Concert Band

Stars & StripesElementary School
Along The Beaches of Normandy
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Series: Developing BandAmerica
Composer: Smith, Samuel F
Arranger: Longfield, Robert
Series: Developing BandAmerica (Land of Liberty)
Arranger: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger
Permanently Out of PrintAmerica (My Country 'Tis of Thee)
Arranger: Smith/Smith
Series: Rws Beginning BandAmerican Fantasy
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: Beginning BandAmerican Heroes March
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Challenger BandAmerican Patriot Salute
Arranger: Neeck, Larry
Series: Rising Band GreenAmerican Song Settings #2 Skip To My Lou
Composer: Kreines, Joseph
Series: DebutAmerican Spirit March
Composer: Higgins, John
Series: Essential Elements Artist LevelArmed Forces March
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: Beginning PopsBattle Hymn of The Republic
Composer: Howe/Steffe
Arranger: Osterling, Eric
Series: Discovery BandBattle Hymn of The Republic
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: Essential Elements Performer LevelCall of Duty
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Sound Foundations BlueCall To The Heroes
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: Sound InnovationsCall To Valor
Composer: Watson, Scott
Composer: Billings, William
Arranger: Calhoun, Bill
Series: Beginning BandChester
Composer: Billings, William
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: First ConceptsChester Variations
Composer: Del Borgo, Elliot
Series: Essential Elements Expert LevelCode of Honor
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: ChallengerCourage
Composer: Bennett, Harold
Arranger: Clark, Larry
Series: First Plus BandDanny The Brave Heart
Arranger: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On AchievementDress Blues
Composer: Hammonds, Mike
Series: Sound Foundations BlueEarly American Suite
Arranger: Moss, John
Series: Discovery Concert BandFanfare For Freedom
Arranger: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On Achievement
Permanently Out of PrintFantastic Foster
Composer: Foster, Stephen
Arranger: Harnsberger, L C
Series: DebutFantasy On Chester
Arranger: Story, Mike
Series: BeginningFreedom Finale: A Patriotic Salute
Arranger: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandFreedom's Gate
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Challenger Band Series
Permanently Out of PrintFreedom's March
Composer: Swearingen, James
Freedom's Road
Composer: Lavender, Paul
Series: Essential Elements Explorer LevelGettysburg Address
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandGod Bless America
Composer: Berlin, Irving
Arranger: Higgins, John
Series: Essential Elements Artist LevelHeritage
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandHeroes and Glory
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Sound FoundationsHome of The Brave
Composer: Shaffer, David
Honor Guard March
Composer: Geisler, R M
Hymn For Those Who Serve
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Beginning BandInvercargill
Composer: Lithgow, Alex
Arranger: Custer, Calvin
Series: Belwin Concert Band
Permanently Out of PrintMarch of Freedom
Composer: Edmondson, John
Series: Beginning BandMarching On
Arranger: Brubaker, Jerry
Series: Beginning BandMarines' Hymn
Arranger: Rudolph/Shanefield
Series: Beginning Concert BandworksMeasure of Valor
Composer: Danner, Greg
Mount Rushmore
Composer: Story, Mike
Series: BeginningMount Vernon March
Composer: Molter, Tom
Series: Elementary BandOn Navy Pier
Composer: Moss, John
Series: Essential Elements Artist LevelPatriotic Bits & Pieces
Arranger: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandPatriots On Parade
Composer: Harris, Ken
Series: Elementary BandPower of The Dream, The
Arranger: Sweeney, Michael
Series: Discovery
Permanently Out of PrintPresidents Day Parade
Composer: Murtha, Paul
Series: MusicworksProcession of Heroes
Composer: Smith/Story
Series: Band Expressions 1Regimental Honor
Composer: Moss, John
Series: Essential Elements Expert LevelScreaming Eagles, The
Composer: Edmondson, John
Series: Developing BandSmithsonian Suite
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Beginning BandSo Proudly We Hail
Composer: Bates/Ward
Arranger: Osterling, Eric
Series: Discovery Concert BandStar-Spangled Banner
Composer: Key/Smith
Arranger: Murtha, Paul
Series: DiscoveryA Star-Spangled March
Composer: Smith/Key
Arranger: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandThe Stars And Stripes Forever
Composer: Sousa, John Philip
Arranger: Wilson, Eric
Series: First ConceptsTribute For Band
Arranger: Miller, Michael J
Series: DebutVictory and Celebration
Composer: Silva, Alan Lee
Series: First Plus BandWashington and Lee Swing
Composer: Allen/Robbins/Sheafe
Arranger: Osterling, Eric
Permanently Out of PrintYankee Doodle
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Very Beginning Band2 Colonial Sketches
Arranger: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On Achievement2 Marches For America
Arranger: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger
Permanently Out of PrintMore Elementary School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
Essential Repertoire
Airs, Ballads, & Hymns
Animal Antics
Bon Voyage
Christmas & Winter
From The Classics
Fun & Games
Magic & Sorcery
Mother Nature
Movies & Shows
Myths & Legends
Overtures & Fanfares
River Songs
Rock Classics
Seafarin' Fare
Swing's the Thing
Take Flight
The Final Frontier
Things That Go Bump...
Tomorrow & Beyond
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TV Tunes
Wild Wild West
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,046 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs