Choral Music

Current Promotions
Heritage Music Press 2024-2025
Agnus Agnus Dei
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Ah Poor Bird
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
All I Can Do Is My Best
Composer: Gantz, David Scott
Arranger: Fukuda, Masa
All Night All Day (with My Lord What a Morning)
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
All The Pretty Little Horses
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Alle Psallite
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Composer: Sharpe, Bryan
Amelia Flies
Composer: Collins, Kirstina Rasmussen
Amen Alleluia
Composer: Ryan, Michael
America This Land I Love
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
Composer: Ryan, Michael
Any Day Spent With You
Composer: Walz, C E
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
Away In A Manger (Lejos En Un Pesebre)
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Bach For Young Voices
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Edwards, Geoffrey
Behold That Star
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Blow Winds of Fall
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Blue Skies
Composer: Berlin, Irving
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Broomstick Flew All Around, The
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Composer: Dietz, Rob
Charlie Is My Darlin'
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Courage Lives
Composer: Patterson, Mark
Dala Horse
Arranger: Whitehill, Erik
Day of Fire and Sun
Composer: Crellin, Kate
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
A Dozen American Folk Songs In About Three Minutes
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Duct Tape
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Duermete (The Angels' Lullaby)
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Ella Sings
Composer: Collins, Kirstina Rasmussen
Evening Song
Composer: Rust, Christopher
Everything Has A Time and Place
Composer: Mayo, Becki Slagle
Falling Star
Composer: Franklin, Glenda E
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
Frozen Man, The
Composer: Bowyer, James
Furusato (My Home)
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Get Along Home Cindy
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Gift of Music, The
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Give Me The Splendid Silent Sun
Composer: Ryan, Michael
Give Me Your Stars To Hold
Composer: Crellin, Kate
Gloria The Angels Sing
Arranger: Ryan, Michael
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
Hisakata (The Gentle Light of Spring)
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Ho Ho Watanay (Sleep Sleep Little One)
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Hodie Christus Natus Est
Composer: Hayes, Mark
I Am Out With Lanterns
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
I See A Star
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
I Will Live (Stellae In Aeternum)
Composer: Sharpe, Bryan
I'll Sing Peace On Earth
Composer: Bruhn, Andrew
I'm A Walking Symphony
Composer: Burrows, Mark
I'm Gonna Sing (With Swing Low)
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
I'm Just A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
If I Could See The Wind
Composer: Strain, Brian C
If I Were A Cat
Composer: Christensen/McKibben
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
In This Moment We Sing
Composer: Purifoy, John
John Peel
Arranger: Franklin, Glenda E
Keep Keepin' On
Composer: Sharpe, Bryan
Keep Singing
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
Kyrie Ele Eleison
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
La Llorona
Arranger: Soto, Ricardo
Leaders of Tomorrow
Composer: Gantz, David Scott
Arranger: Fukuda, Masa
Let Us Live As Friends
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Let's Go On A Sleigh Ride
Composer: Franklin, Glenda E
Lift Up Your Voice
Composer: Strain, Brian C
Light Tomorrow With Today
Composer: Mayo, Becki Slagle
Little Tree
Composer: Lorimer, Valerie
Louisa Dreams
Composer: Collins, Kirstina Rasmussen
Love and Music
Composer: Harington, Henry
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Love Beyond Love
Composer: Matal/Long
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Lullay Noel
Arranger: Mayo, Becki Slagle
Maker's Song, The
Composer: Hogan, Ed
May The Road Rise To Meet You
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Meet Me At The Crawdad Hole
Arranger: Franklin, Glenda E
Moonrise Outer Banks
Composer: Patterson, Mark
Mozart and Haydn For Young Voices
Arranger: Edwards, Geoffrey
Munde Akiamo Acheh
Composer: Nix, Brad
My Wish For You
Composer: Ricks, Jordan
Natsu No Yo Wa (In The Summer Night)
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
New Life, A (From La Vita Nuova)
Composer: Whitehill, Erik
O Nata Lux
Composer: Sharpe, Bryan
Oak and Ash and Thorn
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Oak and Ash and Thorn
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Ode To Chocolate (Chocolate Goes On Everything)
Composer: Christensen, Michelle
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Oh In The Cherry Garden
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Old Cherry Tree, An
Composer: Wagner, Jen
Once In Cold December
Composer: Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Parting Glass, The
Arranger: Pagel, Kirsten
Pizza Party (Tarantella Pizzacato)
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Prayer In Spring, A
Composer: Nix, Brad
Psallite Exsultate
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Quick-Start Choral Warm-Ups (Director Edition)
Composer: Robinson/Wagner
Red River Valley
Arranger: Adcock, Tyler
Composer: Lange, Nathan R
Arranger: Gray, Ruth Morris
Round and Round The Earth Is Turning
Arranger: Mayo, Becki Slagle
Rowan Tree, The
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Seal Lullaby
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Shake The Papaya Down
Arranger: Franklin, Glenda E
Silent Holy Jazzy Night
Arranger: Sharpe, Bryan
Sing A Merry Christmas (Collection)
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Sing Choirs of Angels
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Sing My Song
Composer: Gantz, David
Arranger: Fukuda, Masa
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Skipping Stone, The
Composer: Stroope, Z Randall
Sky's The Limit, The
Composer: Whitehill, Erik
Skye Boat Song
Arranger: Edwards, Geoffrey
Song Is Not Dead
Composer: Crellin, Kate
Song of My Own, A
Composer: McKibben/Christensen
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
These Things Shall Never Die
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Composer: Kapilow, Ben
Two Di Lasso Motets
Composer: Di Lasso, Orlando
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Under The Wide and Starry Sky
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Warm Up Song, The
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Water Is Wide, The
Arranger: Walz, C E
We Are The Children
Composer: Wagner, Jen
We Can Build A Bridge (Collection)
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
We'll Remember Your Song
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
What Were You Thinking
Composer: Malthaner, Michael
When I Sing
Composer: Robinson, Russell
When Our Voices Unite
Composer: Gantz, David Scott
Arranger: Fukuda, Masa
When The World Was At Peace
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
When We Share A Song
Composer: Mayo, Becki Slagle
When You Walk That Lonesome Valley
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Widmung (Dedication)
Composer: Schumann, Robert
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Wild Mountain Thyme
Arranger: Knoedler, Benjamin
Wintry Walk, A
Composer: Norman, Ayrian
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Wreath of Beauty, A
Composer: Crellin, Kate
Yo Vivo Cantando (I Live To Sing)
Composer: Estes, Jerry
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs