Choral Music

Abide With Me
Arranger: Black, Jantz A
Adoro Te Devote
Arranger: Lowenberg, Kenneth
Advent Calls
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Advent of Our King, The
Composer: Helvey, Howard
After Giving Thanks Remember Me
Composer: McDonald, Mary
All Are Welcome At The Table
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Alone With None But Thee
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Amazing Love
Composer: Pinkston, Joan
Permanently Out of PrintAnd Can It Be
Composer: Helvey, Howard
Anthem For Communion
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
As You Serve Remember Me
Composer: Raney, Joel
Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Assurance of Unity
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
At The Supper of The Lamb
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
At The Table of The Lord
Composer: Angerman/Martin
At The Table of The Lord
Composer: Althouse, Jay
At The Table of The Lord
Composer: Althouse, Jay
At The Table of The Lord
Composer: Angerman/Martin
At This Table Make Us One
Composer: Purifoy, John
Be At Peace
Composer: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Be Still
Composer: Purifoy, John
Be Still My Child
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Beautiful The Teardrops
Composer: Buda, Brian
Behold The Lamb
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Behold The Lamb (The Communion Hymn)
Composer: Getty/Townend
Arranger: Albritton, Andy
Series: SingpraiseBlessings of Love
Composer: Stratton/Ashton
Blood of Jesus Speaks For Me, The
Arranger: Koerts, James
Bread For The World
Composer: Shubert, James
Series: GladsongBread of Angels, The
Composer: Stone/Braselton
Arranger: Kirkland, CampBread of Heaven
Composer: Lopez, Faye
Bread of Life
Composer: Raney, Joel
Bread of The World
Composer: Bratt, C Griffith
Bread of The World
Composer: Burrows, Mark
Arranger: McDonald, MaryBread of The World
Composer: Klusmeier, Ron
Permanently Out of PrintBread of The World
Arranger: Eliot, Dennis
Bread of The World
Arranger: Rhoades, Michael Bret
Bread of The World
Composer: Pethel, Stan
Bread of The World
Arranger: Eliot, Dennis
Breathe On Me Breath of God
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Bring What You Have
Composer: Berry, Cindy
Broken Bread Broken Life
Composer: Rouse, Jay
Can You Drink The Cup
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Can You Hear The Stars
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Ceaseless Praise
Composer: McKibben, Tracey Craig
Series: Singable SolutionsCelebrate In One Voice
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Celtic Christmas Lullaby
Composer: Raney, Joel
Celtic Communion
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Change The World With Love
Composer: Martin/Nix
Child of Peace
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Christmas Communion Song
Composer: Callaway/Ray
Christmas Lullaby, A
Composer: Forman, Marianne
Christmas Sanctus
Composer: Dengler/Dengler
Come and Feast
Composer: Dengler, Lee
Come and Feast
Composer: Dengler, Lee
Come Before The Table
Composer: Marrolli, Karen
Come Break The Bread
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come Dine With Me
Composer: Schram/Baertschi
Come Every One Who Is Thirsty
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come Find Forgiveness and Love
Composer: Besig/Price
Series: Singable SolutionsCome Find Forgiveness and Love
Composer: Besig/Price
Come Home
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Come Nourish Me
Composer: Lantz/Frombach
Come Receive God's Blessing
Composer: Besig/Price
Come Share The Lord
Arranger: Christopher, Keith
Come Share The Lord
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Come Share The Lord
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Come To Me (A Communion Song)
Composer: Besig/Price
Come To Me (A Communion Song)
Composer: Besig/Price
Come To The Feast
Composer: Harlan/Beall
Come To The Light (A Celtic Advent Song)
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Come To The Table
Composer: Koerts/Nichols
Come To The Table Come To The Lord
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
Come To The Table of The Lord
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Come To The Table of The Lord
Composer: Althouse/Albrecht
Come To The Table of The Lord
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Come Unto Me Ye Weary
Composer: Roesch/Dix
Come Ye Disconsolate
Composer: McGrath, Ethan
Communion Carol
Arranger: Dengler, Lee
Communion Invitation
Composer: Shackley, Larry
A Communion Invitation
Composer: Courtney/Martin
Communion of Grace
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
A Communion Prayer Of Thanks
Composer: Peterson, Dale
Communion Song
Composer: Stevens, James M
Create In Me A Clean Heart
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Create In Me A Clean Heart
Composer: Leavitt, John
Creation Will Be At Peace
Composer: Page, Anna Laura
Cup of Salvation
Arranger: Hogan, Ed
Deep Deep Love
Composer: Dengler, Lee
Do This In Remembrance
Composer: Pote, Allen
Draw Near
Composer: Willcocks, Jonathan
Draw Us In The Spirit's Tether
Composer: Friedell/Dearmer
Arranger: Curry, Sheldon
Series: H W GrayDreamers and Doubters
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Embrace The Day
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Embraced Within Your Loving Arms
Composer: Callaway, Susan Nayl
Composer: Blankenship, Mark
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 3
Arranger: Raney/McDonald/Larson/Hayes/Schrader/Wag
Essential Two-Part Anthems Vol 4
Arranger: McDonald/Larson/Sleeth/Althouse/Hopson/R
Every Gift and Blessing
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Permanently Out of PrintEvery Nation Every Tribe (Kila Taifa Kil
Arranger: Nordmeyer, Stacey
Father If This Cup Cannot Pass
Composer: Biery/Biery
Series: Parish ChoralFlee As A Bird
Arranger: Martin, Joseph M
For The Bread Which You Have Broken
Composer: Schubert, Franz
Arranger: Hopson, Hal HFor The Bread Which You Have Broken
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
For The Bread Which You Have Broken
Arranger: Schelat, David
Gather Us In
Arranger: Hayes, Mark
Gather Us In
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Gentle Songs of Grace
Composer: Courtney, Vicki Tucker
Gethsemane Prayer
Composer: Boesiger, R Kevin
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
The Gift Of Love
Arranger: Hopson, Hal H
Give Us Your Body and Your Blood
Composer: Handel, G F
Arranger: Petering, Don
Series: Concordia Treasury SeriesGiven For You
Composer: Martin/Nolan/William
Go To Dark Gethsemane
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Go With Joy
Composer: Fettke/Bible
God of All Creation (A Child's Prayer)
Composer: Whitehill, Erik
Series: Growing Musicians Leading Worship:heatheGod of Grace
Composer: Getty/Rea
Arranger: Larson, LloydGod So Loved W/God So Loved The World
Arranger: Purifoy, John
A Grateful Heart
Composer: Scroggins, Debra
He Is Seeking You
Composer: Kruchkov, Alexander
He Is The Light
Composer: Schram/Purifoy
Healing Place, The
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean
Arranger: Bass, C L
His Voice As The Sound
Arranger: Price, Milburn
Hour of Banquet and Of Song, The
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
How Deep The Father's Love For Us
Arranger: Harlan, Benjamin
Series: SingpraiseI Am Going To A Garden
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
I Am Light I Am Life I Am Love
Composer: McDonald, Mary
I Am The Good Shepherd
Composer: Emlen, George
I Am Yours O Lord
Composer: Besig/Price
I Believe In The Old Rugged Cross
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
I Need Thee Every Hour
Arranger: Matthews, Gary W
I See I Hear I Know
Composer: Courtney, Craig
I Will Remember Thee
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In Communion
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
In Communion We Sing
Composer: Purifoy, John
In Communion With Me You Are Loved
Composer: McDonald, Mary
In Remembrance
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In Remembrance
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In Remembrance of Me
Arranger: Brymer, Mark
In Remembrance of Me
Composer: Larson, Lloyd
In The Breaking of The Bread
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
In The Garden
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
In The Garden
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Series: Singable SolutionsIn The Shadow of Your Wings
Composer: Blake, Shayla
In This Room
Composer: Albrecht/Althouse
In Your Silence
Composer: Ijames, Molly
Infant Holy Infant Lowly
Arranger: Custer, Gerald
Into The Woods My Master Went
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Invitation, The (From Divine Encounter)
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Invitation, The (From Divine Encounter)
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Jesus Is Calling
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head
Arranger: Manor, Trevor
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Jesus Messiah
Composer: Tomlin/Carson/Cash/R
Arranger: Sorenson, HeatherJesus Messiah
Composer: Tomlin/Reeves/Carson/Cash
Arranger: Larson, LloydJesus The Very Thought of You
Composer: Besig/Price
Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Arranger: Forman, Marianne
Jesus What A Friend
Arranger: Berry, Cindy
Just As I Am
Arranger: Hummel, Joshua
Lead Me To Calvary
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Nestor, Leo
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Althouse, Jay
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Drennan, Patti
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Walker, Gwyneth
Let Us Break Bread Together
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
Let Us Gather In The Shadow of The Cross
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Let Your Mercy Flow Down
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Listen With Your Heart
Composer: Nix, Brad
Living Bread
Composer: Raney, Joel
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Lord Jesus Christ Life-Giving Bread
Composer: Shaw, Timothy
Lord of Peace
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Lord We Remember
Composer: Parks, Marty
Love Came Down At Christmas
Composer: Rasbach, David
Love Came Down To Bethlehem
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Love of Christ, The
Composer: Nichols, Richard A
May Your Wonders Never Cease
Composer: Sharpe, Bryan
Meditation For Communion
Composer: Althouse, Jay
Merciful God
Arranger: Courtney, Craig
Series: SingpraiseMiracle of Grace, The
Arranger: Barrett, Michael
More Love To Thee O Christ
Composer: Lanford, Lanny
New Lord's Prayer, The
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Noel Peace Canon
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Noel Peace Canon
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Not My Will But Yours Be Done
Composer: Metzger, Joshua
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
Composer: Lowry/Rasbach
Nunc Dimittis
Composer: Klemp, Peter S
O Breathe On Me O Breath of God
Composer: Bowers, Chaz
O Holy Jesus
Composer: Willcocks, Jonathan
Series: Singable SolutionsO Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Arranger: Ijames, Molly
O Sacred Wondrous Love
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
O Thou In Whose Presence
Arranger: Anglea, Peter
O Vos Omnes
Composer: Hinnant, Henry
An Offering
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Arranger: Purifoy, John
Oh How He Loves You and Me (W/Jesus Love
Composer: Kaiser, Kurt
Arranger: Purifoy, JohnOn A Hill Far Away
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
On This Silent Holy Night
Composer: McDonald, Mary
One Bread One Body
Composer: Foley
Arranger: Wagner, DougOne Bread One Body
Composer: Foley, John
Arranger: Hayes, MarkOne Bread One Body
Arranger: Larson, Lloyd
One Communion
Composer: Lantz/Parker
One World One Communion
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
The One
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Open Hearts Open Doors
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Pass The Bread Pass The Cup
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Permanently Out of PrintPeace Peace
Composer: Shackley, Larry
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Pie Jesu
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Prayer For Peace, A
Composer: Cooper, Timothy
Prayer of Mother Teresa
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Psalm 23
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Psalm 23
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Psalm 23
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Redeemer of My Heart
Composer: Martin/Williams
Composer: Story, Laura
Arranger: Koerts, JamesRemember (A Winter Communion)
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
Remember His Passion
Composer: Drennan/Parker
Remember Me
Composer: Adams/Andrews
Remember Remember Me
Composer: Schrader, Jack
Remember To Forget My Sin
Composer: Rouse, Jay
Resting Place, A
Composer: McDonald, Mary
Revive Us Again
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Rock of Ages Cleft For Me
Arranger: Strite, Steven
Room At The Table
Composer: Lantz, David
Room At The Table For You
Composer: Schram/Strattn/Furma
Rose of Bethlehem
Arranger: Greer, Bruce
Savior Come and Dwell In Me
Composer: Besig/Price
Shall We Gather At The River
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Show Us Christ
Arranger: Grassi, Daniel
Silent Night Holy Night
Arranger: Snyder, Audrey
Simple Praise
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Simple Praise
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Simple Songs For All Seasons
Arranger: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Singing Men VI
Arranger: Raney/Hayes/Schrader/McDonald/Wagner
Small But Mighty Dan Forrest
Composer: Forrest, Dan
Soft On That Night
Arranger: Helvey, Howard
Somewhere It's Snowing
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Somewhere It's Snowing
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Somewhere It's Snowing
Arranger: Leavitt, John
Son of The Father's Love
Composer: Parks, Marty
Spirit of Christ, The
Composer: Nichols, Richard
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart
Arranger: Sorenson, Heather
Still Still Still
Arranger: Berg, Ken
Sunday Solutions Vol 1
Series: Singable Solutions
Table of Forgivness, The
Composer: Purifoy, John
Table of Grace
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Table of Mercy Table of Rest
Arranger: McDonald, Mary
Tapestry of Love
Composer: Choplin, Pepper
Taste and See
Composer: Helman, Michael
Taste His Goodness
Arranger: Shackley, Larry
Thank You For The Valleys
Composer: Berry, Cindy
Thankful For Our Every Blessing
Composer: Martin/Wesley
There Was No One There
Composer: Talley, Barry
They Took My Lord Away
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
Think of Me and Remember
Composer: Raney, Joel
Think of Me and Remember
Composer: Raney, Joel
This Cup of Grace
Composer: Patterson, Mark
This Is Love
Composer: Boesiger, R Kevin
This Is The Body and Blood of Christ
Composer: Davison/Lupinski
This Is The Time For Praise
Composer: Nolan/Angerman
This We Pray
Arranger: Lopez, Faye
Time of Song (Nesikhathi Ingoma), The
Composer: Schwoebel, David
Two Lenten Meditations
Composer: Daley, Eleanor
Until You Save The World
Composer: Sorenson, Heather
Upon This Altar
Composer: Drennan, Patti
We Are One In The Lord
Composer: Martin, Joseph M
We Come O Christ To You
Composer: Shackley, Larry
We Know That God Is Speaking
Composer: Dake/Chestnut
We Remember
Composer: Burrows, Mark
We Remember Christ (A Hymn For Communion
Composer: Sterling, Robert
We Remember You
Arranger: Nolan, Douglas
We Remember You
Composer: Raney, Joel
Welcome Table, The
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Welcomed Home Again
Composer: Schram, Ruth Elaine
Series: Church ChoralWere You There
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
What Wondrous Love Is This
Composer: Ramsay/Sharp
What Wondrous Marvelous Love
Composer: Cooper, Mary Ann
When God Draws Near
Composer: Rouse, Jay
When Stars Shone Down
Composer: Aldredge, Steven
The Whisper
Composer: Courtney, Craig
Who Is This
Composer: Johnson, Victor C
Who Will Go To Bethlehem
Arranger: Rouse, Jay
Worship Openers V: Introits That Work
Arranger: Holstein, Jane
Worthy Is The Lamb
Arranger: Fettke/Grassi
Yes My Jesus Loves Me
Composer: McDonald, Mary
You Are My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Composer: Tillman, R Tom
You Have Searched Me Lord
Composer: Burtonwood, Stephen
More Sacred CategoriesBrowse Choral Music
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,176 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs