
Originals2-3 Octaves
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Alleluia Fanfare
Composer: Gramann, Fred
Antiphonal Fanfare
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Behold The King Comes
Composer: Ingram, Bill
Series: Beginning RingersBell Jubilee
Composer: Page, Anna Laura
Series: Beginning RingersBeside Still Waters
Composer: Starks, Howard F
Campana Sonos
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Celtic Farewell
Composer: Lamb, Linda R
Chanson (A Sacred Song)
Composer: Lowenberg, Kenneth
Chime In: Advent and Christmas
Arranger: Behnke, John
Chime Suite
Composer: Hollander, Lynn
Series: Beginning RingersChrist Is Lord Praise His Name
Composer: Starks, Howard
Arranger: Freeman, ArdisEssential Classics For 2-3 Octaves Vol 1
Arranger: Larson/Kinyon/Geschke
Fanfare and Reflection
Composer: Krug, Jason W
Fanfare of Praise
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Fanfare of Praise
Composer: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey
Festive Air
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
A Festive Peal
Composer: Leavitt, John
Fiesta Con Campanillas
Composer: Mizell, Carol Lynn
Groove In G
Composer: Underwood, Greg
A Happy Song
Composer: Waldrop, Tammy
Series: Beginning RingersIn Quietness and Confidence
Composer: Lamb, Linda R
Joyful Praise
Composer: Geschke, Susan E
Joyful Procession
Composer: Ko, Kevin Mazimas
A Joyful Ring
Composer: Kinyon, Barbara B
Joyful Variations
Composer: Childers, Brian
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Let Us Rejoice
Composer: Dobrinski, Cynthia
Composer: Waugh, Timothy
Morning Canticle
Composer: Tucker, Sondra
Morning Song
Composer: Kinyon, Barbara B
O Ring and Be Joyful
Composer: Kinyon, Barbara
Praise Waltz
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
Prelude To Sunrise
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
Composer: Yoshida, Toshiakazu
Psalm Nine
Composer: Wiltze, Carl
Rejoice He Is Risen
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
Renaissance Dance
Composer: Besard, Jean Baptist
Arranger: McChesney, KevinRing
Composer: Lamb, Lind R
Series: Beginning RingersRing Jubilee
Composer: Geschke, Susan E
Ring Praise
Composer: Riley, Nathaniel
Ring To The Lord A New Song
Composer: Moklebust, Cathy
River Runs Through, A
Composer: Winter, Sandra
Search Me (Now Is The Hour)
Arranger: Hurlbutt, Patricia
Second Suite For Handbells
Composer: Helman, Michael
A Simple Song Of Joy
Composer: Keller, Michael R
A Spirited Fanfare
Composer: Mazzatenta, Michael
Tall Walls Fall
Arranger: Waldrop, Tammy
This Glorious Day
Composer: Geschke, Susan
Three Fanfares
Composer: Bisbee, B Wayne
Tranquil Chimings
Composer: Eithun, Sandra
Two Festive Fanfares
Composer: Keller, Michael R
Two Songs For Bells
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Permanently Out of PrintWith Great Joy
Composer: Geschke, Susan
With Joyful Hearts
Composer: Childers, Brian
More 2-3 Octaves CategoriesBrowse Handbell
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs