Concert Band

Things That Go Bump...Junior High School
Ancient Spells and Rituals
Composer: Gorham, David
Series: AchievementApparitions
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandApril Showers
Composer: Balent, Andrew
Attack of The Zombie Trombones
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: Rising Band GreenThe Black Cat
Composer: Standridge, Randall
Coffin Races
Composer: Nitsch, Jason K
Series: IntermezzoConfrontations
Composer: Bullock, Jack
Creepers In The Castle
Composer: Ford, Ralph
Series: Beginning BandDancing Skeletons
Composer: McMichael, Aaron D
Series: First Plus BandDanny Elfman: Music In The Dark
Composer: Elfman, Danny
Arranger: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: Discovery PlusDark Ride
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Series: Developing BandDarkheart
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Darklands Legends
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Distant Thunder of The Sacred Forest
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksDoctor Tritonicus
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: Young BandDr Mayhem
Composer: Bell, Jeremy
Series: CommandDrums of Darkness
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: CommandEerie Escapade
Composer: Shanley, Steve
Series: Rising Band GreenEmpty Portraits
Composer: Neufeld, Matt
Escapade At Twilight
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandFatebringer
Composer: Samuel, David
Series: IntermezzoFireburst Fanfare
Composer: Barrett, Roland
Series: Young BandFright Night
Arranger: Kazik, James
Series: Discovery PlusThe Gathering
Composer: Pierson, Brooke
Series: HarmonyGhost Band
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: CommandGhost Chase
Composer: Dupuis, John
Series: AchievementGhost Chasers
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: First Plus BandGhost Dancing
Composer: Karrick, Brant
Series: Young BandGhost In The Attic
Composer: Grice, Rob
Series: CommandGhost In The Machine
Composer: Sweet, George
Series: Young BandGhost Lights of Newton County, The
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: AchievementGhost Riders
Composer: Barrett, Roland
Series: Young BandGrim Grinning Ghosts
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Young BandHalloween Theme
Composer: Carpenter, John
Arranger: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandHammer and Forge
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: Developing BandHaunted Carousel
Composer: Eidson, Joseph
Series: AchievementHaunted Clocks
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Developing BandThe Haunted Mine
Composer: Bukvich, Daniel
Series: Achievement PlusHaunted Night
Composer: Griffin, Fran
Series: Young BandA Haunted Trilogy
Composer: Johnson, Jim H
Series: CommandThe Horseman of Sleepy Hollow
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandImpossible Machine (Perpetual Motion)
Composer: Morales, Erik
Series: Young BandMarch Phantasma
Composer: Standridge, Randall
Marche Diabolique
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandMasque of The Red Death, The
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandMidnight Fair
Composer: Bobrowitz, David
Midnight Waltz
Composer: Neufeld, Matt
Monster At The Drive-Thru Window
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: AchievementMonsterville
Composer: Spineti, Joel
Series: Young BandMusic of The Night, The
Composer: Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Arranger: Brown, MichaelMystery and Mayhem
Composer: White, Terry
Composer: Loest, Timothy
Series: Developing BandPoltergeist
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: AchievementRevenge of The Swarm
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: CommandThe Secret Laboratory
Composer: Adams, Franklin D Jr
Series: DebutShredder
Composer: Sciaino, Peter
Series: Developing BandSkeleton Dance
Composer: Phillips, Todd
Series: CommandThe Sound And The Fury
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Beginning BandSpirits Awake
Composer: Calhoun, Bill
Series: Young BandSteel Driving Man
Arranger: Myers, David A
Storm Clouds
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Rising Band GreenTell-Tale Heart
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandThunderhead
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Rising BandToo Dark For Aunt Zelda
Composer: Campbell, Chris
Series: Developing BandTransylvanian Lullaby
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Young BandTribal Drums
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Perc Section FeatureTroll Dance
Composer: Buetti, Nicole
Zombie Attack
Composer: Taurins, Jason
Series: HarmonyZombie Dreams
Composer: Barrett, Roland
Series: Young BandZombie Nation
Composer: Foster Jr, Robert E
Series: AchievementZombie Raiders
Composer: Lendt, Gavin
Zombie Rock
Composer: Swank, Michael
Series: Young BandZombie Tango
Composer: Meredith, James
Series: Young BandZombie Wars
Composer: Foster Jr, Robert E
Series: AchievementZombies Knocking On Your Door
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: AchievementMore Junior High School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
Essential Repertoire
Airs & Ballads
American Landscape
Animal Antics
Bon Voyage
British Isles
Christmas & Winter
Curtain Up
From The Classics
Fun & Frivolity
Heavens Above
Hymns & Chants
Magic & Sorcery
Modes & Moods
Myths & Legends
Overtures & Fanfares
Prime Time
River Songs
Rock Classics
Seafarin' Fare
Standing Ovations
Stars & Stripes
Swing's the Thing
Take Flight
The Final Frontier
The Silver Screen
Tomorrow & Beyond
Toon Tunes
Top 40
Vistas & Landscapes
Wild Wild West
Wind Band Classics
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs