General Music

Music for BoomwhackersCollections
Boom ' N' Tunes Easy Folk Tunes (Bk/Cd)
Arranger: Forrest, Linda
Boom ' N' Tunes: Just For Fun (Bk/Cd)
Arranger: Forrest, Linda
Boom Boom Boomwhackers On Broadway
Composer: Giese, Gayle
Arranger: Giese, Gayle
Series: Song Activity Books,videosBoom Boom Classics
Composer: Judah-Lauder, Chris
Boom Boom Holiday Fun
Composer: Judah-Lauder, Chris
Arranger: Judah-Lauder, Chris
Series: Song Activity Books,videosBoom Boom Popular Movie and Tv Songs
Arranger: Giese, Gayle
Series: Song Activity Books,videosBoom-A-Tunes Curriculum Vol 1
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Boom-A-Tunes Curriculum Vol 2
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Boom-A-Tunes Curriculum Vol 3
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Boom-A-Tunes Curriculum Vol 4
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Boom-A-Tunes Curriculum Vol 5
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Boomin'the Basics (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Anderson, Tom
Boomwhack Attack
Composer: Willis/Presley
Arranger: Anderson, Tom
Series: Music Express BooksBoomwhackers and Beyond
Arranger: Perry/Perry
Permanently Out of PrintBoomwhackers and Beyond
Arranger: Perry/Perry
Permanently Out of PrintBoomwhackers and Beyond
Composer: Perry, Dave/Jean
Arranger: Perry, Dave/Jean
Permanently Out of PrintComposing With Boomwhackers (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Gagne, Denise
Totally Tubular Games & Activites Bk V 1
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Totally Tubular Vol 2 (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Tube Time Vol 1 (Bk/Cd)
Arranger: Foncannon, Ellen
Tube Time Vol 2 (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Tube Time Vol 3 (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Series: Tube TimeTubular Camp Songs Vol 1
Arranger: Foncannon, Ellen
A Tubular Christmas Songbook
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Tubular Classics Songbook
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Tubular Patriotic Songs
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Tubular Spirituals
Composer: Foncannon, Ellen
Whacked On Classics
Composer: De Musset/Debussy/Pu
Arranger: Guaraldi, Vince
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Whacked On Classics II (Bk/Cd)
Composer: De Musset/Debussy/Pu
Arranger: Anderson, Tom
Series: Expressive Art (CHORAL)Whacked On Music (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Steelman, Scott
Permanently Out of PrintWhacked On Rhythm (Bk/Cd)
Composer: Steelman, Scott
Arranger: Anderson, TomMore Collections CategoriesBrowse General Music
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs