General Music

Partner Songs/Beginning Part SingingCollections
' Round The Seasons
Composer: Gilpatrick, Elizabet
All Aboard The Partner Express
Composer: Billingsley/Jacobson
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: Music Express BooksAll-American Partner Songs (Bk/Cd)
Arranger: Albrecht, Sally K
Around The World In Song
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Permanently Out of PrintBroadway Partners
Arranger: Albrecht, Sally K
Choose Your Holiday Partner
Composer: Jacobson/Billingsley
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Choose Your Partner
Composer: Jacobson/Billingsley
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Every Day's A Holiday (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Folksong Partners
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Folksong Partners Around The World
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Grab A Partner
Arranger: Albrecht/Althouse
Grab Another Partner
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Harmony Handbook
Composer: O'Connor-Ballantyne, Katie
Hello Hello
Composer: Jacobson, John
Holiday Partners
Arranger: Beck/Albrecht/Schram
I Sing You Sing
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
I Sing You Sing Too
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
I Sing You Sing: Holiday Songs
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
I Sing You Sing: Learning Songs
Composer: Albrecht, Sally K
It Takes Two
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
It's Your Turn Again
Composer: Lavender, Cheryl
Let Music Live!
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Look Before You Leap
Composer: Gilpatrick, Elizabet
Partner Songs For The Developing Choir
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Partner Songs For The Whole Year Long
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Arranger: Donnelly/Strid
Partners Around The World
Composer: Jacobson/Billingsley
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Partners In Song
Arranger: Marsh, Mary Val
Permanently Out of PrintPartners In Song
Composer: Donnelly/Strid
Patriotic Partners
Composer: Jacobson, John
Arranger: Anderson, TomPentatonic Partners
Composer: Miller, Cristi Cary
Arranger: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Pop Partners
Arranger: Albrecht, Sally K
Rock Rounds For Choir
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Rockin' A Round
Composer: Miller, Cristi Carey
Round The World
Composer: Lavender, Cheryl
Sharing Secrets
Composer: Bodoin/White
Treasures For Two
Composer: Gallina, Jill
Permanently Out of PrintTunes For Two The Whole Year Through
Composer: Gallina/Gallina
World Partners
Composer: Lavender, Cheryl
Year In Unison, A
Composer: Souders, Michael
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs