Choral Music

Current Promotions
Hinshaw Music 2024-2025
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Be The Love
Composer: Pederson, Kyle
Composer: Robles, Zanaida
From Scorched Earth
Composer: Gimon, Katerina
Good (The Lord Is Good)
Composer: Murphy, Gale Jones
Hold On Just A Little While Longer
Arranger: Black, Byron K
Hug A Tree and Kiss A Sparrow
Composer: Good, Ian
I Carry Your Heart
Composer: Brunner, David L
I Sing To Remember
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Wells, Brent
Is There A World
Composer: Johnson, Terre
La Li Ley
Composer: Wong, Tracy
Let Us Walk In God's Light
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Listening, The
Composer: Engelhardt, Cheryl
Little Talk With Jesus, A
Arranger: Wise, Raymond
Longing To Be Seen
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Look At The Stars
Composer: Sirett, Mark
Lord Bless You and Keep You, The
Composer: Visser, Larry
Love Came Gently
Composer: Janzen, Kate
Lucky Stars Above You
Composer: Copi, Ambroz
Lullabies At The Manger
Arranger: Shepperd, Mark
Magic of Winter, The
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Composer: Heruth, Hans Bridger
North Wind (Cherokee Wayfaring Stranger)
Arranger: Green, James E
O Southland
Composer: Waddles, Brandon
Omnes Gentes Plaudite Manibus
Composer: Bec, Tine
One Small Voice
Composer: Brechmacher, Ryan
Share The Stars
Composer: Martin, Christian
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (A Silent Night)
Arranger: Nichols, Richard A
Composer: Hammell, E K R
Thou Art My Lute
Composer: Waters, Richard
Composer: Alexksiychuk, Iryna
Universi Qui Te Expectant
Composer: Haydn, Johann Michael
Arranger: Banner, Martin
Until I Reach My Home
Arranger: Boyd, Brandon A
Venite Adoremus
Composer: Smith, George Edwin
We Shall Overcome
Arranger: Malone, Dareion
When Morning Gilds The Skies
Composer: Bruhn, Andrew
Woods, The (Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening)
Composer: Jordan, Randy
You're The One
Composer: Wise, Raymond
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs