Choral Music

Ad Astra (To The Stars)
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Ad Astra (To The Stars)
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Ad Astra (To The Stars) (Extended Version)
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Discovery PopAiken Drum
Arranger: Richter, Blake
Aiken Drum
Arranger: Gray, Ruth Morris
Ain'a That Good News
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Ain'a That Good News
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Ain't Misbehavin'
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Alegria (Sing Together With Joy)
Composer: Estes, Jerry
All My Heart Shall Sing With Joy
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
All Night All Day (A Gospel Setting)
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Series: Together We SingAlleluia Fanfare
Composer: Rentz, Earlene
Series: Choral DesignsAlleluia Sing Rejoice
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick MAlleluia To Thee We Sing
Composer: Mozart, W A
Arranger: Narverud, JacobAlways Look On The Bright Side of Life
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Broadway ChoralAnd So We Sing
Composer: Hayes, Mark
Series: Choral DesignsAnother Op'nin' Another Show
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Series: Broadway/MoviesAnother Op'nin' Another Show
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Series: PopAntiphonal Cantate
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Arise Beloved
Composer: Powell, Rosephanye
Series: Voices RisingArm Arm Ye Brave
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral TreasuryAwake My Soul and Sing
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Awake The Harp (From The Creation)
Composer: Haydn, F J
Awake The Trumpet's Lofty Sound
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Robinson, RussellAwaken The Music
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Baciai Per Aver Vita
Composer: Aleotti, Vittoria
Arranger: Lercher, JamiBanaha
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Bandstand Boogie
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: Discovery JazzBanuwa Yo
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Battle Cry of Freedom (New Edition)
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Be Strong In The Lord
Composer: Sarsany, Tim
Be The Hero (From Big Fish)
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Series: Broadway ChoralBenedictus (Fr Missa Sancti Hieronymi)
Composer: Haydn, Michael
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: Choral DesignsBetter When I'm Dancin'
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: Pop ChoralBig Time (From Better Nate Than Ever)
Arranger: Narverud, Jacob
Series: Choral ExplorationsBold Adventures
Composer: Silvey, Philip E
Boogie Shoes
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Born To Be Brave
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Pop ChoralBring Me Little Water Silvy
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Can't Stop Dancin'
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Classic Pop '70sCangoma
Arranger: Beery, Lon
Canta Una Cancion
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Cantamos (We Sing)
Composer: DesJardins, James M
Cantate Domino
Composer: Botha, Charlotte
Cantate Et Exultate
Composer: Berg, Ken
Canticum Novum
Composer: Antognini, Ivo
Arranger: Lopes, Will
Composer: Wawruk, Marcin
Celebrate This Life
Composer: Blevins, Sherry
Chante Waste Hoksila (My Kind-Hearted Boy)
Arranger: Linthicum-Blackhorse
Clap and Sing Join Together
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Clap Your Hands (A Song of Joy)
Composer: Waggoner, David
Series: Choral DesignsClap Your Hands and Sing
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
Series: Together We SingCome Alive (From The Greatest Showman)
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Come Follow The Band (From Barnum)
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Come Let's Begin
Composer: Weelkes, Thomas
Arranger: Leavitt, JohnCome To The Celebration
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Come Travel With Me
Composer: Farthing, Scott
Series: Lynne Gackle ChoralCome Ye Sons of Art
Composer: Purcell, Henry
Arranger: Robinson, RussellCome Ye Sons of Art
Composer: Purcell, Henry
Arranger: Gilpin, GregCover Me With The Night
Composer: Ramsey, Andrea
Crowded Table
Arranger: Ramsey, Andrea
Dance To The Music
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: Classic Pop '60sDance To The Music
Arranger: Langford, Paul
Series: A Cappella PopDancing Queen
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Broadway/MoviesThe Dawn's Awake
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Deo Gratias
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Series: Choral DesignsDesperta Ferro (Rise Iron)
Composer: Fox, Christopher
Series: Choral DesignsDide Ta Deo
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Dide Ta Deo
Arranger: Weston, Mark
Dixit Dominus (From Dixit Dominus RV 595)
Composer: Vivaldi, Antonio
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: Choral DesignsDown In The River To Pray
Arranger: Wittig, Jace
Ease On Down The Road (From The Wiz)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Broadway ChoralEneza Upendo (Spread Love)
Composer: Papoulis, Jim
Enter With Song
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsEvery Time
Composer: Papoulis, Jim
Everybody Rejoice
Composer: Vandross, Luther
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Broadway/MoviesEverything Old Is New Again
Arranger: Gallina, Jill
Exsultate Deo
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Exultabunt Sancti In Gloria
Composer: Haydn, Michael
Arranger: Banner, MartinEye of The Tiger
Arranger: Van Cleave, Eric
Series: PopFestival Sanctus
Composer: Leavitt, John
Festival Sanctus
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Festive Praise, A
Composer: Ames, Jeffery L
Fill The World With Music
Composer: Waggoner, David
Series: Choral DesignsFire and Ice
Composer: Crocker, Emily
Gelobet Sei Gott
Composer: Sarsany, Tim
Get On Board In The Mornin'
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Gimme Some Lovin'
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Classic Pop
Permanently Out of PrintGloria
Composer: Vivaldi, Antonio
Arranger: Leavitt, JohnGloria
Composer: Trotta, Michael John
Gloria (From Heiligmesse)
Composer: Haydn, F J
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral TreasuryGloria Fanfare
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Good Time
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Today's PopGood Time
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Gott Ist Mein Hort (God Is My Rock)
Composer: Peter, Johann Friedrich
Arranger: Knouse, Nola ReedGratias Agimus Tibi
Composer: Beery, Lon
Greatest Show, The
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe
Arranger: Aamot, Kirk
Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Composer: Sedek, Martin
Happy Face Medley
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: PopHave You Seen The Beauty This Day
Composer: Robinson, Russell
Hawaii Five-O Theme
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: Discovery PopHigh Hopes
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Discovery PopHooray For Hollywood
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Broadway/MoviesHow Can I Keep From Singing
Arranger: Podd/Podd
How Excellent Is Thy Name
Composer: Higdon, John W
Arranger: Joubert, JosephI Make My Own Sunshine
Arranger: Zaino, Jack
Series: Discovery PopI Sing
Composer: Goetze, Mary
I Will Lift My Voice and Sing
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
I Will Sing
Composer: Engelhardt, Michael
I'll Stand
Composer: Wise, Raymond
I'll Tell My Ma
Arranger: Jones, Erik
I'm Bound For Glory (Swing Low)
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
Series: Choral DesignsIch Will Den Herrn Loben Allezeit
Composer: Telemann
Arranger: Narverud, JacobIl Est Bel Et Bon
Composer: Passereau, Pierre
Arranger: Das, DavidIn Meeting We Are Blessed
Composer: Robertson, Troy
In My World
Composer: Papoulis, Jim
In That Great Gettin' Up Mornin'
Arranger: Hart, Don
In That Great Gettin' Up Mornin'
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Series: Choral DesignsIt Had Better Be Tonight
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Vocal JazzIt's Possible (In McElligot's Pool)
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: PopIt's Time
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
J'ai Vu Le Loup (I Saw The Wolf)
Arranger: Crocker, Emily
Series: Discovery ConcertJambo
Arranger: Narverud, Jacob
Jambo Rafiki
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Composer: Papoulis, Jim
Composer: Hayes, Mark
A Joyful Song
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
Joyful Song, A
Composer: Lightfoot, Mary Lynn
A Jubilant Fanfare
Composer: Spevacek, Linda
Permanently Out of PrintJubilant Song, A
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Jubilant Song, A
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Jubilate Exsultate
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Series: Choral DesignsJump
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Series: Today's PopKeep A-Goin'
Composer: Thomas, Paul David
King Shall Rejoice, The
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Thomas, Andre JKuimba
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Kuimba Nafsi Yangu
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Composer: Berg, Ken
Let Me Fly
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Let The Music Fill Your Soul
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Series: Jonathan Palant ChoralLet The River Run
Arranger: Johnson, Craig Hella
Series: Voices RisingLet The Song Begin
Composer: Moore, Donald
Series: Choral DesignsLet There Be Music
Composer: Raney, Joel
Let Voice and Instrument Joyfully Sound
Composer: Purcell, Henry
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: DiscoveryLife's A Happy Song (From The Muppets)
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Arranger: Carter, Roland
Lift Our Voices
Composer: Allsbrook, Nancy Boone
Lift Up Your Voice
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Series: Choral DesignsLift Your Voice and Rejoice
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Series: Choral DesignsLight My Light
Composer: AuCoin, Scott
Listen To A Jubilant Song
Composer: Sarsany, Tim
Little David Play On Your Harp
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Long Train Runnin'
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Classic PopMad Hatter, The (From Wonderland)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Broadway ChoralMagic To Do (From Pippin)
Composer: Schwartz, Stephen
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: Broadway/MoviesMagnificat (From Evensong)
Composer: Parsons, Steve
Make Them Hear You (From Ragtime)
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: PopMister Zombie's Jazz Club
Composer: Cabaniss, Mark
Arranger: Schram, Ruth ElaineMorning Glow (From Pippin)
Arranger: Van Cleave, Eric
Msilale Wanawake (Women Wake Up)
Composer: Caldwell, Paul
Music In The Air
Arranger: Murphy, Ryan
Music Lead The Way
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Music Lead The Way
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Music-Makers, The
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
Series: Choral DesignsMusical, A (From Something Rotten)
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
My Good Lord's A-Done-A Been Here
Arranger: Gibbs, Stacey V
My Soul Is Awakened
Composer: Miller, Cristi Cary
Series: DiscoveryNobody Turn Me Around
Arranger: Ginsberg, Neil
Series: Together We SingNon Si Ceda (Sing For Freedom)
Composer: Mozart, W A
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: Choral DesignsNothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Arranger: Billingsley, Alan
Series: PopNow My Heart
Composer: Arcadelt, Jacques
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick MO Clap Your Hands
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
O Clap Your Hands
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
O Hear The Joyful Singing
Composer: Gastoldi, Giovanni
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick M
Series: Choral DesignsO Music Lead The Way
Composer: Gray, Ruth Morris
O Praise The Lord With Heart and Voice
Composer: Haydn, F J
Arranger: Narverud, JacobO Sing To The Lord
Composer: Davison, Dan
Oh Happy Day
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Classic PopOne Million Voices
Composer: Tate, Brian
Over The Rainbow
Arranger: Narverud, Jacob
Series: Voices RisingPamoja
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Party Rock Anthem
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Pastime With Good Company
Arranger: Rickards, Steven
Plaudite (Plaudite Omnis Terra)
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Series: Choral DesignsPraise The Lord
Composer: Hopkins, Stephen M
Praise Ye The Lord
Composer: Davison, Dan
Praise Ye The Lord
Composer: Davison, Dan
Composer: Pederson, Kyle
Psalm 100
Composer: Clausen, Rene
Arranger: Collins, Drew
Series: Rene Clausen ChoralRain Music
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Composer: Beck/Fisher
Series: Choral DesignsRhythm of Life
Composer: Coleman, Cy
Arranger: Barnes, RichardRhythm of The Night
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Classic Pop '80sRise
Composer: Hayes, Mark
Rise and Shine
Arranger: Dilworth, Rollo
Rise Up and Sing
Composer: Huff/Jacobson
Series: Contemporary Festival ChoRise Up My Love
Composer: Merrill, Tom
Series: Dale Warland ChoralSanctus
Composer: Clemons Non Pappa, Jacob
Arranger: Leininger, JimSe Teco Vive Il Cor
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Weber, Betsy CookSea Fever (From Five Sea Songs)
Composer: Brinsmead, Daniel
Seize The Day
Composer: Menken, Alan
Arranger: Emerson, RogerSeize The Day
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Discovery BroadwaySeize The Day (From Newsies)
Arranger: Shaw, Kirby
Series: Broadway ChoralShow People (From Curtains)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Broadway ChoralShut De Do
Arranger: Gilpin, Greg
Shut Up and Dance
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Sicut Locutus Est
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Narverud, JacobSing
Composer: Raposo, Joe
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
Series: Discovery PopSing A New Song
Composer: Trotta, Michael John
Sing A Song
Arranger: Langford, Paul
Sing Alleluia (In Music We Belong)
Composer: Day, Janet Klevberg
Permanently Out of PrintSing Alleluia Clap Your Hands
Composer: Albrecht, Sally K
Sing Dem Herrn
Composer: Praetorius, Michael
Arranger: DePue, Wallace
Series: Belwin FestivalSing For Joy and Clap Your Hands
Composer: Miller, Cristi Cary
Sing Out Cantate
Composer: Vivaldi, Antonio
Arranger: Liebergen, Patrick
Series: Together We SingSing With The Lark
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Arranger: Johnson, Victor C
Singers Arise
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Series: Choral DesignsSingers Arise In Song
Composer: Gilpin, Greg
Sisi Kushangilia (We Will Be Glad)
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Sisi Ni Moja (We Are One)
Composer: Narverud, Jacob
Soon We Will Be Done
Arranger: Pederson, Kyle
Series: Lee Nelson ChoralSound An Alarm (From Judas Maccabaeus)
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral TreasurySound The Trumpet
Composer: Purcell, Henry
Arranger: Dilworth/Moffat
Series: Emerging MusiciansStep In Time
Arranger: Kern, Philip
Step One (From Kinky Boots)
Arranger: Beck, Andy
Stomp Box
Composer: Emerson, Roger
Series: DiscoveryStone
Composer: Narverud/Main
Strike It Up Tabor
Composer: Weelkes, Thomas
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral TreasuryTake A Look At Us Now
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Tanzen Und Springen (Let All Be Singing)
Composer: Hassler, Hans Leo
Arranger: Robinson, RussellThere's Gonna Be A Homecomin'
Composer: Pederson, Kyle
This Is It (Bugs Bunny Theme)
Arranger: Albrecht, Sally K
Series: Broadway/Movies
Permanently Out of PrintThis Is Me (From The Greatest Showman)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
To Strive To Seek To Find
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Top of The World (From Lyle Lyle Crocodile)
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
Series: Music From The MoviesTouch The Sky (From Brave)
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Tumekuja Kuimba (We Have Come To Sing)
Composer: Zettlemoyer, Lynn
Tumekuja Kuimba (We Have Come To Sing)
Composer: Zettlemoyer, Lynn
Series: Together We SingUn Poquito Cantas (A Little Singing)
Arranger: Perry/Perry
Series: Choral DesignsUnclouded Day
Arranger: Kirchner, Shawn
Vive L'Amour
Arranger: Parker/Shaw
Vive La Compagnie
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: Discovery ConcertWe Are The Music-Makers
Composer: Beck, Andy
Series: Choral DesignsWe Sing The Mighty Power of God
Arranger: Wells, Brent
We Want To Sing
Composer: Emerson, Roger
We Will Be The Light
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
We Will Do Miracles
Composer: DiOrio, Dominick
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Series: DiscoveryWelcome To The Renaissance
Arranger: Huff, Mac
Series: Broadway ChoralWellerman, The
Arranger: Emerson, Roger
When We Are Singing A Song
Composer: Estes, Jerry
With The Voice of Joy and Thanksgiving
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Series: Choral TreasuryYou Can Dance You Can Sing
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Series: Sing OutYour Voices Tune (From Alexander's Feast)
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Michaels, Matthew
Series: Choral TreasuryMore Secular CategoriesBrowse Choral Music
Especially for Middle School
For Young Singers
From the Masters
A Cappella
Teaching Gems
Easily Learned
Folksongs From Abroad
Traditional Irish
American Folksongs
World Music Flavor
Proven Winners
Audience Pleasers
Add a Little Choreography
For Men Only
For the Ladies
Breath Taking
Spirituals & Gospel
Latin Flair
Swing Era
Soulful Settings
Contemporary Harmonies
Touch of Jazz
Choir with Instrument
Let's Go To the Movies
Lyrical & Ballads
Pop Hits...Now
Pop Hits...Then
Great American Songbook
Favorite Texts/Poets
Creative Choices
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs