Concert Band

The Final FrontierElementary School
Across The Universe
Composer: Carlin, Alexandre
Series: Beginning BandAndromeda Connection
Composer: Barrett, Roland
Apollo 13 (End Credits)
Arranger: Vinson, Johnnie
Series: DiscoveryAsteroids
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandAtlas Rising
Composer: Mcbride, Jonathan
Series: Sound Foundations RedAurora
Composer: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On Achievement
Permanently Out of PrintAurora Eclipsed
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: Beginning BandBattlestar
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: DebutCassini's Rings
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: MusicworksCosmic Journey
Composer: Ferguson, Chris
Series: PreludeDark Energy
Composer: Lee, Robert L
Series: Beginning Band
Permanently Out of PrintDiscovery Overture
Composer: Mcginty, Anne
Series: DiscoveryExoplanet
Composer: Loest, Timothy
Series: First Performance BandGalaxy Defenders
Composer: Pasternak, John M
Series: Rws Beginning BandGates of Orion
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: DiscoveryIson
Composer: Mixon, Kevin
Series: Primer BandJourney Through The Galaxy
Composer: Carlin, Alexandre
Series: Rws Beginning BandJourney To The Stars
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Sound Foundations BlueJourney To The Stars
Composer: Branchfield, Aric
Series: Beginning BandJupiter From The Planets
Arranger: Williams, Mark
Series: Challenger BandJupiter From The Planets
Arranger: Smith/Story
Series: Band ExpressionsLittle Star
Arranger: Grice, Rob
Series: Sound Foundations BlueLost Planet
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Da CapoMilky Way March
Composer: Molter, Tom
Series: Elementary BandMoon Rocks
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsNight Star
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger Band SeriesPlanet X
Composer: Ford, Ralph
Series: Beginning BandPlanets In Motion
Composer: Lopez, Victor
Project Mars
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandProject Mercury
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Composer: Osterling, Eric
Series: Discovery Plus BandRed Planet
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: First Plus BandRings of Saturn
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandSolara
Composer: Osterling, Eric
Series: Discovery PlusSpace Station One
Composer: Milford, Gene
Series: Primer BandStar-Rise
Composer: Vultaggio, Jeanne
Series: DebutStarburst Fanfare
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Sound Foundations RedStargate 6
Composer: Strommen, Carl
Series: First Plus BandStarlight
Composer: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On Achievement
Permanently Out of PrintStarliner
Composer: Hilburn, Kevin
Series: Beginning BandStarsplitter Fanfare
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: StarterThe Tenth Planet
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandUfo
Composer: Kennedy, Edward
Whirling Novas
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: Beginning BandMore Elementary School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
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About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs