arranger: Drennan, PattiIn The Garden
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In The Stillness of This Moment
Composer: Martin/Angerman
In Your Footsteps
Composer: Forrest/Nichols
Into The Garden
Composer: Nolan/Lutkin
Arranger: Nolan, DouglasInto The Woods My Master Went
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Invitation, The
Composer: McGrath, Ethan
Is He Worthy
Composer: Peterson/Shive
Arranger: Forrest, DanIt Is Finished
Composer: Lantz, Iii, David
It Is Well With My Soul
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Jesus Alone In The Garden
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Jesus Changes Everything
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Jesus Died On Calvary's Mountain
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Permanently Out of PrintJesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Jesus Is Calling
Composer: Martin, Joseph
Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Composer: Martin, Joseph
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Jesus Only Jesus
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Jesus Our Hope (Our Heart's Desire)
Composer: Fettke, Tom
Jesus Paid It All
Composer: Kingsmore, Richard
Series: Church ChoralJesus Paid It All
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Jesus Paid It All
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Jesus Paid It All
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Jesus Paid It All
Arranger: Sterling, Robert
Jesus Paid It All
Composer: Forman, Marianne
Jesus The Very Thought of You
Composer: Besig/Price
Jesus Thy Boundless Love To Me
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Jesus Touch My Heart
Composer: Rush/Pethel
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Just As I Am (New Edition)
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Just As I Am Without One Plea
Composer: Maynard, Lynette
Keep Me Near The Cross
Arranger: Sterling, Robert
Keep Me Near The Cross (W/Near The Cros
Composer: Crosby, Fanny
Arranger: Willmington, EdwinLamb of God
Composer: Paris, Twila
Arranger: Courtney, CraigLamb of God (Agnus Dei)
Composer: Reim, John
Lead Me Out of The Wilderness
Composer: Nix, Brad
Lead Me To Calvary
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Lenten Contemplation
Composer: Shippey, Jonathan
Lenten Meditation
Composer: Althouse, Jay
A Lenten Prayer
Composer: Hopson, Hal H
Series: Presbyterian Assoc Of MusA Lenten Reflection
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Let Me Be Your Light
Composer: Douglas, Donna Butler
Let Us Gather In The Shadow of The Cross
Composer: Martin, Joseph
Let Us Walk This Road Together
Arranger: Carter, John
Let Your Mercy Flow Down
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Life Is A Journey
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Life of Sacrifice, A
Composer: Lopez, Faye
Little Tears
Composer: Lantz III/Boersma
Permanently Out of PrintLiving Water Guiding Spirit
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Lonesome Valley/We Shall Walk
Arranger: Mabry/Schwarz
Look To The Rose
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Lord Have Mercy
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Lord Have Mercy
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Lord I Know I Been Changed
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Lord I Know I Been Changed
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Lord Jesus Think On Me
Composer: Healey, Derek
Lord Lift Me Up
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Lord of The Wind and The Sea
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
Arranger: Shute, Linda Cable
Love Divine: A Worship Experience
Composer: Raney, Joel
Love's Great Price
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Make Me A Captive Lord
Composer: Hill, Mark
Permanently Out of PrintMake Us One With You
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Man of Sorrows
Composer: Sorenson/Bliss
Man of Sorrows
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah What A Savior
Composer: Fettke, Tom
Man of Sorrows What A Name
Arranger: Nix, Brad
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Mercy Still
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Mercy's Promise
Composer: Drennan, Patti
More Love To Thee O Christ
Composer: Lanford, Lanny
Must Jesus Bear The Cross W/Lonesome Val
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Must Jesus Bear The Cross W/Lonesome Val
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Must Jesus Bear The Cross W/Lonesome Val
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
My Burden Is Light
Arranger: Buda, Brian
My Life My All
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
My Sheep Listen To My Voice
Composer: Blake, Shayla L
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
My Song Is Love Unknown
Composer: Childs, Edwin T
My Song Is Love Unknown
Composer: Shackley, Larry
The Mystery Of The Savior's Love
Composer: Schram/Baertschi
Permanently Out of PrintNever Let Us Go
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsNew Lord's Prayer, The
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Nighttime In The Garden
Composer: Mock, Patricia
Arranger: Lopez, FayeNone Other Lamb
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Not My Will But Thine
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Not My Will But Yours Be Done
Composer: Metzger, Joshua
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
O Come and Mourn With Me Awhile
Composer: Sedio, Mark
O Gentle Savior
Composer: McCartha, Charles
O Jesus I Have Promised
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
O Sacred Head
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Arranger: Raney, Joel
O Sacred Wondrous Love
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
O Vos Omnes
Composer: Hinnant, Henry
Of Tears and Sorrows
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Composer: Kaiser, Kurt
Arranger: Purifoy, JohnOld Rugged Cross Made The Difference, Th
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
On A Hill Far Away
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
On The Cross
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
On The Via Dolorosa
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Once Upon A Tree
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Once Upon A Tree (Theme)
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Only God
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Out of The Depths
Composer: Frost, Richard
Pathway To Home
Arranger: Clements/Nix
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
The Power Of The Cross
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Prayer At Gethsemane
Composer: Raney, Joel
Prayer For Healing
Composer: Ijames, Molly
The Prodigal Prayer
Composer: Courtney/Parker
Permanently Out of PrintReady To Forgive
Composer: Lindh, Jody
Redeemed By His Grace
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Redeemer of My Heart
Composer: Martin/Williams
Arranger: Fettke, Tom
Remember His Passion
Composer: Drennan/Parker
Remember To Remember
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Permanently Out of PrintRiver of Life
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Room At The Table For You
Composer: Schram/Strattn/Furma
A Rose In The Valley
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
The Rose Of Calvary (Theme)
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Savior Come and Dwell In Me
Composer: Besig/Price
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
The Savior's Lament
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
See Gethsemane
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
She Stood In Silent Love
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Shepherd Me O Gentle Lamb
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Silently Tears Were Flowing (With Christ
Composer: Adams/Williams
Sing Sing Hosanna
Composer: Handel/Beall
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Permanently Out of PrintSomeone's Walkin'
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Song of Surrender
Composer: Lantz III, David
Speak To Me In Ashes
Composer: Nolan, Douglas
The Spirit Makes All Things New
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Still Changing Me
Composer: Metzger, Joshua
Such Is The Way of God's Love
Composer: Martin/Angerman
Take My Yoke Upon You
Composer: Nolan, Douglas
Take Root In My Heart
Composer: Courtney/Frombach
Take The Name of Jesus
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Take The World But Give Me Jesus
Arranger: Tayler, J B
Take This Cup From Me
Composer: Lantz/Parker
Take Up Your Cross
Composer: Teichler, R Christopher
Take Up Your Cross
Arranger: Giamanco, Anthony
Series: GladsongTears Slowly Fall
Composer: Callaway, Susan Nayl
Permanently Out of PrintThat Day On Calvary
Composer: Besig, Don
Permanently Out of PrintThat's Where Love Will Find Me
Composer: McDonald, Mary
There Is A Green Hill Far Away
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
There Is A Green Hill Far Away
Composer: Govenor, Deborah
There Is A Higher Throne
Composer: Getty/Getty
Arranger: Larson, LloydThere Was No One There
Composer: Talley, Barry
There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Arranger: Martin, Gilbert M
Think About His Love
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Think of Me and Remember
Composer: Raney, Joel
Think of Me and Remember
Composer: Raney, Joel
This Man of Sorrows
Composer: Sterling, Robert
Thy Will Be Done
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Twelve Disciples In The Temple
Composer: Horman/Keithahn
Two Lenten Meditations
Composer: Daley, Eleanor
Until You Save The World
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Upon-A That Cross
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
View From The Upper Room
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Vision Prayer
Composer: Ijames/Berry
Wash Their Feet
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
We Are Your People O Lord
Composer: Besig/Price
We Behold His Glory
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
We Remember Calvary
Composer: Raney, Joel
We Remember Him Today
Composer: Althouse, Jay
We Remember You
Composer: Raney, Joel
We Shall Behold Him
Composer: Rambo, Dottie
Arranger: Mayfield, LarryWe Would See Jesus
Composer: Eiche, Jon
The Weeping Tree
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Weeping Tree, The
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Were You There
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Were You There
Arranger: Quigley, Patrick Dupre
Were You There
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Were You There
Arranger: Hanson, Brian
Were You There/When I Survey The Wondrou
Arranger: Rhoades, Michael Bret
What Wondrous Hope
Arranger: Martin/Sorenson
What Wondrous Love
Composer: Purifoy, John
What Wondrous Love
Composer: Culloton, Matthew
What Wondrous Love Is This
Composer: Thomason, Marshall
Permanently Out of PrintWhat Wondrous Love Is This
Composer: Ramsay/Sharp
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Manor, Trevor
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Leavitt, John
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
What Wondrous Marvelous Love
Composer: Cooper, Mary Ann
When Darkness Comes
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
When I Am Lifted Up
Composer: Courtney/Martin
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Composer: Curry, Craig
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Martin, Gilbert M
Series: Westminster Choir CollegeWhen I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Hanson, Brian L
Series: Hymns Of Faith ChoralWhen I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Arranger: Fettke/Grassi
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Arise
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Permanently Out of PrintWhen Jesus Wept
Arranger: Erickson, Karle
When Jesus Wept
Composer: Billings, William
Arranger: Walker, GwynethWhen Jesus Wept
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
When Love Came Down
Arranger: Fettke, Tom
When You Prayed Beneath The Trees
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
When You Prayed Beneath The Trees
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
When You Prayed Beneath The Trees
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Who Am I
Composer: Lewis, Jennifer L
Who Is That Man
Composer: Besig/Price
Who Is This
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Wholly Devoted To You
Composer: Lantz, David
Permanently Out of PrintWinds Through The Olives (From Harvest O
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
With All Your Heart
Composer: Martin/Williams
Wondrous Love
Composer: Cameron, Wes
Words of Assurance Hymns of Hope
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Worship The Lord
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Yes God Is Good
Composer: Higgs/Gurney
Arranger: Stevens, James MYou Are My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Composer: Tillman, R Tom
You Have Searched Me Lord
Composer: Burtonwood, Stephen
You Will I Love
Arranger: Fettke/Grassi
23rd Psalm, The
Composer: Shackley, Larry
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
127,306 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs