Concert Band

Overtures & FanfaresJunior High School
Abundant Bliss
Composer: Putnam, Matthew R
Series: IntermezzoAcclaim
Composer: Grice, Rob
Series: AchievementAccolade
Composer: Himes, William
Series: Young BandAfter The Silence
Composer: Thomas, Bill
Composer: Palange, William
Series: Young SymphonicAnomaly
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: IntermezzoApex
Composer: Hoefle, Heather
Series: Rws Developing BandArcher's Arrow, The
Composer: Bankston, Brian
Series: Rws Developing BandArrival of The Victorious Queen
Composer: Ciechomski, Brad
Series: Excellence In PerformanceAs Eagles Soar
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Rising Band MaroonAs Joy Ignites
Composer: Weller, Travis J
Series: AchievementAs One
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: Sound InnovationsAs Spirits Soar
Composer: Huss, Christina
At Max Power
Composer: Webb, Amy
Series: Developing BandAt The Apex
Composer: Fagan, Gary
Series: Excellence In PerformanceAutumn Roads
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Young BandBandfare
Composer: Jones, Daniel
Series: AcheivementBandwidth
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: Young SymphonicBang Zoom
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: ChallengerBarnburner
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandBarrington Overture
Composer: Cotter, Bob
Series: Standard-excellenceThe Best Moment of The Day
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandBeyond The Riverbend
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Young SymphonicBig Sky Overture
Composer: Sparke, Philip
Black Diamond
Composer: Longfield, Robert
Black Forest Overture
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksBlind Brook Celebration
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandA Brave New Horizon
Composer: Galvin, Lisa
Series: CommandCall of Champions
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band MaroonCanyon Creek Overture
Composer: Preuninger, Bruce
Series: Young Symphonic BandCaptain Courageous
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band MaroonCastles and Crowns
Composer: Buckley, Robert
Series: MusicworksThe Cauldron
Composer: Huckeby, Ed
Series: CommandCelebration Fanfare
Composer: PinkZebra
Centrifugal Force
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: IntermezzoCeremonial Procession
Composer: Arnon, Ron
Series: Beginning BandworksChain Reaction
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: CommandChampions of Our Future
Composer: Bubbett, Jon
Champions Rising
Composer: Sims, Adrian B
Series: Developing BandChase The Horizon
Composer: Pasternak, John M
Series: Young BandChasing Thunder
Composer: Bubbett, Jon
Series: IntermezzoCimarron Fanfare
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Measures Of SuccessThe Codebreakers
Composer: Budiansky, Mollie
Series: CommandConcert Fanfare, A
Composer: Bobrowitz, David
Series: Excellence In PerformanceConcert Proclamation, A
Composer: Bobrowitz, David
Concord Celebration
Composer: Curnow, James
Series: MusicworksContempora
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: Beginning BandworksContempra
Composer: Huckeby, Ed
Series: CommandCoriolis Effect
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: HarmonyCoronation Fanfare
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Rising Band GreenCounterpunch!
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: Achievement PlusCredo
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Young BandCrystalline
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: First Plus BandDancing Lights
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Series: Young BandDay In A Life
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Young BandDedication Fanfare
Composer: Chambers, Carol Brittin
Series: IntermezzoDerivations
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandDestiny Fanfare
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Series: Developing BandDoppler Effect
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Young BandDragon Flight
Composer: Jenkins, Darren
Series: AchievementDream Engine
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Young BandEagle Ridge Overture
Composer: Pearson, Bruce
Series: Excellence In PerformanceEagle's Nest Overture
Composer: Cummings, Walter
Eagles Awake
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksEbullient Energy
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: MusicworksEchoes of Nostalgia
Composer: Putnam, Matthew R
Series: IntermezzoEmblazoned
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandEndurance
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: Young SymphonicEnergico
Composer: Coles, Jay
Series: First Plus BandEnergy Wave
Composer: Lortz, Mark
Series: First Plus BandEnter Anew
Composer: Choi, D I D
Series: First Plus BandEntrada
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandEntry of The Nobles
Composer: Akey, Douglas
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Young BandEternal Summer
Composer: Terry, Peter
Series: First Plus BandExaltation
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: Concert Band LegacyExcelsior
Composer: Curnow, James
Series: MusicworksExcelsior Fanfare
Composer: Shanley, Steve
Series: Rising Band GreenExhilaration
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandExultation
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Beginning BandFalcon Fanfare
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandFanfare and Homage
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksFanfare and Processional
Composer: Barnes, James
Series: Concert Band SignatureFanfare Brilliante
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: HarmonyFanfare Cincinnatus: A Flourish For Band
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: CommandFanfare for 'Our Time'
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Series: Young BandFanfare For A Celebration
Composer: Longfield, Robert
Series: Musicworks 2Fanfare For A New Day
Composer: VanDoren, Evan
Series: Rws Developing BandFanfare For The Gold
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Fanfare For The Saints
Arranger: Mekealian, Charles
Series: Rws Developing BandFanfare of The Bells
Composer: Lortz, Mark
Series: Young BandFanfare 1127
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Young BandFestival Esprit
Composer: Weller, Travis J
Series: Young BandFestival Fanfare and March
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Festive Flourish
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: CommandFestive Proclamation
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Young BandFestivity
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Rws Developing BandFiesta!
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: Young SymphonicFirebrook Prelude
Composer: Curnow, James
Series: Passport
Permanently Out of PrintFireburst Fanfare
Composer: Barrett, Roland
Series: Young BandFirst Sun
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandFlamingo Road
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: Young SymphonicFlashpoint
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: IntermezzoFlourish and Festivity
Composer: Akey, Douglas
Series: Alfred Young SymphonicForce Field
Composer: Sims, Adrian B
Series: Young BandForest Brook Overture
Composer: Morales, Erik
Series: Young BandForever Grateful
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandForge Ahead
Composer: Mier, Shirley
Series: Young Symphonic
Permanently Out of PrintFortius
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandFortress of Stone
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: HarmonyFundamentum
Composer: Elledge, Chuck
Series: Excellence In PerformanceGalaxy's Edge
Composer: Hammonds, Mike
Series: Rising Band GreenGaleabration
Composer: Galvin, Lisa
Series: CommandGateway Overture
Composer: Teichler, R Christopher
Granite Bay Overture
Composer: O'Reilly, John
Series: Alfred Young SymphonicGravitas
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: AchievementHard Rock Fanfare
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: First Plus BandHawkeye Overture
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Young SymphonicHeart of Gold
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandHeavy Mettle
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: MusicworksHi!
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Young BandHigh Falls Overture
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Elementary BandHigh Impact
Composer: Loest, Timothy
Series: Young BandHigh Intensity
Composer: Wilson, Chandler
High Velocity
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandIconoclast
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: HarmonyImpetus
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Series: Young SymphonicImpulse Power
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: AchievementIncandescence
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksInertia
Composer: Fagan, Gary
Series: Achievement PlusInspiritus Overture
Composer: Green, Christopher Kyle
Series: Rws Beginning BandInterplay
Composer: Calhoun, Bill
Series: Young BandIntrepid Fanfare
Composer: Barnes, Jared
Series: Developing BandIntrepid Voyager
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandJaffa Gate Overture
Composer: Estes, Laura
Series: IntermezzoJay County Overture
Composer: Taylor, Les
Series: Young BandJoyant Overture
Composer: Del Borgo, Elliot
Series: Young BandJoyride
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandJubilant Fanfare
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandJubilant Festival
Composer: Calhoun, Bill
Series: Young BandJubilare
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: Beginning BandKinesis Perpetuum
Composer: Jaworski, Jonathan P
Kingsbridge Overture
Composer: Gorham, David
Kingsgate Castle
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Young BandKith and Kin
Composer: Sweet, George
Series: First Plus BandKnox Bridge Jubilee
Composer: Stalter, Todd
Series: Young SymphonicLa Furia
Composer: Lopez, Victor
Series: Performanceplus+Leading Light
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: Young BandLegacy Fanfare
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: Young BandLet Hope Reign
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: CommandLet It Begin
Composer: Ciechomski, Brad
Series: Excellence In PerformanceLight Cavalry Overture
Composer: Von Suppe, Franz
Arranger: Fillmore/Foster
Series: Authentic Fillmore EditionLionwind
Composer: Sweet, George
Series: AchievementLook Out, Here I Come!
Composer: Ciechomski, Brad
Series: Tradition Of ExcellenceLooking Up!
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Measures Of SuccessMarch Salutation
Composer: Seitz, Roland F
Arranger: Clark, Andy
Series: CommandMelody Park
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Young SymphonicMemories of Spring Hill
Composer: Lee, Robert L
Series: Young Band
Permanently Out of PrintMetrix
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Young SymphonicMissa Festi: Music For A Festival
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Rising Band GreenMonmouth Overture
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksMusic For A Noble Gathering
Composer: Harbinson, William G
Series: First Plus BandNew Era Fanfare
Composer: Standridge, Randall
New Frontier A Celebration For Band
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: CommandNorthland Pines
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksNorthwest Odyssey
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksOlympus
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: CommandOn To Victory
Composer: Zimmerman, Charles A
Arranger: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Beginning BandOn Wings of Glory
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band MaroonOnore
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandOrpheus Overture
Composer: Offenbach, Jacques
Arranger: Balent, Andrew
Series: Young BandOur Moment In Time
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Rising Band MaroonOverdrive
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsOverture On A Shaker Tune
Composer: Higgins, John
Series: MusicworksParadigm Shift
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: Young BandThe Path Not Taken
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksPathways Uncharted
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Young BandPerseverance
Composer: Lortz, Mark
Series: Rws Beginning BandPortsmouth Overture
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Young BandProclamation and Procession
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Band ExpressionsRace Car
Composer: Watson, Scott
Series: Young SymphonicThe Raider's Last Crusade
Composer: Kiefer, Ed
Series: Young BandRegalium
Composer: Clary, Kevin
Series: Performanceplus+Resilience
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: MusicworksResurgence of Sound
Composer: Meeboer, Ryan
Rhythmic Festival
Composer: Hoffman, Garrett
Series: Tradition Of ExcellenceRhythmicity (A Fanfare)
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Young BandRipcord
Composer: Sweet, George
Series: Young BandRipple Effect
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: Developing BandAlternating Currents
Composer: Galvin, Lisa
Series: Rising Band MaroonRising Warrior
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: HarmonyRocketry and Fission
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: IntermezzoRoscommon Way
Composer: Strommen, Carl
Series: Young BandRouge Valley Celebration
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: ChallengerSaber Celebration
Composer: Mcbride, Jonathan
Series: CommandScottish Highland Overture
Composer: Jones, Nathan
Series: New StandardsSeize The Day
Composer: Johnson, Jim
Series: CommandShine Bright
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Young BandShorewood Overture
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksSirena
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: AchievementSkygazer Fanfare
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Series: DebutSkywalk
Composer: Mohanty, Vaibhav
Series: CommandSonic Radiance
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: IntermezzoSpeed Mirage
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: IntermezzoSpiritus Invictus
Composer: Hall, JaRod
Series: Performanceplus+Split Second
Composer: Tippette, Bruce W
Series: IntermezzoSpring Creek Overture
Composer: Grice, Rob
Series: AchievementSpring Ridge Fantasy
Composer: Huckeby, Ed
Series: Rising Band MaroonStand Tall, Stand Strong
Composer: Watson, Scott
Series: ChallengerStarburst
Composer: Lortz, Mark
Series: AchievementStarlight Adventures
Composer: Sims, Adrian B
Series: Performanceplus+Stay Tuned
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: Performanceplus+Stronger Together
Composer: Loest, Timothy
Series: Rws Developing BandSummon The King
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band MaroonSynchronized Energy
Composer: Fhiaras, Greg
Taney Overture
Composer: Hendrickson, Robert
Series: Achievement PlusTangelridge
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Young BandTemecula Valley Fanfare
Composer: Saucedo, Richard
Series: MusicworksTension
Composer: Vargas, Jorge L
Series: Young SymphonicTerminal Velocity
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: MusicworksThunderbolt Fanfare
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Developing BandTimberline Overture
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Alfred Young SymphonicTo Dare Greatly
Composer: VanDoren, Evan
Series: Beginning BandToccata Rhapsodic
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksTower of Inspiration
Composer: Thurston, Robert
Series: HarmonyTractor Pull
Composer: Barber, Clarence E
Series: Developing BandTraditions
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Young BandTrajectory
Composer: Huss, Christina
Series: HarmonyTriumphant
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: Concert Band LegacyTriumphant Celebration
Composer: Prescott, John
Composer: Terry, Peter
Series: Young BandUntamed
Composer: Coles, Jay
Series: AchievementVanguard Fanfare
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band MaroonVictory In Defeat
Composer: Marlatt, David
Visions of Glory
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: CommmandVivo
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Young BandWalking On Air
Composer: Estes, Laura
Series: IntermezzoWe Go To Music
Composer: Weller, Travis J
Series: First Plus BandWe Meet Again
Composer: Hazo, Samuel R
Series: MusicworksWe Rise With The Mountains
Composer: Eastmond, David
We Stand On Guard
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: ChallengerWheeler 1858
Composer: Green, Christopher Kyle
Series: Rws Developing BandWhere Stand The Dauntless
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: ChallengerWhiplash
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Performanceplus+Whiteleaf Hill
Composer: Tucker, Benjamin
Series: Young SymphonicWild Blue
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Wild Stallions
Composer: Lortz, Mark
Series: Achievement PlusWilliamsburg Overture
Composer: Swearingen, James
Permanently Out of PrintWillow Creek Festival
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger
Permanently Out of PrintA Wind In Time
Composer: Lendt, Gavin
Winds of Celebration
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Series: Young BandWinds of Change, The
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: CommandWinds of Joy
Composer: Weller, Travis
Series: Rising Band GreenWinner Takes All
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Rising Band GreenWinter Adventure
Composer: Ferguson, Chris
Series: First Plus BandWith Uncommon Valor
Composer: Stalter, Todd
Series: ChallengerZeeland
Composer: Grice, Rob
Series: Young SymphonicZephyr
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: Young BandZero To Ninety
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: DebutZig Zag
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Harmony1812 Overture
Composer: Tchaikovsky
Arranger: Foster Jr, Robert E
Series: Achievement3 Concert Fanfares
Composer: Hazo, Samuel R
Series: MusicworksMore Junior High School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
Essential Repertoire
Airs & Ballads
American Landscape
Animal Antics
Bon Voyage
British Isles
Christmas & Winter
Curtain Up
From The Classics
Fun & Frivolity
Heavens Above
Hymns & Chants
Magic & Sorcery
Modes & Moods
Myths & Legends
Prime Time
River Songs
Rock Classics
Seafarin' Fare
Standing Ovations
Stars & Stripes
Swing's the Thing
Take Flight
The Final Frontier
The Silver Screen
Things That Go Bump...
Tomorrow & Beyond
Toon Tunes
Top 40
Vistas & Landscapes
Wild Wild West
Wind Band Classics
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs