Choral Music

Congregational ParticipationSacred
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Arranger: Hopson, Hal
All The Ends of The Earth
Composer: Trapp, Lynn
Alleluia and Psalm 118
Composer: French, Paul M
Series: Parish ChoralArisen Now The Christ of God
Composer: Sterling, Robert
The Armor Of God
Composer: Beck, John Ness
As The Deer
Composer: Nystrom, Martin
Arranger: Christopher, KeithA Carol Fantasia (A Christmas Celebrati
Arranger: Harlan/Albritton/Fettke
Child of Peace
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
Arranger: Smith, Carl
Christ Is Risen Today Alleluia
Arranger: Lopez, Faye
Christmas Blessing, A
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Christmastime Alleluia
Composer: Chepponis, James J
Come Christians Join To Sing
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come With Thanksgiving
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Crown Him
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Day of Resurrection, The
Arranger: Dixon, John S
Dona Nobis Pacem
Arranger: Lund, Emily
Down By The Riverside
Arranger: Rutter, John
Series: Choral SongsDust I Am
Composer: Miller, Mark
An Easter Flourish
Composer: Angerman/Paige
Eternal Father Strong To Save
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Everlasting To Everlasting
Composer: Hayes, Mark
Fanfare and Concertato On A Mighty Fortr
Arranger: Nix/Paige
Fanfare and Concertato On Blessed Assura
Arranger: Nix/Paige
Fanfare and Concertato On I Love Thy Kin
Arranger: Nix/Paige
Fanfare and Concertato On I Stand Amazed
Arranger: Nix/Paige
Fanfare and Concertato On To God Be The
Arranger: Nix/Paige
Fanfare and Hymn For Easter Morning
Composer: Wesley, Charles
Arranger: Sjolund, PaulFirst Song of Isaiah, The
Composer: White, Jack Noble
Arranger: Dengler, LeeFor The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
For The Beauty of The Earth
Arranger: Williams, Nigel
For The Fruit of All Creation
Arranger: Organ, Anne Krentz
French Carol Concertato, A
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Fruit of The Vine, The
Composer: Patterson, Mark
God Has Work For Us To Do
Composer: Miller, Mark A
God Is Our Refuge and Strength
Composer: Lau, Robert
God of Grace
Arranger: Beck, John Ness
Great Are You Lord W/How Great Thou Art
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
He Shall Reign Forevermore W/Angels We
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
His Grace Will Lead Us Through
Composer: McDonald, Mary
His Robes For Mine
Composer: Habegger/Anderson
Arranger: Forrest, DanHoly Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
Holy Is The Lord W/Holy Holy Holy
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Holy Mighty Worthy
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Hope In The Shadows
Arranger: Raney/Larson
Hope of Your Coming, The
Composer: Schram/Williams
A Hymn Trilogy Of Praise & Thanks -Hymns
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
A Hymn Trilogy Of Praise & Thanks -Hymns
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
I Believe
Composer: Miller, Mark A
I Lift My Eyes (Psalm 121)
Composer: Forrest, Dan
In Celebration Sing Alleluia
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Introit On O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Nix, Brad
Jesus Lives Alleluia
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Jesus The Light of The World
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Joy To The World
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Keep The Lamp Burning
Composer: Rouse, Jay
Lift Your Voice and Sing
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Light of Hope (Candle Lighting Ceremony
Composer: Raney, Joel
Lord Have Mercy
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Lord We Bring Our Gift of Music
Composer: Rudolph, Glenn L
Make Us One With You
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A
Arranger: Forrest, Dan
My Redeemer's Love
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Noel Christ The Lord Is Born
Composer: Parks, Marty
O Come All Ye Faithful
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
O Holy Light
Composer: McDonald, Mary
O Holy Night
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
O King of Love
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
O Word of God
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Of The Father's Love: Candle Lighting Ce
Composer: Raney, Joel
On This Shining Night
Composer: Dengler, Lee
Peace Came To Earth
Arranger: Raabe, Nancy M
Psalm of Praise and Thanksgiving
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Psalm 121
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Psalm 24
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Psalm 46
Composer: Beck, John Ness
Roll Down Justice
Arranger: Miller, Mark A
Seekers of The Light
Composer: Martin/Angerman
Seekers of The Light
Composer: Martin/Angerman
Sing A New Song
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
Sing With All The Saints In Glory
Composer: Schalk, Carl
A Thanksgiving Introit
Composer: Paige/Angerman
There's Something About That Name
Arranger: Pethel, Stan
This Is The Body and Blood of Christ
Composer: Davison/Lupinski
To The Lamb On The Throne
Composer: Forrest, Dan
We Bow Down
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
Series: SingpraiseWhat A Glorious Night
Arranger: Angerman, David
With Heart and Hands
Composer: Rutter, John
More Sacred CategoriesBrowse Choral Music
Psalm Texts
Youth Choir
Children's Choir
For the Ladies
For the Men
Breath Taking
Small Choirs
Contemporary Christian
Hymn Settings
Based On Scripture
With Instrumental Ensemble
Optional Obbligato
Choir with Handbells
A Cappella
One Rehearsal
Liturgical Settings
Foreign Languages
Blended Worship
From the Masters
Standard Favorites
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs