Concert Band

Overtures & FanfaresElementary School
Above and Beyond
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Rising Band GreenAcademic Festival Overture
Composer: Brahms, Johannes
Arranger: Akey, Douglas
Series: Alfred Debut Series
Permanently Out of PrintAcceleration
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Da CapoAdventure Overture
Composer: Loest, Timothy
Series: Developing BandAdventus
Composer: Watson, Scott
Series: Sound InnovationsAgainst All Odds
Composer: Putnam, Matthew R
Series: Da CapoAlbany Fanfare
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Developing BandAnnunciation
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandAnthem of An Era
Composer: Grant, Tyler S
Series: Developing BandAnthem of Triumph
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: PreludeAntiphon
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Beginning BandAppalachian Overture
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Beginning Band
Permanently Out of PrintArise
Composer: Mills, Amy Riebs
Series: Da CapoAscension
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Sound Foundations BlueAstral Dreams
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Da CapoAstron
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Rising Band GreenAutumn Fanfare
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Early AchievementBase-Six (A Senary Quest)
Composer: Estes, Laura
Series: PreludeBennett's Ridge Overture
Composer: Pappas, Joseph
Binary 0101
Composer: Estes, Laura
Series: PreludeBlazon
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Sound Foundations RedBlue Ribbon Special
Composer: McMichael, Aaron D
Series: Beginning BandBridges
Composer: Silva, Alan Lee
Series: First Plus BandBryce Canyon Overture
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Accent On Achievment Ser.Call To Freedom
Composer: Wada, Naoya
Call To Glory
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Sound Foundations BlueCamden Crossing (Fanfare and March)
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: First ConceptsCanterbury Overture
Composer: Gott, Barrie
Series: Stardard-excellenceCascadia Celebration
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger Band SeriesCastle Hill Overture
Composer: Mcginty, Anne
Series: Developing BandCastlewood
Composer: Stakem, Timothy P
Series: New StandardsCayuga Lake Overture
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: DiscoveryCelebratory Fanfare
Composer: Watson, Scott
Series: DebutCelestial Fanfare
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Sound Foundations RedCeremonium
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Beginning BandChallenge Accepted
Composer: Mcbride, Jonathan
Series: Sound Foundations RedChallenger Point
Composer: Johnson, Timothy
Series: Beginning BandChampion Fanfare
Composer: Samuel, David
Series: Da CapoChronicles
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Primer BandCoastline Express, The
Composer: Silva, Alan Lee
Series: First Plus BandCoat of Arms
Composer: Romeyn, Rob
Series: Sound Foundations RedColossus
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Primer BandThe Conquerors
Composer: Martin, Jeremy S
Series: Beginning BandConviction
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Beginning BandCornerstone Celebration
Composer: Watson, Scott
Series: Sound InnovationsCourageous Spirit
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Very Beginning BandCrimson Fire
Composer: Hilliard, Quincy C
Series: Tradition Of ExcellenceCumberland Gap Overture
Composer: Curnow, James
Series: MusicworksDansbury Run
Composer: Sweeney, Michael
Series: MusicworksDeclarata
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: Sound Foundations RedDeclaration
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: BeginningDiscovery Overture
Composer: Mcginty, Anne
Series: DiscoveryDominance
Composer: Conaway, Matt
Series: Sound Foundations RedDriven To Greatness
Composer: Greco, Christopher T
Series: Sound Foundations BlueDynamo
Composer: Neeck, Larry
Series: Sound Foundations BlueEdifice
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsEffervescence
Composer: Sweet, George
Series: Beginning BandEmbolden
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: Beginning BandEmergence
Composer: Michel, Grant
Series: Primer BandEncore
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Beginning BandExemplary
Composer: Summers, Richard H
Series: Primer BandExpeditious
Composer: Pasternak, John M
Series: Beginning BandFalse Start
Composer: Summers, Richard H
Series: Primer BandFanfare
Composer: Monroe, Brian
Series: Beginning BandFanfare and Festival
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsFanfare and Fireworks
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Beginning Band PlusFanfare and Jubilation
Composer: Boo, Michael
Series: Beginning BandFanfare Fantastique
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Rws Very Beginning BandFanfare For Freedom
Arranger: O'Reilly, John
Series: Accent On Achievement
Permanently Out of PrintFanfare Heroica
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Measures Of SuccessFanfare On A Theme of Imagination
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Beginning BandFanfare Supernova
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Primer BandFirebolt
Composer: Bankston, Brian
Series: Rws Beginning BandFirst Decree
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Sound Foundations RedFirst Fanfare
Composer: Bankston, Brian
Series: Rws Very Beginning BandFirst Light
Composer: Shaffer, David
Series: Sound Foundations RedFlash Point
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Very Beginning BandFor King and Crown
Composer: Branchfield, Aric
Series: Beginning BandFor The Crown
Composer: Branchfield, Aric
Series: Beginning BandThe Forge
Composer: Huss, Christina
Series: Da CapoFriends of Capricorn
Composer: Mckinney, Frank
Full Circle
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Series: StarterFull Force Fanfare
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: Da CapoGallant Fanfare
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: First ConceptsGlory
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Beginning BandGrace Valley Overture
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: ChallengerGrand Opening
Composer: Mitchell, Darren
Great Beginnings
Composer: Kamuf, Michael
Series: Very Beginning BandGreet The Champions
Composer: Carlin, Alexandre
Series: Beginning BandHavasu Falls
Composer: Bell, Jeremy
Series: DebutHerald
Composer: Strommen, Carl
Series: Primer BandHeritage and Reflection
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Very Beginning BandHeroes Triumphant
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Developing BandHeroic
Composer: Huss, Christina
Series: PreludeHeroic Entrance
Composer: Riggs, David
Series: PreludeHeroic Fanfare and March
Composer: Hannickel, Mike
Impulse Power
Composer: Wada, Naoya
Series: Sound Foundations RedInception
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: Primer BandInto The Deep
Composer: Branchfield, Aric
Series: Concert BandInto The Wind
Composer: Collins-Dowden, Mike
Series: DebutInvincible
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Rising Band GreenA Jubilant Spirit
Composer: Chambers, Carol Brittin
Series: Da CapoLeap of Faith
Composer: Wilds, Jack
Series: StarterMajestic
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: PreludeMegaliths
Composer: Putnam, Matthew R
Series: PreludeMercury Rising
Composer: Milford, Gene
Series: Da CapoNight
Composer: Fitzpatrick, Craig A
Series: DebutThe Night Hunt
Composer: Samuel, David
Series: Da CapoOath of Honor
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: Primer BandOf Pride and Power
Composer: Caliendo, Paul J
Series: DebutOff The Line
Composer: Roszell, Patrick
Series: Performanceplus+Open Road
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Measures Of SuccessPegasus Overture
Composer: Collins-Dowden, Mike
Series: DebutPoint Five
Composer: Estes, Laura
Series: PreludePower and Pride
Composer: Conaway, Matt
Series: Sound Foundations BluePrelude To A Festival
Composer: Mcginty, A
Series: DiscoveryPremier Fanfare
Composer: Milford, Gene
Series: First AchievementPresto
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsProclamation
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: Young BandQueenwood Overture
Composer: Mcginty, Anne
Series: MusicworksQuintessence
Composer: Compello, Joseph
Series: Primer BandRadioactive
Composer: Coles, Jay
Series: Early AchievementRegency Court Overture
Composer: Pearson/Elledge
Series: Standard-excellenceRegency Fanfare
Composer: Story, Michael
Series: Very Beginning BandRimrock Overture
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Accent On Achievement
Permanently Out of PrintRoyal Alpine Fanfare
Composer: Williams, Mark
Series: Challenger Band
Permanently Out of PrintRoyal Horsemen, The
Composer: Pasternak, John M
Series: Rws Beginning BandShining Day
Composer: Hannickel, Mike
Series: Beginning BandSilver Skies
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Series: Beginning BandSkylight
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: DebutSkysplitter Fanfare
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: First Performance BandSomerset Overture
Composer: Swearingen, James
Series: Sound Foundations BlueA Song of Courage
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Developing BandSonic Ascent
Composer: Weller, Travis
Series: Sound Foundations RedStonybrook Overture
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Series: DebutStrength and Honor
Composer: O'Loughlin, Sean
Series: PreludeStrong Mighty Powerful
Composer: Gazlay, Gary
Series: Concert Band LegacySubatomic
Composer: Clark, Larry
Series: First AchievementSugar Creek Overture
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: ChallengerA Summer's Knight
Composer: Terry, Peter
Series: Da CapoSummit Fanfare
Composer: Owens, William
Series: Beginning BandSunWatch
Composer: Milford, Gene
Series: Da CapoSussex Anthem
Composer: Bernotas, Chris M
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: PreludeThreshold
Composer: Arcari, Tyler
Series: Da CapoTime To Dance, A
Composer: Pearson, Bruce
Series: Excellence In PerformanceTirade
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsTo Reach The Summit
Composer: Oare, Michael
Series: First ConceptsTokens of Esteem
Composer: Putnam, Matthew R
Series: Da CapoTower Hill Overture
Composer: Wagner, Douglas E
Series: Concert BandTriton Fanfare
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Rising Band GreenValiance (A Heroic Overture For Band)
Composer: Smith, Robert W
Series: Sound Foundations BlueViolento
Composer: Lopez, Victor
Series: Beginning BandWind Mountain Overture
Composer: Hodges, Steve
Series: Challenger Band SeriesWindermere Overture
Composer: Sharp, Chris
Series: Developing BandWindward Overture
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsWings To The Mind
Composer: Balmages, Brian
Series: StarterA Woodland Celebration
Composer: Sheldon, Robert
Series: Sound InnovationsWoodside Fanfare
Composer: Jones, Daniel
Series: Early AchievementWoodwork Factory
Composer: Rogers, Mekel
Series: Beginning BandMore Elementary School CategoriesBrowse Concert Band
Essential Repertoire
Airs, Ballads, & Hymns
Animal Antics
Bon Voyage
Christmas & Winter
From The Classics
Fun & Games
Magic & Sorcery
Mother Nature
Movies & Shows
Myths & Legends
River Songs
Rock Classics
Seafarin' Fare
Stars & Stripes
Swing's the Thing
Take Flight
The Final Frontier
Things That Go Bump...
Tomorrow & Beyond
Toon Tunes
Top 40
TV Tunes
Wild Wild West
About the recordings
Mp-3 files were created from “promotional recordings” produced by the publishers. When possible, Stanton's uses the full recording, but due to the fact that some tracks were only made available as “publisher promtional copies” some of the tracks may be excerpted. The recordings are just as you hear them on the original promotion.
This portion of the website will continue to develop as we obtain more recordings. We are very sorry to say... We may not be able to include some recordings into the listening lab due to copyright issues.
129,052 Sound Files Currently in the Listening Labs