Choral Music

A La Nanita Nana (With Coventry Carol)
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
A La Puerta Del Cielo
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
A La Ru
Arranger: Englert, John F
A-Caroling We Go (Medley)
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Adeste Fideles
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful)
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Advent Calls
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Advent Candlelight Carol
Composer: Shafferman/Page
Advent Candlelight Carol
Arranger: Page/Shafferman
Series: Church ChoralAdvent Proclamation, An
Arranger: Paige, Jon
African Noel
Arranger: Berg, Ken
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
All Through The Night
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Amen Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
And He Shall Come
Arranger: Hart, Don
Angels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Angels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Angels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Angels From The Realms of Glory
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Angels In Seven
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Carols For Christmas
Permanently Out of PrintAngels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Choral DesignsAngels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Manor, Trevor
Series: Growing Musicians Leading Worship:heatheAngels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Keveren, Phillip
Angels We Have Heard On High
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Antiphonal Noel, An
Composer: Raney, Joel
As Lately We Watched
Arranger: Charter, Ian R
As Lately We Watched
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
Away In A Manger
Arranger: White, Jack Noble
Permanently Out of PrintAway In A Manger
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Away In A Manger
Arranger: Johnson, Derric
Away In A Manger (Lejos En Un Pesebre)
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Basque Carol, A
Arranger: Thomas, Chris
Composer: Olatunji/Whalum
Arranger: Brooks, BarringtonBoar's Head Carol, The
Arranger: Baas, Jimmy
Born He Is Born
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Hobby, Robert A
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Harmon, Neil
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella
Arranger: Baas, Jimmy
Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella
Arranger: Perry/Perry
Bring A Torch Jeannette Isabella
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
Campana Sobre Campana (Cancion De Navidad)
Arranger: Baas, Jimmy
Canticle of Carols
Composer: Spevacek, Linda
Canticle of Carols
Composer: Spevacek, Linda
A Carol Fantasia (A Christmas Celebrati
Arranger: Harlan/Albritton/Fettke
Carol of The Bells
Composer: Leontovich, M
Arranger: Wilhousky, Peter JCarol of The Birds
Arranger: Wilds, Jack
Caroling Caroling
Composer: Burt, Alfred
Arranger: Weir, MicheleCaroling Through The Snow
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Caroling Through The Snow
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Carols For Seekers
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Carols For Seekers
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Carols of The Night
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Catalonian Carol
Arranger: Ratcliff, Cary
Series: Cme Holiday LightsCelebrate Christmas (Collection)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Chantons Noel
Arranger: Patterson, Mark
Childing of A Maiden Bright
Composer: Mccoy, Chad
Children Go Where I Send Thee
Arranger: Podd, Adam
Series: Choral DesignsChrist Is Coming To The Earth This Night
Arranger: Rasbach, David
Christ Was Born On Christmas Day
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Christmas Blessing, A
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Christmas Carol Celebration
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
Christmas Day In The Morning
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Christmas Eve Is Here
Arranger: Larkin, Michael
Christmas Fanfare
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Christmas Fanfare
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Christmas In The Great Hall
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Christmas In The Great Hall
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Christmas Songs of Praise
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Composer: Shelton, Tom
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Cold December (El Desembre Congelat)
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Cold December Flies Away
Arranger: Schreiner, Daniel
Cold December Flies Away
Arranger: Schreiner, Daniel
Cold December's Winds
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Come and Worship
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Comfort and Joy
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
Comfort and Joy
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Harrison, Tim
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Voices RisingCoventry Carol
Arranger: Williams, Roderick
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Reese, Noah
Coventry Carol
Arranger: Reese, Noah
The Coventry Carol
Arranger: Patterson, Mark
Cradle Song
Arranger: Pooler, M
Czech Christmas Carol, A
Arranger: Bailey/Pillsbury
Darkness Into Light
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Deck The Hall
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral DesignsDeck The Hall
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Deck The Hall
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
Deck The Hall and Swing It
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Series: Choral DesignsDeck The Halls
Arranger: Juneau, Thomas
Deck The Halls
Arranger: Johnson, Derric
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Grundahl, Nancy
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Carey, Paul
Series: Prima CantateDing Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Stopford, Philip
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Gray, Ruth Morris
Series: Together We SingDing Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryDing Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
Ding Dong Merrily On High (Fa La La)
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Ding Dong The Christmas Bells Are Ringin
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Dormi Dormi Bel Bambin
Arranger: Crescenz, Valerie Showers
Emmanuel Expected Jesus
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsEnniscorthy Carol (Wexford Carol)
Arranger: Alwyn, Emil
Esta Noche
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsFestival of Carols
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Festival of Christmas
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Festival of Christmas
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Figgy Pudding with We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
Series: Choral DesignsThe First Noel/Pachelbel's Canon
Arranger: Clawson, Michael
Series: Choral DesignsFirst Noel, The
Arranger: Chase, David
First Noel, The
Arranger: Schirard, John Maclane
Folk Hymn Tapestry
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Four Part Carols: A Cappella
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
French Carol Concertato, A
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
French Carol Duet
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Series: Choral DesignsA French Carol Suite
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsFum Fum Fum
Arranger: Parker/Shaw
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Herrington/Glick
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki T
Fum Fum Fum
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
Composer: Larkin, Michael
Give Me An Old-Fashioned Christmas
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Gloria (Angels We Have Heard On High)
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Go and Tell It
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryGo Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Engelhardt, Michael
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Murphy, Ryan
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: Carter, Roland
God Came Near
Composer: Fettke, Tom
God Is With Us
Arranger: Fettke, Tom
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Mccollum, David
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Peters, Wesley D
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Series: Choral DesignsGod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Moore, Donald
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Campbell, Elizabeth
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Campbell, Elizabeth
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Arranger: Reese/Siebert
Good Christian Men Rejoice
Arranger: Meader, Darmon
Good King Wenceslas
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Good King Wenceslas
Arranger: O'Connell, Ryan
Good King Wenceslas
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Carols For ChristmasGospel Nativity Carol
Arranger: Curry, Craig
Gotta Get Ready For Christmas
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Wright, Vicki Hancock
Series: ExaltationHark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Bandy, Timothy
Series: Christmas ChoralHark The Herald Angels Sing
Composer: Mendelssohn, Felix
Arranger: Raney, JoelHark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Hawes, Patrick
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Sparkman, Josh
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
He Is Born
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Series: Exaltation ChoralHe Is Born The Divine Christ Child
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Carols Of ChristmasHe Shall Reign Forevermore W/Angels We
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Hear The Angels Sing
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Here We Come A-Caroling
Arranger: Pooler, Marie
Here We Come A-Caroling
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
Here We Come A-Caroling
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Here We Come A-Caroling
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryHere We Come A-Caroling
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Here We Come A-Wassailing
Arranger: Perry/Perry
Hodie Christus Natus Est
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Holiday Road of Carols, A
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
The Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Nygard, Carl
The Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Holly and The Ivy, The
Arranger: Patterson, Mark
The Holly And The Ivy
Arranger: Gallina, Jill
Holly and The Ivy, The
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Holly and The Ivy, The
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
The Holly Bears A Berry
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Holy Night of Wonder
Composer: Lopez, Faye
How Dark The Night
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
How Far Is It To Bethlehem
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Permanently Out of PrintHow Great Our Joy
Arranger: Rasbach, David
Hush My Babe
Arranger: Gray, Cynthia
Hydom Tiddlydom
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
Series: Choral DesignsI Heard The Bells
Composer: Rouse, Jay
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Arranger: Leavitt, John
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Stopford, Philip Wj
Series: Henry Leck ChoralI Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Gallina, Jill
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Finley, Brian
Series: Cme Holiday LightsI Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Lewis, Brian
Series: Choral DesignsI Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryI Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Estes, Jerry
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsI Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Thomas, Paul David
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Thomas, Paul David
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Hudson, John Frederick
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Cutter, William
I Saw Three Ships
Arranger: Thomas, Paul David
I Wonder As I Wander
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Il Est Ne
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
In Dulci Jubilo
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
In Dulci Jubilo
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Hugh, Robert I
In The Bleak Midwinter
Composer: Holst, Gustav
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Exaltation ChoralIn The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Lange, Kinley
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Pederson, Kyle
In The Bleak Midwinter
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Lau, Robert
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Custer, Gerald
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Lasky, David
Invitation For Advent, An
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Arranger: Leavitt, John
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Arranger: Leavitt, John
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Composer: Clausen, Rene
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Arranger: Raney, Joel
It Was On A Silent Night
Composer: Nichols, Richard A
Jer Er Saa Glad (I Am So Glad)
Arranger: Peter, Sandra
Jesus God With Us
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Jesus Infant Holy
Arranger: Spevacek, Linda
Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head
Arranger: Gorton, William
Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Jingle Bells
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: HolidayJoseph Dearest Joseph Mine
Arranger: Pfautsch, Lloyd
Journey, The
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Joy A Medley of Carols
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Joy Has Dawned W/Angels We Have Heard On
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Joy Joy Joy
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Berg, KenJoy To The World
Arranger: Keesecker, Thomas
Joy To The World
Composer: Strite, Steven
Joy To The World
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Joy To The World
Arranger: Hawes, Patrick
Joy To The World
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Joy To The World
Arranger: Podd, Matt
Series: Choral DesignsJoy To The World
Arranger: Johnson, Derric
Joy: A Gospel Christmas Celebration
Composer: Raney, Joel
Joyous Carols of Christmas
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
King Jesus Hath A Garden
Arranger: Leavitt, John
King Jesus Hath A Garden
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Kling Glockchen (Ring Little Bells)
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Series: Choral DesignsLet Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Let Heaven and Nature Sing
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Let The New Year In
Composer: Lawson, Philip
Lift Up Your Heads
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Series: Singable SolutionsLight A Candle On This Silent Night
Composer: Franklin, Glenda
A Light Will Shine
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
The Little Drummer Boy
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Series: PopLittle Drummer Boy, The
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Little Drummer Boy, The
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Lo How A Rose
Arranger: Grundahl, Nancy
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Andrews, Doug
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Composer: Baker/Leavitt
Series: Choral TreasuryLo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Hanson, Brian L
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Composer: Rouse, Jay
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Long Ago (In The Bleak Midwinter)
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
Long Ago (In The Bleak Midwinter)
Arranger: Narverud, Jacob
Lord of All (Infant Holy Infant Lowly)
Arranger: Jones, Chris
Love Came Down At Christmas
Composer: Buda, Brian
Love Came Down At Christmas
Composer: Rasbach, David
Lullay Infant Holy
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Lullay Infant Holy
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Masters In This Hall
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Masters In This Hall
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Medallion A Cappella: Christmas Vol 1
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Medieval Fa La La, A
Composer: Wright, Reginal S
Messiah Christmas Trilogy
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Midnight Clear
Composer: Nielsen, Matthew D
Midnight Clear, The
Composer: Schram/Williams
Midnight Rose, The
Arranger: Nix/Cooley
Midwinter Song
Composer: LaBarr, Susan
The Music Of Christmas
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Night of The Father's Love
Arranger: Choplin, Pepper
Nobody Knew This Little Child
Composer: Childs, Edwin T
Noche De Paz (Silent Night)
Arranger: Gray, Ruth Morris
Noel Alleluia
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsNoel Celebration
Arranger: Dengler/Dengler
Noel Critter Motel, The
Composer: Cabaniss/Schram
Noel Festival
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Noel Festival
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Noel Nouvelet
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Series: Choral DesignsNoel Nouvelet
Arranger: Campbell, John Floyd
Noel Nouvelet
Arranger: Dwyer, Ruth
Noel Sing Noel
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Noel Sing We Here
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
O Christmas Tree
Arranger: Baas, Jimmy
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Frazier, Michael
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Hawes, Patrick
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Bock/Petker
O Come Emmanuel Rejoice
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
O Come Let Us Adore Him
Arranger: Paxton, David
O Come Little Children
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Parker/Shaw
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Composer: Malvar-Keylock/Friedersdorf
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Ray, Jamey
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Ray, Jamey
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Arranger: Reese, Noah
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Composer: Brooks, Phillips
Arranger: Nichols, Richard
Permanently Out of PrintO Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Spevacek, Linda
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Culloton, Matthew
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Composer: Cornish, John
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Composer: Holt, R Daniel
Oh Watch The Stars
Arranger: Wilberg, Mack
Old Brenton Carol
Arranger: Bultman, W Michael
Permanently Out of PrintOn A Silent Night Long Long Ago
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
On Christmas Night
Arranger: Mccray, James
On Christmas Night
Arranger: Shepperd, Mark
On This Shining Night
Composer: Dengler, Lee
On This Silent Peaceful Night
Composer: Estes, Jerry
Our Messiah's Birth
Arranger: Morgan, Megan H
Over The Rainbow (With Lo How A Rose)
Arranger: Bjella, Richard
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Arranger: Rasbach, David
Arranger: Rasbach, David
Arranger: Halloran/Bolks
Pat-A-Pan Noel
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Composer: Raney, Joel
Arranger: Raney, JoelPeople Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
People Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
People Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
People Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Prepare The Way
Composer: Barrett, Michael
Psallite: A German Carol Celebration
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Quiet Little Town
Composer: Schram/Williams
Rejoice Emmanuel
Arranger: Baas, Jimmy
Rejoice Your Light Has Come
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Ring Christmas Bells (Carol of The Bells
Arranger: Afonso Jr, Daniel
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Schrader, Jack
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Carter, Roland
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Smith, Kile
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Riu Riu Chiu
Arranger: Spevacek, Linda
Riu Riu Chiu
Arranger: Spevacek, Linda
Road To Bethlehem, The
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Road To Bethlehem, The
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Rocking Carol
Composer: Osentowski, Francis
Room In My Heart
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Rose of Bethlehem
Arranger: Greer, Bruce
Royal David's City
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Run Shepherds
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Run Shepherds
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Sans Day Carol
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
See Amid The Winter Snow
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
See Amid The Winter's Snow
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Seekers of The Light
Composer: Larson/Hayes
Arranger: Larson/HayesShepherd Carols
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Shepherd's Echo Carol (How Great Our Joy
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Shepherds Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep
Arranger: Berg, Ken
Shepherds Tell The News
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Shepherds' Carol
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Silent Night
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Choral DesignsSilent Night
Arranger: Sharp/Mohr
Permanently Out of PrintSilent Night
Arranger: Meader, Darmon
Silent Night
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Silent Night
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Silent Night
Arranger: Peter, Sandra
Silent Night
Arranger: Huish, Andrew
Silent Night
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Silent Night
Arranger: Hawes, Patrick
Silent Night
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Silent Night
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Silent Night
Arranger: Ray, Jamey
Silent Night
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Silent Night Holy Night
Composer: Gruber
Arranger: Raney, JoelSing Alleluia Christ Will Come
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Sing Choirs of Angels
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Sing Choirs of Angels
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Sing Christmas (Collection)
Arranger: Chase, David
Sing Joy: A Medley of Carols
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Series: Choral DesignsSing Out Our Savior's Birth
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Sing Sing Noel
Arranger: Burrows, Mark
Sing We Holiday Cheer
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Wheeler, Julie
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Series: Choral DesignsSing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Choral DesignsSing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoverySing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Sing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Prentice, Fred
Sleep Little Tiny Baby
Composer: Gray, James Kevin
Small But Mighty Dan Forrest
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Snow Lay On The Ground, The
Arranger: Patterson, Mark
Snow On Snow (In The Bleak Midwinter)
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Some Children See Him
Composer: Burt/Hutson
Arranger: Martin, Joseph MThe Sounding Joy
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
A Star Carol
Arranger: Kosche, Kenneth T
Still Still Still
Arranger: Hoelscher, Joey
Still Still Still
Arranger: Culloton, Matthew
Still Still Still
Arranger: Reese, Noah
Still Still Still
Arranger: Roberto, Nicholas A
Still Still Still
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Still Still Still
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Still Still Still (With Silent Night)
Arranger: Berry, Cindy
Stille Nacht/Silent Night (With Asl)
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Sussex Carol
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Sussex Carol
Arranger: Hagenberg, Elaine
Sweet Little Jesus Boy
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
Tannenbaum In 5/8
Arranger: Rentz, Earlene
This Is Christ The King
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Three Christmas Carols From Poland
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Three English Carols
Arranger: Moore, Donald
Series: Choral DesignsThree French Carols
Arranger: Moore, Donald
Three French Carols
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Series: Carols Of ChristmasThree Jazz Carols
Arranger: Moore, Donald
Series: Choral DesignsThree Jazzy Bell Carols
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Three Latin Carols
Arranger: Lawson, Phillip
Three Spanish Christmas Carols
Arranger: Greenberg, Noah
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Arranger: Mayo, Becki Slagle
Series: Choral DesignsTidings of Comfort and Joy
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: DiscoveryTidings of Comfort and Joy
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Arranger: Lehman, Robert
Tribute of Carols, A
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Unto Us A Son Is Born
Arranger: Manor, Trevor
Veni Emmanuel
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Veni Emmanuel
Arranger: Steele, Zachary
Veni Veni Emmanuel
Arranger: Morgan, John G
Veni Veni Emmanuel
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
Veni Veni Emmanuel (Ero Cras I Will Come)
Composer: Trotta, Michael John
Venite Adoremus Gesu Bambino
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Arranger: Trinkley, Bruce
Composer: Raney, Joel
We Three Kings Medley
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
We Three Swingin' Kings
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Arranger: Parker, Alice
Series: Archive EditionWexford Carol
Arranger: Berg, Ken
Wexford Carol
Arranger: Hagenberg, Elaine
Wexford Carol
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Wexford Carol
Arranger: Dombek, Stephen
The Wexford Carol
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Wexford Carol, The
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Wexford Carol, The
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Wexford Carol, The
Arranger: Lawson, Philip
What Child
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
What Child Is This
Arranger: McCullough, Donald
What Child Is This
Arranger: Berg, Ken
What Child Is This
Arranger: Cornish, John
What Is This Lovely Fragrance
Arranger: Hopson, Hal
What Shall The Children Bring
Composer: Drennan, Patti
What Sweeter Music
Composer: Leavitt, John
What Sweeter Music
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
When The World Was At Peace
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
When We Needed A King
Composer: Rouse, Jay
While Shepherds Watched
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Meader, DarmonWinter Stars
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs