Concert Band

Take FlightHigh School
Aerial Fantasy
Composer: Mogensen, Michael A
Series: Opus Iii Wind OrchestraAerius
Composer: Strommen, Carl
Series: Concert BandAirlink
Composer: Stamp, Jack
Series: ConservatoryAloft
Composer: Stamp, Jack
Series: ConservatoryAmong The Clouds
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Concert BandAmong The Skies
Composer: Tippette, Bruce W
Series: Concert BandAs If On Wings
Composer: Behrman, Tracy O
As Spirits Take Flight
Composer: Earl, Christian
Series: Concert BandAscentium
Composer: Huckeby, Ed
Series: Concert BandBeyond The Clouds and Into The Heavens
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksBeyond The Horizon
Composer: Ricketts, Ted
Series: MusicworksBy Virtue of The Skies
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: Concert BandCanarios Fantasia
Composer: Akey, Douglas
Series: Concert BandCelestial Flight
Composer: Johnson, Jim H
Series: Achievement PlusCelestial Legend
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Symphonic BandChase The Shouting Wind
Composer: Gassi, Vince
Series: Concert BandClearer Skies
Composer: Rorabaugh, Katherine
Series: Symphonic BandCloudscapes
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: RhapsodyC141 Starlifter
Composer: Standridge, Randall D
Defying Gravity
Composer: Reineke, Steven
Series: Concert BandDominion of The Sky
Composer: Shaffer, David
Dreams of Flight
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: Concert BandEarhart Sounds of Courage
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Concert BandEye of The Falcon
Composer: Huckeby, Ed
Series: Concert BandFantasy of Flight
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Concert BandFlight
Composer: Rudgers, Gregory B
Series: Concert BandFlight of The Flutes
Composer: Ployhar, James
Series: Flute Section FeatureFlight of The Thunderbird
Composer: Saucedo, Richard
Series: MusicworksFlight of Valor
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Concert BandFlying Fortress
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Rws Concert BandHeroes of Flight
Composer: Lewis, Brian
Permanently Out of PrintIf I Could Fly
Composer: Meredith, James
Series: Concert BandImpulse To Soar
Composer: Burns, Patrick J
In Flight
Composer: Hazo, Samuel R
Series: MusicworksIn Heaven's Air
Composer: Hazo, Samuel R
Series: Concert BandInfinite Horizon
Composer: Shabazz, Ayatey
Into The Air
Composer: Mahr, Timothy
Series: ConservatoryJohn Williams Fantasy of Flight
Composer: Williams, John
Arranger: Smith, Robert W
Series: Symphonic BandNightflight Scenes of A City From Above
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Concert BandOn Cloud Nine
Composer: Saucedo, Richard L
Series: MusicworksOn Eagle's Wings
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Belwin Symphonic BandOn The Wings of Swallows
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksOn Wings of Flight
Composer: Boo, Michael
Series: Concert BandRunway Five
Composer: Karrick, Brant
Series: Concert BandScenes of Wonder
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Growing BandSky Is Waiting, The
Composer: Hazo, Samuel
Series: MusicworksSkydive
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: Young SymphonicSoaring
Composer: Shaffer, David
Soaring Falcon
Composer: Prescott, John
Series: Concert BandSoaring With John Williams
Composer: Williams, John
Arranger: Smith, Robert W
Series: Symphonic BandSongs of Earth Water Fire and Sky
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Belwin Symphonic BandSpirit of The Falcon
Composer: Saucedo, Richard
Series: MusicworksThunderbolt
Composer: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: MusicworksTo Challenge The Sky and Heavens Above
Composer: Smith, Robert
Series: Concert BandTo Conquer The Skies
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Concert Band
Permanently Out of PrintTo Soar With Eagles
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: Musicworks 3To Tame The Unknown
Composer: Nagy, Russell
Series: Concert BandUpon The Wings of The Wind
Composer: Harbinson, William G
Series: Concert Band
Permanently Out of PrintUpon These Wings
Composer: Shaffer, David
Composer: Beck, Brian
Series: Concert BandWhen Summer Takes Flight
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Young BandWhere Eagles Soar
Composer: Reineke, Steven
Series: Concert BandWhere The Black Hawk Soars
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Concert BandWinged Victory Beacons of Light
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Symphonic BandWings and Shield
Composer: Brubaker, Jerry
Series: Concert Band12 Seconds To The Moon
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Symphonic BandMore High School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
Essential Repertoire - Grade 3
Essential Repertoire - Grade 4
Essential Repertoire - Symphonic
Airs & Ballads
American Landscape
Animal Antics
Bon Voyage
British Band Standards
British Isles
Christmas & Winter
Curtain Up
From The Classics
Fun & Frivolity
Heavens Above
Hymns & Chants
Magic & Sorcery
Modes & Moods
Myths & Legends
Overtures & Fanfares
Prime Time
River Songs
Rock Classics
Seafarin' Fare
Standing Ovations
Stars & Stripes
Swing's the Thing
The Final Frontier
The Silver Screen
Things That Go Bump...
Tomorrow & Beyond
Toon Tunes
Top 40
Vistas & Landscapes
Wild Wild West
Wind Band Classics
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs