General Music

Aesop Adventure, An
Composer: Miller/Raymond
Permanently Out of PrintAnimal Tales
Composer: Jacobson/Brymer
Permanently Out of PrintThe Animals Christmas Tree
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Arctic Animal Antics
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Arf Canine Musical of Kindness/Courage/C
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
A Barnyard Moosical
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Series: Singin' & Swingin' At TheBear Went Over The Mountain, The
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Bear-Y Merry Holiday, A
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Bebop With Aesop
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Permanently Out of PrintThe Best Pet Show Ever
Composer: Gagne, Denise
Composer: Jacobson, John
Arranger: Higgins, John
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Bugz Christmas, A
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Bunnies (A Hopping New Musical)
Composer: Jacobson, John
Carnival of The Animals
Composer: Saint-Saens, Camille
Arranger: Beall/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintCircus Circus
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintThe Cuckoo
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Day In The Country, A
Composer: Scelsa/Gowers/Rosens
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintDinostars
Composer: Jacobson/Brymer
Permanently Out of PrintE-I-E-I Oops
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Elephant's Child, The
Composer: Crocker/Jacobson
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintFreddie The Frog and The Jungle Jazz
Composer: Burch/Eckert
A Froggy Day In Lindentown
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Permanently Out of PrintFrosty's First Adventure
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Permanently Out of PrintGo Fish
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Goin' Buggy
Composer: Gallina, Jill
Goldie and The Bears
Composer: Dirksing, Donna
Holiday Moosical, A
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Holiday Zoobilee
Composer: Jacobson/Billingsley
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintIt's A Jungle Out There
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)It's A Zoo Out There
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Jungle Party Tonight
Composer: Jacobson/Billingsley
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintKitty Cat Capers
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
The Little Red Hen
Composer: Kaplan, Carol B
Littlest Reindeer, The
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintMice Before Christmas, The
Composer: Amorosia/Wiedemann
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Music First Express
Permanently Out of PrintThe Mice From Outer Space
Composer: Jennings, Teresa
Series: Choral
Permanently Out of PrintThe Night The Reindeer Rocked
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Permanently Out of PrintThe Nightingale
Composer: Beck/Fisher
North Pole Star
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)On Safari
Composer: Zettlemoyer, Lynn
Once Upon A Lily Pad
Composer: Donnelly, Mary
Arranger: Strid, George L O
Series: Choral
Permanently Out of PrintPanda and The Moon
Composer: Whitehill, Erik
Penguin Christmas, A
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Permanently Out of PrintA Race To The Finish
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Rats The Story of The Pied Piper
Composer: Perry/Perry
The Reindeer Games
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Sing A Song of Aesop
Composer: Hiller, Brian
Singin' In The Rainforest
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Sounds A Little Fishy To Me
Composer: Amorosia/Weidemann
Arranger: Weidemann
Series: Choral
Permanently Out of PrintSquirm
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
A Teddy Bear Christmas
Composer: Jennings, Teresa
Arranger: Jennings, Paul
Permanently Out of PrintThree Nanny Goats Gruff
Composer: Kaplan/Becker
Three of A Kind
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintThree Piggy Opera
Composer: Kaplan/Becker
The Two By Two Zoo Cruise
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
Permanently Out of PrintTwo For The Show
Composer: Albrecht, Sally K
Wackadoo Zoo, The
Composer: Gallina, Jill
Welcome To The Jungle
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Why Mosquitos Buzz
Composer: Crocker/Jacobson
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintWhy Mosquitos Buzz
Composer: Crocker/Jacobson
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)
Permanently Out of PrintWild Things A Big Zoo Revue (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Permanently Out of PrintWing It
Composer: Jacobson/Higgins
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs