
EasterExtended Sets
Ah Holy Jesus
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Beneath The Cross of Jesus
Composer: Maker, Frederick C
Arranger: Dobrinski, CynthiaBeneath The Cross of Jesus
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Christ Is Alive
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Classical Easter
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
The Day Of Resurrection
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Day of Resurrection, The
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Easter Rondo
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Permanently Out of PrintHow Majestic Is Your Name
Arranger: Hakes, Derek K
In The Garden
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
Raise Your Joys and Triumphs High
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Ride On
Arranger: Austin, Brenda E
Ride On King Jesus
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura
Risen Today
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra K
Series: Intermediate RingersStrife Is O'Er, The
Arranger: Compton, Matthew
Thine Is The Glory
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Dobrinski, CynthiaThis Joyful Eastertide
Arranger: Krug, Jason W
Victory and Meditation
Composer: Mallory, Ron
What Wondrous Love Is This
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Composer: Mason/Raney
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold BWondrous Love
Arranger: Childers, Brian
More Extended Sets CategoriesBrowse Handbell
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs