Choral Music

Small ChoirsSacred
Abide With Me
Arranger: Black, Jantz A
Advent Candlelight Carol
Composer: Shafferman/Page
Advent Candlelight Carol
Arranger: Page/Shafferman
Series: Church ChoralAgnus Dei
Composer: Trotta, Michael John
Ah Dearest Child
Arranger: Metzger, Joshua
Ain't That Good News
Arranger: Hogan/Day
Alive In Christ
Composer: Berry, Cindy
All Earth Rejoice With A Gladsome Voice
Composer: Vivaldi, Antonio
Arranger: Hopson, Hal HAlleluia (On A Theme By William Byrd)
Composer: Byrd, William
Arranger: Robinson, RussellAlleluia He Lives
Composer: Raney, Joel
Alleluia On A Theme By Bach
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Robinson, RussellAmen Tell It On The Mountain
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Angel Alleluias
Composer: Shafferman, Jean Anne
Angels Watching Over Me
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Angels We Have Heard On High
Arranger: Lantz III, David
Awake My Soul and With The Sun
Arranger: Raabe, Nancy
Back To The Church In The Wildwood
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Be The Change
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Because He Lives
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Because of Love
Composer: Nix, Brad
Blessed Is He Who Comes
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)
Composer: Grant, Amy
Arranger: Courtney, CraigBreath of Heaven (Mary's Song)
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Bring Us Hope
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsBy Gracious Powers
Composer: Schulz-Widmar, Russe
Calypso Cradle Carol
Composer: Gallina, Jill
Camp Meeting
Arranger: Page/Shafferman
Series: Church ChoralCantate Sing Joy
Composer: Martin/Mock
Series: Concert FestivalA Caribbean Noel
Composer: Blake, Shayla
Carol Him Softly
Composer: Purifoy, John
Carols For Seekers
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Ceaseless Praise
Composer: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Series: Singable SolutionsCeltic Benediction
Composer: Nix, Brad
Christ Be In My Waking
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Composer: Berry, Cindy
Christmas Sanctus
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come and Feast
Composer: Dengler, Lee
Come Christians Join To Sing
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Come Close To The Manger
Arranger: Schram/Baertschi
Come Find Forgiveness and Love
Composer: Besig/Price
Series: Singable SolutionsCome Follow That Star
Composer: Besig/Price
Come Lord of Love
Arranger: Page/Shafferman
Come Messiah
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsCome Thou Fount
Arranger: Musselman, Daniel
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Arranger: Hobby, Robert A
Come To Me (A Communion Song)
Composer: Besig/Price
Come To The Table Come To The Lord
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Come Ye Thankful For The Beauty
Arranger: Choplin, Pepper
Creating God Your Fingers Trace
Composer: Walker, William
Arranger: Johnson, RalphDeus Meus
Composer: Fragoso, Daisy
Don't Look Back
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Down By The Riverside
Arranger: Robinson, Russell
Dream of The Mist, A
Composer: Crescenz, Valerie S
Dreamers and Doubters
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Emmanuel Expected Jesus
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsEntry Into Jerusalem
Composer: Besig/Price
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 3
Arranger: Raney/McDonald/Larson/Hayes/Schrader/Wag
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 4
Arranger: McDonald/Larson/Sleeth/Althouse/Hopson/R
Every Valley Needs A Lily
Arranger: Nordmeyer, Stacey
Evidence of Grace
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Series: Singable SolutionsFaith To Carry On
Composer: Besig/Price
Series: Singable SolutionsFaithfulness (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
Composer: Raney, Joel
Festival of Christmas
Composer: McDonald, Mary
The Final Hours
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
From Jars of Clay
Arranger: Lopez, Faye
Fruit of The Vine, The
Composer: Patterson, Mark
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Give Me A Song
Arranger: Choplin, Pepper
Series: Church ChoralGive Me A Song
Arranger: Choplin, Pepper
Give Me Jesus
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsGive Me Oil In My Lamp
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Give Thanks To God
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
God Is Our Refuge
Composer: Pote, Allen
God's Greatest Treasure
Composer: Williams/Schram
Series: Singable SolutionsGod's Peace (Come Away From Rush and Hur
Arranger: Adams, C J
Golden Harp, The
Composer: Reese, J P
Arranger: Pethel, StanGospel Greats Vol 1
Arranger: Raney/McDonald/Larson/Shackley
Great Cloud, The
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Greatest Gift, The
Composer: Bailey/Mayo
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Composer: Kerrick, Mary Ellen
Guide My Feet Lord
Arranger: Carter, John
Hallelujah Resurrection Day
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Hark I Hear The Harps Eternal
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Harps and Wheels
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
He's Got The Whole World W/This Is My Fa
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Headin' For The Promised Land
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsHere Comes Our King
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
His Strength Is Our Song
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Hold On
Arranger: Davison, Dan
Holy Manna
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Holy Spirit Living Breath of God
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Holy Thy Name
Arranger: Fettke/Grassi
Hope of Your Coming, The
Composer: Schram/Williams
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Hosanna Hosanna
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Series: Singable SolutionsHow Can I Keep From Singing
Composer: Lowry, Robert
Arranger: Shaw, TimothyA Hymn Trilogy Of Praise & Thanks -Hymns
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Hymns We Love To Sing
Arranger: Larson/McDonald/Hayes
I Am Resolved
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Series: Simply SarcedI Am Yours O Lord
Composer: Besig/Price
I Have Seen Jesus In You
Composer: Nolan, Douglas
Series: Simply SacredI Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
I Know God Cares For Me
Arranger: Harris, Stewart
I Must Tell Jesus
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Singable SolutionsI Sing The Mighty Power of God
Arranger: Kidwell, David
I Will Rise
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
I Will Sing Praise
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
In Christ Alone
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
In The Bleak Midwinter
Composer: Burtonwood, Stephen
In The Garden
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsIn The Name of The Lord
Composer: Gaither/McHugh/Patty
Arranger: McDonald, MaryInfant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Custer, Gerald
Inside Your Kingdom
Composer: Bushong, Timothy G
Invitation For Advent, An
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
Is He Worthy
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
It Was On A Silent Night
Composer: Nichols, Richard A
Jerusalem My Happy Home
Arranger: Widmar, Russell Schulz
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
Composer: Bach, J S
Arranger: Leavitt, JohnJesus Gift, The
Composer: Martin, Gilbert
Arranger: Leavitt, JohnJesus Is The Living Stone
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Arranger: Simmons, David
Jesus My All To Heaven Is Gone
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Jesus Paid It All
Composer: Forman, Marianne
Jesus Shepherd of My Heart
Arranger: Hannibal/Lopez
Series: Singable SolutionsJourney Carol
Composer: Custer, Gerald
The Journey
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Journey, The
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Joy To The World
Arranger: Keesecker, Thomas
Joyful Hosanna, A
Composer: Buda, Brian
A Joyful Noise
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Jubilate Deo
Composer: Edwards, Dan R
Series: Voices With OrffJustus Ut Palma
Composer: Haydn, Michael
Arranger: Banner, MartinLamb of God
Composer: Paris, Twila
Arranger: Johnson, Kyle
Series: GladsongLenten Meditation
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Let Every Thankful Heart
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
Let Us Give Thanks
Composer: Barrett/Nix
Lift High The Cross
Arranger: Nichols, Richard A
Lift Up Your Heads
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Series: Singable SolutionsLike A River Glorious
Composer: Manuel, Ralph
Little David Play
Arranger: Croushorn, Brad
Little Drummer Boy, The
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Living Faith
Composer: Croushorn, Brad
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Long Awaited One
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
Lord I Know I Been Changed
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Lord You Have Searched Me
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Hopson, Hal HLord Your Church On Earth Is Seeking
Arranger: Parks, Marty
Love Alone
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
Composer: Shaw, Timothy
Make Me A Channel of Your Peace
Composer: Temple, Sebastian
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Series: Church ChoralMake Me An Instrument of Thy Peace
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Make Straight In The Desert A Highway
Composer: Lovelace, Austin
Make Us Instruments of Your Peace
Arranger: Shafferman, Jean Ann
Mary Did You Know
Arranger: Schrader, Jack
Mary Did You Know
Arranger: Schrader, Jack
Mercy Tree
Arranger: Martin, Joseph
Messiah Christmas Trilogy
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Morning Has Broken (New Edition)
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Morning Star
Composer: Mock, Patricia
Arranger: Lopez, FayeMountain Harvest, A
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Series: Singable SolutionsMust Jesus Bear The Cross W/Lonesome Val
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
My God Is There
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
My Redeemer Is Faithful and True
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Series: Singable SolutionsMy Redeemer's Love
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
My Sheep Listen To My Voice
Composer: Blake, Shayla L
Never Let Us Go
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsNew Day Psalm, A
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Night of Wonder
Arranger: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Series: Singable SolutionsNoel Alleluia
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsNoel Peace Canon
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Now Thank We All Our God
Composer: Weber, Paul D
Now Thank We All Our God
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Composer: Malvar-Keylock/Friedersdorf
O God Our Help In Ages Past
Composer: Helgen, John
O Holy Jesus
Composer: Willcocks, Jonathan
Series: Singable SolutionsO Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
O Wondrous Night
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Arranger: Purifoy, John
On The Via Dolorosa
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
One Rehearsal Wonders Vol 1
Composer: Butler/Butler/Hudson
One Rehearsal Wonders Vol 5
Composer: Various
Arranger: VariousOne Small Child
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Only God
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Open Hearts Open Doors
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Open The Eyes of My Heart
Arranger: Schrader, Jack
Palm Sunday Processional (Hosanna To The
Composer: Paige, Jon
Composer: Mock, Patricia
Arranger: Nichols, Richard APeace In The Valley
Composer: Dorsey, Thomas A
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Series: SingpraisePeople Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
People Look East
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Pie Jesu
Composer: Robinson, Russell
The Power Of The Cross
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Praise Him
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Prayers I Make, The
Arranger: Edwards, Geoffrey
Prepare (An Anthem For Advent)
Composer: Hannibal/Nolan
Purify My Heart (Refiner's Fire)
Arranger: Tierney, Patrick
Raise Your Hands
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Series: Celebration ChoralReady Set Sing
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Series: Singable SolutionsReign
Composer: Aldredge, Steven
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Rejoice The King Is Coming
Composer: Paige, Jon
A Repeating Alleluia
Arranger: Curry, Sheldon
Series: H W GrayResonemus Laudibus
Arranger: Smith, Carl
Resurrection Victory
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsRise Up Shepherd and Follow
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Road To Bethlehem, The
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Run Shepherds
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Sanctuary (With God's Holy Temple)
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Sanctuary (With God's Holy Temple)
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Savior Come and Dwell In Me
Composer: Besig/Price
Seek and You Will Find
Composer: Sleeth, Natalie
Arranger: Lau, RobertSeekers of The Light
Composer: Larson/Hayes
Arranger: Larson/HayesSeekers of Your Heart
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Set A Bonfire On The Hilltop
Arranger: Harris, Stewart
Composer: Forrest, Dan
A Simple Faith
Arranger: Nelson, Ronald A
Simple Praise
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Simple Songs For All Seasons
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Sing Gloria
Composer: Bell, John L
Sing Hosanna To The King
Arranger: Page/Shafferman
Series: Singable SolutionsSing Rejoice A Song of Praise
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Sing Rejoice A Song of Praise
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Sing Shout Alleluia
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Sing To The World
Arranger: Williamson, Dave
Series: Ready Set Sing ChoralSing We Now of Christmas
Arranger: Prentice, Fred
Arranger: Nix, Brad
Small But Mighty Dan Forrest
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Soli Deo Gloria
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Somebody Bigger Has The Whole World In
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Son of The Father's Love
Composer: Parks, Marty
Speak O Lord
Composer: Getty/Townend
Arranger: McDonald, MaryStandin' In The Need of Prayer W/So Glad
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Standing On The Promises
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Star Child
Composer: Davison/Lupinski
Star of Fire and Flame
Composer: Beall, Mary Kay
Star-Spangled Banner, The
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Starlight Manger Carol
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Singable SolutionsSunday Solutions Vol 1
Series: Singable Solutions
Take My Life
Arranger: Kaiser, Kurt
Take My Life and Walk With Me
Composer: Drennan, Patti
Series: Singable SolutionsTapestry of Love
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Teach Me
Composer: Nordmeyer, Stacey
Tell The Story of Jesus
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsThankful
Arranger: Fettke, Tom
Then Sings My Soul (How Great Thou Art)
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Then Sings My Soul (How Great Thou Art)
Composer: McDonald, Mary
There's A Song In The Air
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
There's A Song In The Air
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Think About His Love
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
This Is My Beloved Son
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
This Is My Father's World
Arranger: Leavitt, John
This Is The Body and Blood of Christ
Composer: Davison/Lupinski
A Time For Advent
Composer: Harris, Stewart
The Time For Singing Has Come
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Time For Turning, The
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Series: Singable SolutionsTime of Song (Nesikhathi Ingoma), The
Composer: Schwoebel, David
Together In Thanksgiving
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
Upon This Rock
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy, The
Arranger: Ware, Michael
Wade In The Living Water
Arranger: Barrett, Michael
Wade In The Water
Arranger: Hogan/Day
Waiting For Bethlehem's Light
Arranger: Peterson/Mccartha
Series: Singable SolutionsWalk In Jerusalem Just-A Like John
Arranger: Thygerson, Robert W
Walk Worthy
Composer: Martin/Williams
Were You There On That Christmas Night
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
What Wondrous Love Is This
Composer: Ramsay/Sharp
What Wondrous Marvelous Love
Composer: Cooper, Mary Ann
When Jesus Wept
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas
When We Seek Language To Praise You O Go
Composer: Schalk, Carl
Arranger: Bobb, Barry LWhen You Prayed Beneath The Trees
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Who Is That Man
Composer: Besig/Price
Series: Ready To WorshipWondrous Love
Composer: Cameron, Wes
Worship Openers V: Introits That Work
Arranger: Holstein, Jane
Worship The Lord
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Wounded Rose, The
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
Yes My Jesus Loves Me (Collection)
Composer: McDonald, Mary
You Are Wonderfully Made
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
You Say
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
More Sacred CategoriesBrowse Choral Music
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Choir with Handbells
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs